October 18, 2013

Looking To Take Up A Project

Life Is Boring

It is. There's nothing in my life anymore. I'm bored of the games I used to play. My friends seem to be ever growing distant from me. I can't fit in any groups or "cliques". The anime and show that I'm watching only come out once a week. So it's logical that if my life is this boring, then I should be focusing 100% on school, right?

But I'm not. School does not satisfy me. It doesn't give me the feeling of accomplishment, for some reason, for whatever reason. There is nothing to do. Everything is either extremely easy, or extremely difficult. Unfortunately there's no middle. Nothing that I'm average at.

Funny word. Average that is. If you are accounting for all the people in the world, what is the... average? It'd be pretty hard to find one person who's just average.

So... Project Time?

With all this free time, I should definitely take up a project (to kill time and be productive) of some sort, and to be honest, a lot of great opportunities have presented themselves. For example, my friend and I might open up a "collaborative deviantART" with him sketching and me filling in on Illustrator. I've also considered making Flash animations, and even trying to mimic anime. Because I'm not willing to learn coding (yet), I've tried looking up for some sort of variant of RPG Maker (Wolf RPG Editor was a very good option, but unfortunately it does not have an English translation) so I can possibly make a small indie game. Writing a short novel has also crossed my mind, and really, all of these seem like a great choice.

At some point I will get so bored of life I will attempt one of these or some other far-fetched idea I'm sure to come up with in the future. But that's just life right? If it gets boring then it's time to switch up some things.

I Don't Fit Into Cliques.

The thing I realized at lunch today was that I felt... uncomfortable around my friends. It shocked me, because I typically don't, but now I feel... unwanted, for some strange strange reason. So I kind of just drew away from everybody and spent the majority of my lunch just thinking about things and walking around the school.

Anyhow, that's it for this blog post. I'll see you in the next post, where hopefully I'll have somewhat cheered myself up. I'm feeling like a low 7 right now. Those mood swings though.

"If you're bored with life, you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things, you don't have enough goals." - Lou Holtz

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