Hooray Right?
While I am glad to be finishing off a bunch of my courses, I'm also kind of anxious to what awaits me in the future courses. There's also the pressing matter of course selection coming up soon and with that there's all this extra stuff that I really would just like to push away.
As of the past few days I've been taking walks at night regularly. I pass by my friends' places and think back on our friendship and how it was and how it is now. The night's really nice, and even though it's kind of chilly even through a toque, scarf, and jacket, the chill is nice. Yesterday I think it was somewhat of a full moon, but I don't know enough about astronomy to tell you confidently. It started fogging up half an hour to midnight, so I headed home then.
Alternate Universes (Skip If You Wish)
There's quite a few theories that are around alternate universes. Sometime this week my friends and I got into an engaging talk about time travel/alternate universes during lunch and it still has me thinking. We don't really think too much about it, but I personally think it's amazing that there is the possibility of another identical Kevin, or how every choice you make could branch off into a new alternate world. I mean, your choice to read this blog alone is already affecting your life. Maybe there's a you that hasn't read this blog. There might be a you that just hasn't read this post, but has read others.
The ideas that revolve around this theory alone are endless, and it makes me feel so small and insignificant, the whole thing is just so... I can't put a word to it. Sorry, brain's kind of dead from the chem test that I (finally) finished today.
Thanks For Reading
Yes, that is it for this post. Thanks a lot for stopping by, I know I haven't really posted in the last bit. Just a lot of figuring out things, school, friends, family, and my life included.
Goodnight my fellow internet dwellers. Hope you've had a nice day. Myself... I'm a 9 today.
"Never reach out your hand unless you're willing to extend an arm." - Pope Paul VI
If you're interested/Have not seen, MinutePhysics has a neat video on Parallel Universes.
Congrats on finishing your Chem test, and if there are alternate universes, I'm sure that the other me would also be reading your blog posts.
Until then.