February 16, 2014

Quick Post

Normal ^^

When people say, "I just want to be normal.", I have a slight urge to just get all up on that person's case and give him/her a good bashing. The idea of being "normal" is absurd. There is no such thing as normal. Everybody is different, so who are you exactly basing normal off of? YOU CANNOT. If you base normal on one person, does that mean you're calling everybody else in the world different?

No. Because that is just plain dumb. You are who you are. But yeah, it's easy to change who you are. A friend brought up the topic about how people may eventually forget who they are under their masks, but is that such a bad thing? I wear a mask around different people, but the thing is that I never had a person under the mask. I'm empty. Moldable. Like clay. I twist and bend and snap to fit the needs of others. I don't frown upon that practice though. No. I might say that I even applaud that practice.

So thank you to those people out there who wear masks proudly. To all those that embrace their inner self. Thank you to everybody. The world is full of different philosophical sayings, and they all sound so smart, but all of them end up contradicting another at one point or another. It's so confusing. Like having a pot of ingredients that just don't mix all swirling together. I mean, how are you supposed to deal with that?

You leave it. You just accept it. Life is like that. Some stuff you want, and others you don't. Without the other stuff tough, you wouldn't have life. It'd be a gross idealized version of life. Not natural.


Everything in life is like so confusing. There's a problem with me. Maybe with a lot of other humans. Life is just life. But I can't just accept that. I want to figure out everything. I want to debunk the mysteries of life. Why does this happen? Why that? Why this? It's just all one big WHY. As of late though, I've realized that life can't be solved. There is no solution to life... simply because it isn't a problem.

It's kind of like my unorthodox way of thinking that there is no good or bad. There just... is. It's just the way it is. Not good nor bad. You can't do anything about it, and it couldn't do anything about itself either. So life is just life. Not bad. Not good. Not a problem. So no solution.

And of course, there will always be something to contradict this way of thinking.

I'm just pouring out thoughts now. Finally remembered to actually write about these things.

Later Then

Well, looks like we've come to yet another end of a post. Here's my gratitude for reading all the way through, and I hope that you won't look too shallowly or too deeply into my musings. Like everything on this blog, you should take it with a grain of salt.

Until the next post. Goodnight, stay safe, and don't think too much about everything. I'm an 8 for today.

"Bad weather always looks worse through a window." - Tom Lehrer

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