February 18, 2015


Hi and welcome to this kinda special post. It's a collection of stories from my time as a young'un, and what I've learned from each one. This is the 16th idea (and if you have no idea what I'm referring to, click here) and I decided to have a bit of fun writing about it.

So put your slippers on, go get some tea, and enjoy :)

I was a very young and impressionable boy, like many others my age. This one time my dad was putting away dishes and I was there helping. We keep our pots in the little compartment at the bottom of the stove and I attempted to put the pot in. However when I did, I had the lid on, and it wouldn't fit with it jutting out. My dad laughs and says, "Watch." He turns the lid upside down and voila! It fits! Pretty much one of my favourite memories, as it taught me a bit of problem solving.

As a 15 year old, I don't swear a lot. In grade three I swore a lot. Eventually a swear slipped out of my mouth at home and my cousin told me to stop swearing, and it had a pretty big effect on me. In grade five I got back into swearing again, but stopped near the start of grade six. Learning to restrict yourself from swearing teaches some form of self-control and goes a long way towards being a pleasant person to know and sounding mature.

In grade five I copied and got into a huge amount of trouble for it. Ever since I have always been careful to watch what I say and to think about how it sounds to the people around me. I actually put a lot of thought into what gets through the filter, and I find that it helps (once again, like not swearing) make you a better person.

And of course copying somebody's homework is never good.

Dude heaters are dangerous. My grade one class was drawing shapes this fateful day. There were a bunch of shape infographic thingies on the heater, and I went up to the heater to draw off the poster. At one point I leave my pencil on the grates of the heater aaaaaaaand it slips through. There's a huge roaring as the fans eat up the pencil and my teacher tells me off in front of the whole class for nearly starting a fire.

My cousin was playing around with my brother, but my brother didn't seem to be having that much fun, so I ended up trying to pull my brother away from my cousin. I must have put all my tiny weight and fell back because my brother let out a yelp and his arm hurt for a few weeks after that. So the moral of the story is to not pull anything with too much force, as it can either break (or in this case, hurt) or snap back at you.

This one was more recent. My mom had picked my brother and I up from our aunt's place, and we were going home. During one of the more sharp turns, I had my fingers on the volume knob and all of the sudden my ears were dying. I turned the music off pretty quickly, but it was still pretty bad.

I started my blog. It was bad. It was cringe worthy. When you start your blog, it might not be immediately nice, and there will be posts that you're not too proud of. But later on down the road, if you keep at it and persevere, you just might find something that you enjoy.

Thanks for sticking around :) Kevin's a reaaaaaaly high 8 tonight. He was actually going to put down 9, but then decided that those should be saved for special occasions. He's waving bye and hopes to see you in the next post.

"I buy expensive suits. They just look cheap on me." - Warren Buffeett

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