To all those people that keep visiting, thanks, because I honestly really do try to keep your attention throughout this post. Sometimes even the title of my blog will turn people away, so I've been more conscious of what I say on this blog.
I will honestly admit that I do just close somebody's blog right away if the title already doesn't appeal to me and I know that most of my posts on this blog are like those posts. Plain and useless. We are trying to talk about meaningful things without sounding like complete douche bags, but we can't do that.
So I do try and keep all these people (mostly friends) visiting my blog by updating and littering my Facebook with blog updates and such. I do really try.
Last night I stayed up making up a poem. I'm a pretty bad poet, but a humble one at that. I was thinking about entering the poem (planning on finishing it later on today) into a district competition (but hey, I'm already struggling to write a short novel for another local contest), but I figure that other people have much better chances than me.
I've discovered that I love rhymes.
Naturally words make up poems. They're strong themselves, just one word will just do about anything. Two words can do more, and so on and so on. Words can be strong and words can be weak. I figure people use swear words because they think they're strong. Maybe they are. I don't know. I try not to use them, but it's hard in this time.
Songs are amazing. They vary and range from love songs to sad songs to party songs. They can boost your mood incredibly or just make you down (less so making you down). Sometimes there are songs that perfectly fit your situation, and sometimes there are songs that you loved a while back, but you put them on loop so many times they've killed your ears.
Life has been increasingly kind to me, but I've been increasingly pushing myself to go further. More so it has been confusing for me though. Therefore I write poems, say words, and listen to songs to try to "unconfuse" myself.
That's it for today. I'm a 7 for this morning.
"Never reach out your hand unless you're willing to extend an arm." - Pope Paul IV