September 6, 2017

My First Days

It's been an interesting yesterday and today, full of new experiences and right now I still don't feel like an actual student here. I'm actually writing this from one of the libraries (where I finally found a spot to sit down and spend the next hour of break at) and it's quite relaxing and nice where I am.

So far I've completely only two classes, but I'm pretty happy with my professors and I'm looking forward to the rest of my semester!

My first class, SCIE 113, was a really good way to start off my "official education," as the class size was small (think less than 30 actually) and the teacher made it really easy for us to get accustomed to everything. The building that my class was in actually looked like a high school so it didn't feel all too different.

When I got to my second class, CHEM 121, it was pretty much what I had expected from university. It was a medium-sized lecture hall (I'd guess for around 150 - 200 students?) and each chair came with a little platform you could slide out to use as a desk.

I'm currently on my break which spans two hours (have yet to find if that's good or bad) I'll soon be headed off to my first comp sci class, so I'm very excited for that.

Yesterday was the first year orientation day, Imagine UBC, and it was alright. We walked around a lot and it was somewhat boring, so I ended up really slugish when I started heading home. There was this dog that started eating a Subway wrapper and his face says it all. There's also a picture of a rabbit that I saw on my way home from work last weekend.

That's all! Just wanted to pop in and write a little update - I hope you enjoyed and you're enjoying the start of your school year (if you're a student) as well.

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