December 15, 2011

My Mom Can Be Really Pissing...

WOW. Just WOW.

Jesus. Everytime it's like my mom is TRYING to find a fault in my ways and choices. She is being SUCH A PISSING PERSON.

OKAY. Listen up.

So my mom wants me to stop playing like everyday (I used to play like from 4:00PM to 10:00PM) and after a while, I decide that I need to stop playing.


I still have to leave time for my blog. So every night when I come back from my grandma's house, I start up the computer and I start working on my next blog post.

And what does my mom say? STOP PLAYING.

Yah. Jesus.

I mean LOOK AT THE FACTS. I'm NOT playing. I'm WRITING A FUDGING JOURNAL. Second of all, I'm not even staying on THAT LONG. It's only like 30 MINUTES ON THIS THING.

Anyways, she keeps on yelling and yelling and yelling and yelling at my brother and I for just using the computer for 30 minutes. WOW.

I'm just REALLY pissed off right now. SERIOUSLY. She's all like, "If you don't turn off the computer, I SWEAR I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE CARE OF YOU ANYMORE." and then that makes my brother get angry and he's like, "KEVIN, GET OFF THE COMPUTER!" (in fact he's doing it right now).

All this just happened and I'm just very very very very frustrated. WHAT ELSE DOES SHE WANT?

Sigh. Asian parents eh?

Finally. No. More. Pressure. OR. Work.

There's been a lot of pressure on me lately. First it's the Christmas Concert program that I had to write and design and then there was the Secret Santa thing which I just finished today and the homework that my teacher piled up on me. It's ALL FINALLY GONE.

Christmas Concert was today and it was pretty cool. So that checks off the program.

I went to Home Depot with my cousin's boyfriend (getting supplies to make a bird feeder) and on the way back got a present for my Secret Santa.

AND I finished all my homework and winter break is almost here.

I WAS Building A Bird Feeder Today

Anyways, for a side story, I'll talk about the bird feeder I worked on today. Basically what we (Alec, Raymond and I) were trying to do was recreate the failure that we created last time (the last bird feeder fell apart...). BUT this time we got better wood and we got the right supplies.

First we started off at Home Depot with buying some soil for my grandma. Then we looked for the stuff.
- wood (not really specific with what type, but just plain old good wood)
- wood nails (nails used specifically for wood projects)
- wooden shi-somethings...

Yah. So when we found all the stuff and got back home, we started. Well. Not really. We ate first and I made a card for my Secret Santa thingy, but after that, it was WORK. We basically worked from 9:00PM to 10:00PM. We managed to get the part where we would store the seeds and the base of it done, but we're going to finish the roof and shi-somethings tomorrow.


Well, I HAVE To Go To Sleep

When I mean "HAVE", I literally mean it. I seriously HAVE to or else my mom will like seriously kill me. Oh well. I'm about a 8 today. Would have been a 10 if it weren't for the yelling, but oh well. Life isn't perfect. Thanks for reading, subscribe and I'll see you next post!

"Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most." - Unknown

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