September 30, 2013

My Style Of Living

Styles Of Life

I think everybody has their own way of living. Whether they stride along without a care in the world, or if every step is forced and accompanied with thought, it's the way that they live life that matters. I think the way that people live life affect the people, or even make those people. Yes. That sounds about right. The way a person lives life makes that person. It sure feels that way because I walk thinking about each and every step I take, weighing the possible repercussions and in the end it just takes me a ridiculously long time to travel a short distance. I walk this way. Maybe you walk another way. You probably do, but I just know that I walk in a slow and thoughtful way.

So that means that I need to let go right? I don't know. It confuses me. It's like I'm too stressed about everything, but that is because I make myself stressed. Stupid eh?

Sorry For My Crappy Mood Last Post

Because I was thinking about her, and how stupid the whole thing was, I was in a pretty low mood. While I'm talking about crappy things, let me apologize for the really bad picture. It's just that even talking about this whole thing makes me feel really bad about something, although I can't put it in words.

Anyhow, yup. Talking about infatuation puts me in a bad mood. So I'll stop talking about it until something positive occurs. Then maybe I'll put up an update and hope that it's the end of any infatuation to come. There has been some development going on, but that's for me to know and only me (for now at least).

Ugh. These Posts Have Been Bad

I am so so so so sorry about these past few posts. A lot of them seem depressing, but it just seems that way. Don't worry about it. If I was actually depressed I wouldn't even bother putting up a post. I think in order to make a good post, I need something happy to happen. Either that or if nothing happy happens in a while, then I'll just review a game (something I haven't done in a while). I have finished quite a few games since the last one, so I'm "stacked" up on games.

Actually, I think I will make a review on a game. I still need an idea for the 300th post, so if you have any ideas, just comment/email me and I'll be glad to accommodate any good idea. But seriously, my mind is actually empty of ideas and creativity. Has been these past few weeks. Oh well. Time to end this post. I am an... 8 today? I don't feel happy, but I don't feel sad either. Somewhat neutral.

"It is easier to believe than to doubt." - Gene Fowler


  1. Maybe don't get too worked up about the infatuation. I'm in a similar situation right now, and boy is it hard. But I feel that the less you think about it, the easier everything will be. Maybe that's just me though? I hope this helped in some way

  2. "You are you, and that is truer than true."
    Just be yourself because you are a wonderful person alone.

    Don't worry so much or you will stress. Take it easy and know when you just need to stop. Take a day off to just think and relax. It's okay to relax sometimes, don't over do yourself.

    Don't worry so much about the infatuation, because it is OKAY. You are human, and that's all we are. Think about her, think about her a lot. Use those feelings positively though, don't make them the cause of your stress.

    Cheer up, life will go on, and you will be alright.

    Can't wait to see those game reviews, been very eager for new ones. Until next time.


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