October 31, 2012

200th Post

Welcome To My Blog

This blog contains many of my ambitions, naive dreams and hopes, and just the musings of a far-from-average kid. Therefore, I invite you to openly read my blog. You will experience my weak points, my low points, my strong points, and my high points. I'm seriously really thankful that I still have motivation to continue on with this blog, even though it's been quite a bit over a year now.

Broke 10,000 And 200

So this post is EXTREMELY special because of two reasons. First of all, I have finally breached the 10,000 view point. Secondly, this is my 200th post, so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. I remember the last time I had the 100th post it was just wild. I led the 100th post with these posts called "Extravaganza Posts". I also remember one of those posts peaked up to over 2,000 views (it was in fact a very memorable post).

Anyways, I have to stop my rambling about milestones and get onto the real topic. I have a lot of planned things that have just been waiting to burst out of my thought bubbles over the past week or so that I have been absent from this blog.

High Points. Low Points.

I've met a lot of people who've talked about high school with me and about how great and fun it is and how when I graduate (pardon me, if I graduate) I'll be wishing I was back in grade eight again. But something I haven't heard much of when talking with people who have graduated from high school and know the whole story is about high points and low points.

Naturally there are always high points and low points in life, not only high school. I talk to a lot of friends about their troubles and sorrows and my one piece of solid advice that never seems to fall short is that it's always darkest before dawn.

What I mean by this saying is that when everything seems to be at it's worst, something good will rise up on the horizon. I know this is true, because this always happens to me and there is no reason at all why it should not happen to anybody else.

Sometimes when I'm chatting with a person that just seems very pessimistic and bleak, I feel kind of hopeless myself. Its one of my low points.

It's kind of weird how I believe I know things as if I had already passed through high school, but I'm pretty sure that we'll all be wishing we would go through high school again. I just know that there will be high points and low points in life.


I kind of don't feel like delving into the subject of how the human society works and all that, so I'm just simply going to talk about Alpha and the clubs and such.

I figured that running for grade eight rep (representative if you wish to be fancy) was a pretty good idea (and don't get me wrong, I still think it is), but I'm just waiting for something to actually happen. The same goes for all the other clubs in Alpha except for The Offence (we've had quite a few meetings and I've attended one session of The Spud Patrol). I'm sure there was only one Student Council meeting (which I did attend, mind you) and I'm pretty sure there were also quite a few Journalism meetings (which I missed all of, because I was unaware of them).

So far I have been fitting into Alpha pretty well and I just love the whole school. There are a lot of cool people there who I've met and I can't wait to experience the next five years or so of my high school life.

Bad Parenting

Today as I was walking to school, I saw an old man (guessing around his 80's?) who was yelling at this little girl to get into the car. I don't know if he was just having a bad day, or if the child was just having a bad day, but that kind of made me think of things.

It gave me something to think about as I continued my brief walk to school.

By the time I reached my first period class, I had personally swore to try my best to never ever lay a hurtful hand on a child, or say anything hurtful. I don't know if I can actually get this done, but you know me. I never guarantee anything, because what happens if I just died the next second?

I wonder if I had told the old man this how he would have reacted. Would he have felt remorse and sadness? Or would he have simply treated me like the child?

To Be Continued

It's getting really late right now, so I'm going to end this post right here and now. I think I did a decent job with this, but this is definitely not enough for the 200th post. I'm probably going to include a follow up or two after this post, but I still feel okay with this post.

Today I'm a 10. I feel really good that I finally got my laptop back. Basketball season is also coming up, so I'm looking forward to that. By the way, my friend asked me to say something from my co-op blog, and I will say that right now. You two are awesome. You know who you are and I'm extremely thankful for that one day when you came up to us (actually don't remember exactly what happened, but this should be accurate enough) at Science World and said hi. That hi started a friendship that I'm sure will last forever.

"Guarantees cannot be held. It's always a mistake to say, "When I..." instead of, "If I..." because who knows, life is short, and we may just not live to see the next day." - Kevin Zou

October 22, 2012

Post 199

So One Away From 200

The next post will the 200th on this blog (although for sure this blog has been in service for more than 200 days), so I'm pretty hyped up for that. It's hard to believe that this blog turned from a lame account of my day to day life to a pretty cool blog (I do have to say so myself). I spent some time a few days looking ago and realizing how much I had developed as a person and how my ideas and projects failed and sprouted.

Anyways, for post number 199, I'm just planning to do a post slightly centered on the whole idea of just regret and just going for it.


One of those topics that I haven't really touched on is regret. I've had a lot of regrets in life and they always leave me thinking, "What if...?" The reason why I'm talking about regret all of the sudden is because I'm helping out a friend with problems. Not going to delve completely into details since I don't know if this friend of mine would like having a decently sized audience reading her story. Anyways, this story involves the possibility of regret in the future, so the message I just want to get out to EVERYBODY (and by everybody I sincerely mean EVERYBODY) is to just take the chance. You never know what's going to happen if you don't try. I'm almost 100% sure (not going to say 100% since you know, things happen) that 20 years from now, somebody will be thinking, "What if I had told that person I had feelings for him/her?"

I just hate seeing a person with regret, because I know that person can't do anything about regret. What's happened has happened and that person just can't do anything about it but try and fix whatever happened.

A very good author once wrote, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." But you'll never be able to smile because you never did anything to make anything happen (that author by the way was Dr. Seuss).

It's Hard To End This Post

It really is difficult to end a post, especially when I know that the next post will be the 200th and I need to seriously get a good follow up post. I have no idea what I will talk about. Completely no idea. I guess something's going to have to happen between now and the start of my next post.

Anyways, I'm feeling like a 10. I had some fun at St. John's and now I'm talking with my closest friends. Catch you in the next post.

"Do it because you'll never know what could have been." - Kevin Zou

October 20, 2012

Once Again I Speak Of Independence

If Only I Could Choose For Myself

So once again my laptop has been taken away, so my usual routine of using my old laptop has started once again. Every time my laptop is taken away, I seemingly enter a mood of depression and I usually blog about independence. Just delivering what's for the most part always been happening.

Anyways, back to the oh-so-over-used topic of independence. Independence is what I strive for in life. I wish my mom and dad and just everybody in my life would let me make my own decisions regarding my computer time and stuff like that. I make sure that I do a good job on my homework and only when I'm done do I use the computer. Sometimes it feels like my parents don't even know me.

I Feel Unfit

Lately I've been feeling a bit unfit (and even worrying more so since I've heard rugby has been cancelled). Unfortunately, my workout was on my laptop that my mom took away, so I'm left with my own means of exercise and a chin up bar I have been neglecting as of late. So I might just start running in the mornings or after school or something like that to make sure I don't become a total couch tomato (I intentionally replaced potato with tomato).

I might just have to start watching out for what I eat though. Oh well. They say good health comes with a good diet and workout. Then again, good health is also explained by Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Not Much Has Been Happening

My mind is drawing blanks as to what I should really talk about. I take irregular and large pauses of time between each topic trying to figure out what to talk about next. My eyes are getting a bit unfocused whenever I stare at the screen, so I'm probably just going to end this post here.

Today I'm a happy 9. I feel pretty good, except it's just the darn computer thing. Anyways, I'm having a good time talking with some friends over networks and I finished all my homework, so I can relax and try to get over my mild case of pneumonia.

"What we achieve inwardly will change change outer reality." - Plutarch

October 18, 2012

Back From Camp

Feels Good To Be Back

It feels really good to be back home and with all the friends that didn't go with me to this awesome retreat. I had an awesome time with all the people I shared my cabin with and in all the activities. I also met quite a few new people from Burnaby South.

Anyways, felt really cool to get to do all the awesome activities at Timberline, and just take a break from my family. But now I'm back (and with a lot of homework to do).

No Rugby I Hear

I hear because there aren't enough teams to make a league there won't be a rugby team for the Burnaby district. So I'm kind of peeved off about that.

And there goes my plan for not talking about my day and useless stuff.


I just felt obliged to get one measly post up after such a long time away (actually only three days).

Today I'm a 10. I feel awesome.

"Life is half spent before we know what it is." - George Herbert

October 14, 2012

Somebody Worth Caring

In Life...

You will find one person that you will care for. You will love and cherish this person for however long your emotions for that one single person last. It may be for five minutes, a second, or forever. It's funny how love can last forever, a long time, or can flee within initial appearance.

I hate it when my mom/dad yells at me to turn off the computer when I'm talking to this type of person. I absolutely hate it. I'm in the middle of one of the highlights of my day and they come over and shout at me to turn it off. It just seriously ticks me off.

Not Going To Explain My Day

So I'm going to try to not explain about my day unless it's at the very end of the blog. It's just something I'm trying out since I figure more people appreciate it when I actually put some thought into my posts instead of random mumble jumble.

I just love listening to songs that explain my situation in life. It's so easy to relate to them and they easily get stuck in my head. Well. That little bit was quite random.


When people say, "Take a step in my shoes." or some variation of that, it kind of gets me mad. That's simply because they do not know that I do take a step in other pairs of shoes instead of my own. I almost put myself in everybody's shoes when I meet them or get to know them. I'm just that type of person.

I'm also very observant and understanding. I like listening to people's problems and "trouble shooting" them. I observe a person's character just by gestures and how they act towards others and by themselves.

So try that out. Either just think about being a completely different person or just observe somebody carefully. You'll find that it gets fun and now it's kind of like a weird habit that's automatic for me.

Getting Late Now

It's getting quite late now (kind of what is considered the time for a last ditch attempt post time), so I'm going to end this posting session. I hope you've enjoyed this post.

I'm a 9. I don't feel as proud for this post as I felt for the last post. It's like all of the sudden, when I've reached my best writing, I suddenly become very dumb. Oh well. I guess every up has its down.

"What light is to the eyes - what air is to the lungs - what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man." - Robert Green Ingersoll

October 13, 2012

Getting To 10,000

Looks Like I'll Make It

Today is one of my rare days when I actually have the effort and willingness to write on both this blog and my co-op blog (using "co-op" now because I find it a waste of time to type "collaborated" each time I mention that blog).

Anyways, the views are rising quite rapidly per day (and if you look at the picture for this topic, you'll see I have set it so that I'm not tracking my own page views), and I'm completely oblivious to the people who are visiting my blog. But nevertheless, I thank you for sticking with me.

I have several people visiting this blog (and this post specifically). Most of these people had no idea I had a blog until I gave them the link. I'm going to try and answer some questions these people have been asking here.


In this blog, I try to filter out what I have done in my day and try to leave it until the end of the post to tell what did happen. When I do tell, I try to tell it briefly and quickly, but sometimes I miss the mark and just go on about my day.

This post isn't about my day, because I've already explained what needed to be explained on my co-op blog. Therefore I have this whole post to tell you about my latest musings and take on the world.

Pity And Disgust

Lately I've taken pity on two people particularly. One of them is a big guy. He's tall, in grade nine I believe and he's big and on the rugby team (which is how I grew to know him). He's the modern gentle giant. I remember one of the first times I saw him outside of rugby practice.

I was looking around during lunch for my friends. As I entered the courtyard (people who know Alpha will get this), I saw him standing there looking out on the short horizon of the horseshoe parking lot. Two girls started walking into the courtyard and as they passed, he said to one of them, "Hey, I think we need to talk." The girl looked to him and quickly dismissed him and as she walked away she said, "Uhhh, I don't think so." I felt extreme and sudden pity for the guy and disgust for the girl. I went up to his side and felt like saying a few words about girls and trying to comfort him, but I just couldn't bring myself to do so.

This second pitiful person in my eyes is the typical nerd. He has acne and walks around with sort of a hunch. I thought about befriending this person because I felt he would be one of those people who are a lot cooler than people think they are. I still haven't talked to him.

Anyways, my goal is to be friends with all the people who deserve to have friends and not to be friends with the people who walk around with an I'm-better-than-you attitude. The downfall to my great plan is that I'm fairly known to those people who walk around with that attitude and they consider me a good friend.

What Makes A Person One Of A Kind?

This topic is dedicated to you. You know who you are and I thank you for giving me this idea.

For this little next part, I'll be using "he", "himself" and other words that project the subject as male simply because I am male and it makes my job much easier.

A person is one a kind when that person leaves you wanting more after an ended conversation. He is one who knows that he is different from the usual and embraces himself as unusual. He knows when he has done wrong and when he has done right and knows when he should correct himself and when he should stand by his own ideas.

But most of all, a person who is one a kind is made by the people who know him. A person is made one of a kind, when he is seen as one of a kind by his friends.

Well, Ending This Session

I've written a lot about my recent and latest thoughts and wonders. I have many more stored up in that little place they call my mind and I feel really good about publishing this particular post.

Anyways, thank you. Thank you for reading my blog. If you're new, or old, I still thank you. This blog is a huge part of my life and I hope it will be a part of your life, no matter how insignificant that part may be.

I'm feeling like a 10 today. Nothing really to worry about in life anymore and this post really makes me proud of my writing skills (which I blow upon occasionally).

By the way, if you like my blog and wish to support it, then please become a follower on this blog or comment on any post. It feels nice to know I'm affecting somebody for good. It really gives me confidence when somebody comments or follows my blog and I don't know that person. I just know that people out there are discovering this very blog. And that would give me enough to write for at least a few more years. So, cheers to this year and hopefully the many other that will follow.

"Love is kind of like a grenade. You know you want to poke it and experiment with it, but you're afraid of getting hurt." - Kevin Zou

October 11, 2012

Happy Birthday To Lina!

Today Is Lina Jew's Birthday!

So today is Lina's (who's name I have already typed twice) birthday and I'd just like to give a shout out to her. Happy birthday Lina! I hope you're having a good time in Michigan or wherever you are these days. Just remember not to party TOO hard and get a hang over tomorrow morning (don't even know if you drink or not, but just in case if you do).

Anyways, once again, happy birthday from your little cousin Kevin.

Going To Watch Girl's Volleyball Game

The Aztecs are facing off Moscrop in girl's volleyball today and I can't wait to go watch (the reason I'm home so early from school is because it's early dismissal). It's going to be an awesome time watching them play (and hopefully beat Moscrop) and just hanging out with friends at my first high school sporting event.

Timberline Retreat

My band retreat to Timberline camp is coming up this Tuesday, so I'm also pretty excited for that. There are a few different type of time periods in my life. There's lay-back-and-relax, which is essentially minimal or no homework and no plans made. Then there's the it's-getting-tense where I have SOME homework, but less than an hour's worth. Then there's the so-much-stuff-to-do. Right now it's the so-much-stuff-to-do period of my life. There's the retreat coming up (and I'm sorry to say I'll be missing my first rugby game, although it's only an exhibit I believe) and just a bunch of other stuff that's clogging up my schedule.

I seriously need to get myself a whiteboard to write all of my schedule and plans and things to do on.

By the way, not sure if that's an actual photo of Timberline, since it was said there were no stores there.

Alright, Going To Do My Own Business

For the next two hours or so I'll just be playing games and getting ready to go to the volleyball game. Nothing much. Nobody's home right now since my brother's school doesn't have the early dismissal (it's for the parent/teacher conference thing), so I have the house all to myself.

There's also two new comments on my blog. I'm pretty sure one of them is from a family member telling me not to break anything in rugby (although it could be a friend). And the second one was a comment on my post about my 8,600 or so views and it read, "If I sit here and hit refresh enough times, you'll hit 10k no problem!" so that was also pretty mysterious. Although now that I think about it, it could also have been another friend or the same one.

I've had a good day so far, so I'm a 9. I can't say that this 9 will be etched in stone, but whatever. I write how I feel and today I feel like a 9.

"Happy birthday Lina!" - Kevin Zou

October 8, 2012

Rugby Game Tomorrow .__.

First Game Of The Season

Tomorrow I'll be playing my first game of rugby for the grade nine rugby boys. I'm still not sure how the whole system works, with the uniforms and stuff, and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure about the rules of rugby though, so I'm apprehensive towards how it will work out.

I'm really excited towards the game and I tried getting some of my friends to come and watch (although I must admit that Alpha doesn't have that many fans when it comes to sports). So, overall, I feel pretty good about myself and this upcoming game.

Playing left/right wing for the team, so I'm really enthusiastic to trying to score tries (sounds funny).

Errr... Probably No Posts For The Next Few Days

It's one of those times where things get tense in the households (yes, I do mean households as in the plural of household) and I am either TOLD my computer will be taken away or I just get this sixth sense that my computer will be taken away.

Either way, it's very possible my computer will be kidnapped during either the night or at school, so don't expect any blog posts soon on THIS blog. As for the blog I share with Tyler, I have a commitment to make, so I think that I'll just use my old computer and quickly type 500 words and get it over with.

SPEAKING of having my computer being confiscated, it feels like everybody in the family is up against me. It's like they have no idea of what I do on the computer everyday and they don't realize how (and I say this with no regrets) the internet and social media is a part of my life. I just wish they would think the same way I think. Funny, because I was just told by Michael to put my feet in other people's shoes. Kind of ironic if Michael doesn't do that for me.

Six Minutes Left

I agreed to get off the computer at 11:30PM and hand over my computer. A bit... hmmm... what's the word? I'm a bit opposed to just handing off my computer, but I guess that's better than coming home from an exhausting rugby game and hoping that my computer still sits on my desk.

Today I had a bad day. Well, it was really cool talking to my friends and FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY learning how to export videos from Premier Pro CORRECTLY. So today I consider to be just one of those eh days. I'll rate my day as 7. Really sad that my computer will once again be taken away. But then again, it's that tiny sliver of hope.

"Don't hold back your feelings. Express them. Share them. If you love a person, tell them that. Better to know in the first place than to regret not asking later." - Kevin Zou

October 7, 2012

Feeling A Lot Better .__.

Lately I've Been Sick...

I've been really sick lately (well, to be honest, not THAT sick, but you know, enough to make everything seem worse than it is), so I thank first of all, Tyler for letting me go unpunished for not meeting the post needs on our collaborated blog. I also thank EVERYBODY (and ANYBODY) who visits this blog frequently.

If you're new here, then it won't take long for you to jump right into the system of my blog.

So for anybody who has known of my illness, I'm now much better and ready to get back to blogging.

Almost At 9000 Views :)

I've been working on this blog for a very long time (nearly a year by now). To be exact, 403 days OR one year, one month, and seven days. I wrote my first post on August 31, 2011, and it feels like it's been a REALLY REALLY long time.

Anyways, I noticed that the view count has risen up to about 8,600, and I'm really wondering if I'll make it to 10,000 by the end of 2012. If you guys would like to help me with that, just share this blog with your friends. Not sure how many people actually read this blog.

Life Is Going Swell

Right now life is going really well. I don't know if the fact that since something bad has faded away, I feel just good overall. I'm good with all my homework and stuff and a rugby game is coming up against Tuesday.

Today I'm a good 10. I'm having a really cool time talking with everybody on Skype (my new friends from Alpha specifically). Well see you guys next post.

"A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same." - Elbert Hubbard

October 4, 2012


Realized Something HUGE Today

Today I realized why our society is broken down, unkind, and just full of no emotion. It's because we have outlived the point where it was normal to be nice. I believe there was a time in the past when it was normal to just be compassionate and affectionate for others, but for sure that time is not now.

I say this because a lot of events have happened today. Many of them were awesome and fun events. Something happened though that will probably show to be a problem.

Anyways, my "amazing" realization is that life itself has grown to be cliché.

So, What Exactly Happened?

Well, I'm incredibly glad that this blog is probably only viewed by the closest of my friends. I don't want those people who don't care about anything I write about and in the end just post in the comments, "Cool blog." That's because I KNOW that the person is just simply having a little joke and being sarcastic. Only true appreciation will be shown by a truly felt comment or just some form of gratitude.

I'm getting off topic.

To put things in simple terms and to make sure that nobody gets hurt or anything stupid like that, I have a friend who has a friend who likes a girl I hang out with sometimes. So get this. He's THREATENING me and telling me to back off or else he will "beat" me up.

First of all, I'm not going to start the fight, NOR am I going to fight back. If he starts a fight with me (which will be definitely outnumbered because he can't fight for nothing), then I'll either just bolter out of there (if I can) or fight back.

The second thing is, do you think I'd be one to loose a fight? You don't know, because you've never seen me fight or anything.

Here's a message to the kid who threatened me. I'm not scared of you, or any of your friends in your little "gang". I don't care if your friend "likes" this girl and I can like her if I want to. I'm just going to tell you, if you start that fight, you will regret it. You can trust me on that one.

Well, Here We Continue

High school is full of three types of people. There are the "cool" kids, the "outcasts", and the people who can actually make change and realize what is truly their power and status.

The "cool" kids are usually the sporty kids who walk around the school thinking that they're awesome and better than everybody else. To be "cool", you either have to be a sports star or you have to own something valuable. That's not what true cool is. My friends at Alpha are cool. Those are the type of people who are actually cool. The "friend" who was threatening me is not cool. He thinks he is, but he isn't.

The "outcasts" is a bad term for those who just don't have that much of a voice in the school or are simply intimidated by these guys who think they are the coolest. I'm sorry for picking a horrid name for you guys. You people are those who can actually be cool and worthwhile to spend time with.

The people who can actually make change and realize what truly is their power and status are those who I like the most. These people are leaders and can handle bad situations. You don't find these types of people in schools anymore. These are the people who everybody should be looking up to.


Goodbye, farewell, whatever, this post will be ending very shortly. Thank you for spending your time listening and hearing me out. I know not enough people do so these days. Over the next few days, you might hear me blog about growing tension between me and that "friend", and who knows, a fight might just break out.

I'm a really awesome 10 today. I had an awesome time with the "Discovery Gang" and I just wish we went to Science World everyday.

"Life is cliché." - Kevin Zou
Images by Freepik