Let's Get That Out Of The Way
We all know that today is Christmas, so I'm not going to say Merry Christmas at the end, but instead at the beginning (regardless of how much I don't like starting with this). Hopefully everybody has had a nice day so far and will continue today into a great evening. Merry Christmas to each and every one of you. Sorry if this seems really fake and one-dimensional, but I want to let you know that I genuinely hope that everybody will actually have a merry Christmas.
I went to an extremely wonderful get-together with a few of my friends on Monday and I think that it was just really what I needed. Most (if not all) of us had a good time and what made it really nice for me was that it was the perfect way to start off the break and I kind of needed a party before I seriously started studying for chem and the Math Provincial (although less so for the latter).
So a quick thanks to everybody who went and made the party great. Without everybody there it wouldn't have been the same. I hope that our talks of another get-together during Spring Break (which is now two weeks long in SD41, hooray) will form into actual plans and that I'll be able to participate in another great day.
There's also a party I've been invited to attend in January, so that's something to look forward to in all the craziness that comes along with the new semester (and therefore new courses) and Provincials. I'm really glad that I have the friends that I have.
Focus Closure
If you've been following closely on me with my whole Apex and Focus tryouts thing, then this is the closure for all of that. In the end I did get an email from Focus, but the commute was too long and the other guy who was invited to join the team (along with me) didn't want to take the commute two days a week for the whole season. I was already declined from Apex, and my parents didn't exactly like the idea of me going off by myself on a thirty minute bus ride to Mountain. Ultimately that means that our team won't have any club players again, but hey, we did fine last season.
Thank you for following the whole hectic volleyball club thing if you have.
The break is already halfway through it's first week, so there will be about three quarters left of break. I plan to start working tomorrow (doing some math and learning about solubility in chem) and hopefully I'll get enough done to be able to slack off for most of the time during the rest of break. I actually want to get some anime series out of the way and done with (including Golden Time, Log Horizon, and Beyond the Boundary), but only Beyond the Boundary is finished, so the other two I won't be finished for a while.
Well, I'm off to finish a few more episodes of Beyond the Boundary. As always (even though I might not say it), thanks for reading, and you'll read from me in the next post. Kevin's an 8 today.
"The sweetest of all sounds is praise." - Xenophon
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