May 31, 2015

Kevin's Great (and Terrible) FAQ Post

Q: How can you be so stupendous? - Kirby
A: I'm not that stupendous. Sometimes sparkles just land on me and the wind picks up and blows the blossoms behind me, creating a really nice scene, but that's at my best.

Q: What would you want to go into for university? - Jennifer
A: Am I even going to uni?!?! I would like to go into the health sciences. At the moment I'm interested in pursuing a career in health medicine (if that's the correct term). Some occupations that sound appealing are doctor (ofc), surgeon, pilot, or nurse.

Q: If you were guaranteed not to fail, what would you do? - Valerie
A: I would ask out the current girl of my dreams. I don't know if you can label any sort of outcome a failure, but assuming a fail is being rejected, I think it'd be pretty cool to actually ask some girl out.

Q: What would you expect people to say at your funeral? - Jessica
A: Funny thing because I have daydreamed about this. It went as far as the whole school having an assembly for me and then to something as small as my family at a memorial place thing. I would imagine people would say things along the lines of, "He was a pretty charismatic person, and pretty much everybody liked him or was neutral with him." or somebody would go through one of their most valuable memories with me.

Q: What are your girlfriend goals? - "Macus" (Marcus)
A: Somebody who knows how to make really yummy cookies and who "complements" me. You know how certain colours go together? I kinda wanna be like that with somebody. So essentially she's gotta be cute, smart, and my matching colour.

Q: Are you who you want to be? - Diana
A: *gulp* Uh, I think I am. Right now I feel pretty okay with myself, but I feel as if I could definitely go further if I actually put some effort into the things that I do. I'm going about school nonchalantly and I don't really have the will to try harder, because I'm getting decent marks. None of them really make me feel good, and I'm not one of those people who get really happy when they get a 95+ in a course.

Q: What means most to your life? What is most significant to you? - Phil
A: Leave it to Phil to come up with something profound and "deep". Family and friends are at the core of my life. I absolutely light around when these people are around. I am absolutely miserable and gloomy when nobody is around, but it'd be hard for anybody to know that. School vies for a second place, simply because I need it to get somewhere in life. After that it's a huge mess of things, including romantic relations, sports, hobbies, and the smaller things.

Q: What about your life are you unhappy with right now? Is there anything you wish you could change? - Trevor
A: I'm unhappy with my attitude towards life. I kind of touched on this on Diana's question, but I can elaborate a bit more. I wish that I would be more motivated to do something. What I'm trying to get at is that I don't feel my best. I think of myself pretty highly, but there's a lot to improve. I want to improve my people skills and my work ethic. I also want to start up some sort of project that I can pour my heart into and proudly call my own. There really isn't anything to my name right now and I want to do something about it.

Q: What was your childhood aspiration? - Jessie
A: But I'm still a child :x I believe I wanted to be a pilot when I was a bit younger (and I still do to an extent). I don't really retain too many memories from that period of time so unfortunately I can't answer too well. Sorry Jessie /:

Q: If you could imprint one single message into every single person's mind, what would that message be? - Jeff
A: "Be yourself and whatever you want to be."

Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed this kind of post. Considering doing something like this every week, becuase it involves actual input from various readers. I'm an 8 tonight, and I would like to use this post as a chance to extend a very happy birthday to my friend Gordon. Thank you for those eight close (at least it seemed that way for me) years in elementary school and your continuance of friendship even today.

"So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good." - Helen Keller

EDIT: For clarification this was #27 from this list of blog ideas. However depending on reception I may or may not do another one.

May 24, 2015



There's not a whole lot that I'm adept at, but one of those things is speaking in public. Even in this I have many flaws, but I personally think that I'm a pretty strong speaker. I can't really guide and teach anything about speaking, as it's more of an innate skill than an acquired one, but there are definitely things that you can learn. However the majority of it is simply your own mastery of public speaking.

One of the largest traits that contribute to my speeches is my confidence in speeches. When I go up and start speaking, I completely throw about any ideals about myself and take on a whole new persona. I kind of run on auto-pilot and go with the flow. I'm large on improv and I find that it helps out a lot.

I  believe that I know my audience and what they want to hear. By analyzing the general mood of the listeners I can adjust properly and deliver a better and improved speech. This results in an overall positive reception.

Something small that helps is my voice. My voice is not extremely pleasant to listen to, but it's not horrid. From my own point of view, it's strong and clear, which is enough when speaking. I also try to add expressiveness and liveliness to my words to create impact.

Speaking out to a crowd can be scary, and some naturally shy away from it. I've always liked meeting new people and making a name for myself, so this kind of stuff is perfect for me.

My first attempt at "drawing" ._.

Recently I've tried to immerse myself into the world of digital art by drawing. I hooked up the tablet and found myself with my first daunting obstacle.

I had no idea how to draw.

So I ended up tracing a few screencaps from anime, and they turned out generally below average. My technique is most likely inefficient AND incorrect, and I'm just clumsy at drawing with a tablet.

Anyhow, just wanted to inform anybody who's interested, as I'll be posting a few more traces up here. I'm going to try to deviate more and more from each screencap to further develop my skills and personal style.

Sweet dreams

The year is almost over and the last big thing that I need to do is the Bio 12 final. Additionally I have to memorize a little skit that's early this week, but besides that everything else is empty. I want to close off a few things in the last month of school so that when it ends I'll feel like I have done the best that I can.

The clock has hit 11 so I'm going to retire to bed and spend the last hour of today watching anime/playing Hearthstone. I've spent most of today playing around, and I feel oddly refreshed. Ending tonight off with this seems to be the right thing to do. Sorry, I'm blabbling around. I'll get to the point. I'm an 8 tonight :) Until next time *tips hat*.

"Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

May 21, 2015

#25: My Obituary

#25: My false obituary

(If you do not follow this blog, you may be a bit confused. For the sake of clarity, I'll explain just what is going on. I took on the task of fulfilling every item on this list, and this is #25. Rest assured I don't plan to die any time soon).

Kevin Zou, aged 42, was found dead in his apartment complex on June 26. Evidence of over-memage was found in his bedroom, along with exceedingly large amounts of tea. Splattered across his walls were conspiracy theories, ranging from the Illuminati to connections between former singer-songwriter Justin Bieber and the number of Rare Pepes.

Those who knew Zou claimed that he was heretic and slightly insane.

"[Zou] led a very unorthodox lifestyle. Many mornings I would wake to furious pounding on the walls next door. It scared the children, and I was very near to calling the police." - Jennifer Philemon Yieu, who resided beside Zou

There will be a small service for him, to which only a few close family members and friends are attended.

That was a bit of fun c:

Sorry I haven't really been updating too much. Everything in school is coming along easily and there won't be anything to struggle with until the biology final comes along. I'll try to post this weekend and actually have some content, but for now this is it.

Thanks for reading ^^ I'm an 8 today and I hope to see you next time.

"If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else." - Yogi Berra

May 14, 2015



The AP Biology exam actually didn't seem as difficult as it was set out to be. I can't claim to have known every single concept to completion on the exam, but there weren't really any super difficult questions. At any rate, I'm feeling ridiculously lax this week and anything I do is to the minimum. Just going to take it easy for the next while.

#24: My addiction

For a very long time my addiction has been gaming. It's a pretty common addiction to have these days, and I'm not quite sure how I measure up in comparison to other gamers. My addiction ramped up a huge amount in my first year of high school, largely due to the fact that I had little to no homework. Back then I was more invested in a FPS game, CrossFire, even though I was pretty bad at it.

Sometime when I was in grade nine I picked up League of Legends and it has completely taken over my life. While the work load this year hasn't been particularly substantial either, I feel as if this will become a problem. At the very least I am somewhat worried, however I'm choosing not to do anything.


Getting sleepy (just yawned actually), so I'm going to close this post out. The year is almost over so I'm motivated to just power through and then have a summer of near-nothingness.

I'm a 7 this post. G'night whoever is reading this.

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." - Plato

May 9, 2015



Throughout Thursday and Friday our bio class underwent a mock exam and I actually came out performing better than I expected for not preparing beforehand. Weirdly enough, this motivates me to try and do well on the exam this Monday because now I think that I have some sort of chance. Tomorrow I'm going to head over to the library with some other people and fit in a cram session. My strategy is to find out what type of problems that I had on the mock exam, fix those, and then get a really brief overview of the general concepts.

And now we wait.

#23: My Facebook status in 2018

This time around we have a bit of a weird one, but I've prepared a special image for this very occasion.

"Facebook will be dead by then." - Philman Yeung

Goodnight bb

Kirby if you're reading this then you're a babe.

Thanks for reading :) Kevin's an 8 tonight. Seeya in the next post~

"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do." - Mother Teresa

May 6, 2015

Less than a Week Left

Countdown to the 11th

Let the cramming sessions continue and may the hopes and dreams of fellow AP students across North America remain intact and unfazed by the upcoming exams.

#22: The worst birthday I had

I'm sure that I've stated this someplace else, but for the sake of clarity I'll say it again: I am largely indifferent to my birthday and could care less about the outcome of it. In a sense, I don't have good birthdays or bad birthdays, because ultimately everything is the same and another day passes by. However I still have to say something about it or it'll be lame (additionally the prompt asks me to make it humourous, but I really have nothing of that sort).

Don't prepare yourself for some exciting wild tale because it really isn't. It was the morning of my birthday in my grade nine year, and my locker wasn't decorated. In grade eight some close friends went pretty hard with the decorating, but some things happened and we drifted apart. At the time (this is back in grade nine), I really didn't have a set group of friends, and I was floating from group to group. There was pretty much nothing to expect and it wasn't surprising.

Happy ending though is that this year I had my locker decorated by some really great people. The funny thing (oh I guess there is a bit of humour) is that I have the same locker that I had in grade eight. While this might not seem like a big deal, it's actually a huge coincidence, as we don't actually know what lockers we get when we sign up as partners. By the way, the locker shown is the one that I currently share with Phil.


Absolutely nothing else to blog about now, so this will be the end. For some odd reason I feel as if I'm somewhat prepared for the exam. There were few concepts that I did not understand over the year and I have the notion that I "only" have to review and read over the material I've been given. 

Thank you very much for taking the time to read tonight. Here's to another two months of school before summer break gives us salvation. I'm a low-ish 7, and today hasn't been my day (who am I kidding? Most days aren't). Seeya next time.

"Words may be false and full of art; Sighs are the natural language of the heart." - Thomas Shadwell

May 3, 2015

Week-ish Left

One week until it's over

Unsurprisingly I haven't started reviewing my material for the upcoming exam, but chances are that I will end up skimming it over starting tomorrow (planning to divide studying over five or six days). Here's to all those in the same boat as me, we'll get through this together.

#21: Things that get my goat

Weeeeeeell then. There's nothing outstanding to me, but I guess I'll quickly run over something that bugs me a little. If I actually think about it, I might be one who does this as well, but subconsciously.

The thing that "grinds my gears" is when speakers aimlessly say, "uhm" or "like". I am tolerant to this, but to a degree. If it's being used consistently through the presentation, I find it really hard to actually focus on the content that I'm being shown.

"Like" isn't too bad, but that's simply because I'm guilty of saying it occasionally.

And obligatory goat (a kid actually) image for you.

I haven't done anything nice in a while

The last few posts have either been me faking it and saying, "Oh hey here's an update, I'm doing perfectly fine, but the AP exam is coming up soon so I gotta 'try-hard' this" or an anime-centered post. This blog has been getting bland, and it's most likely due to 1) a lack of me doing the blog ideas thing (take #21 above as an example) and 2) no good material.

An easy remedy to this would be to start up a new segment kind of thing (maybe something dumb and cliche like "SCIENCE SATURDAYS"), but as of now I'm completely exhausted of ideas.

Thank you for trudging through yet another swampy post. I'm feeling like a plain ol' 7 tonight. If I get to it I'll do some biology work for a presentation. Anyhoo (haven't used that in a while) any feelings from you have been felt and I'll look forward to possibly seeing you next round? Happy first post of May :)

"Thinking will not overcome fear but action will." - W. Clement Stone
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