To Be Honest
All Facebook people who constantly fill my news feed, one word. STOP. Please just stop with all your silly "TBH"s and random comments. These things don't work realistically, but in our warped and messed up world, people go along with the "flow" and just "play along". We do not only "TBH"s, but also "20 questions", "LMS" and other random things.
First thing's first, "TBH" is for the most part, ineffective. I'm pretty sure the person who had the status that you liked is telling you lies. Well, honestly they're not lies, but that person is over exaggerating the truth. The second thing is that liking the status will only lead to more "TBH"s and nobody wants to have more than one "TBH" in one day from the same person (unless they're so insecure they essentially NEED the compliments). If you're going to do a "TBH", don't do it on Facebook, because to me, that's weak. You need the support of other people to compliment them. You can't compliment somebody without having something in it for you. Weak. And putting it in public view isn't helping my view on your "TBH"ers. That just shows that you want people to be like, "Awww! What a sweet comment!" and other lies like that.
Looking for useless likes on Facebook I find is really just... horrible. That's why I haven't liked any statuses on Facebook. Maybe one day there will be this AWESOME status that will most definitely deserve a like, but if it does, I probably still won't click that like button, since I know that the post is already so awesome, it doesn't even need a like.
I read this other blog very often (in fact, I have my little community of bloggers whose blogs I read and check on really what is just a daily basis), and the blog author put up a post including 20 answers to 20 questions about themselves. I found that to be a good idea, and I found it that way since I knew that person wasn't looking for likes, shares, or attention. She was just being her good old self.
That type of blogging is hard to find these days.
Well, That Seems To Be Enough
Usually when I type this much content, I get very tired and out of ideas, but for some reason I'm very ecstatic (to use a word I learnt from Natty's blog) and full of energy today. I hope you've enjoyed or at least changed your view on Facebook and people because of my "rant" on popular statuses.
Remember the last post? I was a 5 I believe. Today that number has multiplied by 1.8, if you wish to be exact. So if you do the math in your head (or just take out the calculator), then that makes me a good old and more or less normal 9! Things have calmed down quite a bit, and I'm really glad they did. Anyways, sorry for boring you with my post if I did, but you know, I just had to say it somewhere, and as my friend Philman says, "If you wouldn't say it on your blog, don't say it in life."
"Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content." - Louis L'Amour
Lies is a common thing in our nature. How easy is it to say a few words, to gain pity, and to gain whatever they desired. TBH's are more of a simple way for those with low self esteem, to gain some false hope.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the LMS and TBH are just for entertainment purposes. Just for fun. Not to be taken seriously.