Storm the Wall
March 25th
A lot of stuff happened in March, but Storm the Wall was definitely one of the greatest highlights of the month. For anybody unfamiliar, Storm the Wall is an event put on by UBC Recreation where students sign up in teams of five and compete a relay course that includes swimming, sprinting, cycling, running, and then scaling a 12-foot high wall.
Highly recommend for every UBC student who is even remotely interested :))) Catch us in a competitive division next year ;^)
Battle of BC 3
March 30th - 31st
As a member of the UBC Esports Association (UBCEA) I had the chance to volunteer for Western Canada's largest Super Smash Bros (SSB) tournament, Battle of BC 3. Going into the two day event, I wasn't sure what to expect; I had never played any SSB game (asides from the after-school Wiimote button mashing at my friend's house) and my knowledge of competitive play was pretty much non-existent.
I went anyways and man was it a blast.
For the majority of the two days I was running the SSB Ultimate ladder, pretty much a place for slightly competitive friendlies. Volunteering in that position was extremely rewarding as I could see right up front what the fruits of my efforts were, and I suppose you can extend that to the nature of games like SSB - having to be there in person to play makes SSB stand out from other games I've had exposure to.
My good friend from high school, Calvin, was also attending the event as a viewer and he taught me a lot about competitive SSB Melee and Ultimate in what little time we spent watching the games together. I also bumped into Jennifer (coincidentally a friend of Calvin and I) at the event, as she was helping take photos, so it was a nice little reunion.
UBCEA things
Most of the month
Very soon into my time as a proper executive of UBCEA I found that I loved the club and its people, and when you love something that way you want to do your best for it. Cheesy stuff aside, it was around March when elections were coming up and I had to start thinking about what role I wanted to take on next year.
Eventually I set myself on a Vice President position and resigned myself to taking whatever department was left untouched in the pre-election scramble. As the dust started settling it seemed like I would be going for VP External, however after some discussion with other members of UBCEA I set my sights on the role of VP Human Resources.
When all was said and done, I ended up running unopposed. So there's my announcement - I am officially the next UBCEA VP Human Resources! I am very excited to take on this role in the cub and I hope that I will be able to help the club in a significant and meaningful way.
My 16Personalities Test!
I forgot this so here it is now - April 27th 2019
I changed! By the end of January I was slightly more introverted, however since then it seems that I've become slightly more extroverted (not to mention assertive). This is definitely hindsight bias, but there are multiple things that probably contributed to this change.
I didn't write about this because it slipped my mind, but I did this little project thing on my Instagram called "Reflections" where I posted a picture of myself in a mirror every day alongside a thought I had that day. Historically I've never really liked the way I looked in photos, so the positive response to the picture and my thoughts definitely boosted my self-image. That in tandem with Battle of BC 3 and my campaign as VP HR definitely drew out the more outgoing, confident, and extroverted side of me.
Guess we'll see by April if this is just a fluke or if it might be here to stay ;^)
Wrapping things up!
The OL squad got together for our now monthly gatherings and it's always really good to see them from time to time (spoiler alert: we also hang out in April). Asides from that there were a few food related events: a potluck with UBCEA, a hotpot with some good friends, and dinner and watching How to Train Your Dragon 3 with some other good friends!
Lots of fun things happened in March and I made some really awesome memories :)
As an aside, I feel that only having these monthly recaps is somewhat bland, so I'll try to switch it up and write some posts that don't sound like the answer a six year old gives when you ask him how his day went. Catch you around in the next post!