January 31, 2012

All Ready For Tomorrow

Just Thinking About Tomorrow

Today I guess you could say in terms of thought was a brilliant day. I had a lot of different ideas and I really discovered some stuff about myself. The first thing I found out was that I needed to work on my graphic drawings (I'm not really satisfied with my latest ones as much as I was with my original works) and the second thing I found out was that I was really missing out on a lot of stuff.

Senior Boys Looking For Another Win

The Begbie Senior Boys Basketball team is looking for another win after a close shave against Seymour. Our record is currently one win and one loss and we're looking to improve that to two wins and one loss. The weird thing is that most of the team doesn't even know who the next team we're playing is against. We also don't know if it's a home or away game and that's partly because our coach (my teacher) has been absent for the past two days. Hopefully he'll show up tomorrow because we're going...


The first time our class (along with MJ's class) went skating, it was really fun and we're going there again. After skating at the Robson Square, we'll all hang out and have lunch at the Pacific Centre (where we get to explore the mall afterwards). Anyways, he'll probably have to show up tomorrow because I don't think the substitute that's been here for the past few days will know what to do.

Well, That's It For This Post

Not really much thoughtfulness in this post, but maybe next time I'll actually think about some stuff to talk about.

Today I was a 9 because although I had a great day in terms of thinking, today was definitely one of my bad days in terms of what I actually did.

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." - William Shakespeare

January 26, 2012

Life Is Finally STRESS Free

TGIF... Tomorrow

I finally managed to get everything done (well, I accidentally left my title page at my cousin's place which I still need to colour) for my biography on Albert Einstein and tomorrow it's a Friday, so I'll finally have a stress free weekend. From now on I swear that I will NEVER EVER procrastinate this much again. Maybe a day or two wouldn't hurt, but I had like the whole winter break and a month to do it. Anyways, the weekends I plan to be a productivity weekend, but I'll still sleep in. I'm so happy I finally learned what TGIF meant. TGIF indeed. TGIT indeed.

So I'm Helping Peter

My friend Peter decided to team up with me and do Albert Einstein for his biography too (although we're still handing in different biographies), but he also procrastinated so now I'm helping him (English is his second language). I've also helped a bunch of other friends like Jonathan by editing and revising his essay, so I feel good by helping people.

Anyways, I just finished this biography and man am I glad. That means that if I can help get Peter's done, then we'll both be stress free sooner (I need to help Peter). This also means that I'll actually get to play in basketball practice tomorrow morning. AWESOME. One thing though. As I said already, I accidentally left my title page (which still needs colouring) at my cousin's place, but I'll pick it up tomorrow morning and finish it with the 30 minutes I'm given after practice.

Well, I Have To Go

This blog really helps me to kind of... Like... Myself. This blog helps me express my feelings because at school I can't tell anybody (which I guess kind of makes me a coward). So I'm really grateful for all the people that actually read my blog.

Today I'm a 10 because the girls won their game against Seymour (just like we did) and I overall had a great day feeling the stress slowly slide away. Thanks for reading this post and I'll see you tomorrow!

"Give your stress wings and let it fly away." - Carin Hartness

January 25, 2012

Feeling Good

I Just Finished A Lot Of Stuff, So I Feel Great

As you guys know, I've been kind of having some life organization problems. But today I kind of fixed that. I organized my binder and folder and I've cleaned quite a bit off my plate. I now carry a to do list everywhere I go just in case I need to jot something down, but I'm pretty sure that I'm keeping good track of things mentally anyways. So I'm one step forward to heading to a stress free life. Next time I won't procrastinate. I NEVER want to feel this stressed in life again. It would be so awesome if I had Patrick's to do list.

Boys Take It 28 - 22

We played our second game (our first away game) against Seymour today and fortunately we won 28 - 22, so that means that our record is currently 1 - 1 - 0. I got a personal high of six points (didn't even get one last game, so I'm pretty happy) and I was sure glad that Andrew Tran was on our roster this year (scored the most baskets). Overall we played a good game, but they were kind of a push over, so I'm kind of nervous about the next team. I think we need to play more physical and work on our layups and fast breaks, but otherwise, we're doing perfect on passing and dribbling. Next game's a home game so we'll kind of have home court advantage.

10 Points To Slytherin

No matter what, I'll know that I have at least one reader that reads my blog on an about daily basis. So I'm going to give my thanks to him by giving out word about HIS blog. Hopefully he'll do something cool and interesting on his blog and stray away from the field of keeping an online journal for a blog like I did. Good luck to you kid and may the... Errr... May the... May the Potter be with you. =P You can check out the blog here.

See You Next Post

You'll probably get an idea of whether if I am or not going to finish my biography on Albert Einstein in the next post (since it's due the day after tomorrow). I'll try and think of something cool to talk about in the next post over the... Errr... Next 24 hours I guess. But for now I have to go do my stuff (playing games and eventually going to sleep).

I'm an absolute 10 because we got our first win of the season and I hope that we'll keep our momentum going throughout the rest of the season and hopefully make it to the city tournament again (not completely sure if there even is one though).

"Don't follow your dreams; chase them." - Richard Dumb

January 24, 2012

Just Need To Prioritize My Life

Life Is Just Like A Plate Of Scrambled Eggs

There are a lot of things in my life that I need to set straight. I need to get things done and ready. Right now I'm deciding which to prioritize higher, games or talking with friends online and I'm sorry to say that gaming is currently winning the battle. So I just need to get the things in my life in order. An unhelpful add on to all this prioritization is that I still have to finish my bibliography and now there's a new project for me to do. I know that I had procrastination problems in grade six and that I would fix them, but it looks like I haven't. Hopefully this time of my life will finally teach me a lesson.

In Happier Pastures: Canucks Win 3 - 2 In A Shoot Out

Today (although I didn't get a chance to keep track of the score) the Canucks beat the Oilers in a 3 - 2 shoot out victory and I'm pretty happy. The goal scorers of the game were Daniel Sedin and David Booth and the shoot out winner would be Cody Hodgson (who I have to admit is doing pretty well this season). It sounds like Luongo's got his old self back again and he's making those close saves in a tight game. But I still kind of have more faith in Schneider (don't worry Luongo, if you keep this up, I'll probably be back on your side again). The Canucks won't have another game until next Tuesday because of the All Star Game, so that will be kind of sad. I still can't wait to hear which team each of the four players that are going to be in the game will be sent to (hoping the Sedin twins won't be separated again =P).

3 - 1 For The Snipers

It was only my second time going to an actual hockey game, but man was it enjoyable. My friend Brian, who was on a peewee league team invited Angelo, my brother and I to go watch him play at the Agrodome and it was so awesome. We got to meet some of the players in the dressing room and we had the stadium mostly to ourselves to do our shouting and screaming whenever the Snipers scored. The game started really quickly with a Sniper goal (a puck that slipped past the other goalie's eye), but then the other team scored again. The Snipers would come back in the second period with the eventual game winning goal and would add another one to that in the third period. Overall it was a great game. We had a lot of fun and I hope that I'll get another chance to see Brian play.

Okay... I'll See You Next Post

I'm basically out of ideas right now, so I'm going to shut this thing down (not literally shut down the computer though). Let us ALL hope that ALL the Canucks chosen to be in the All Star Game are on the same team (which is REALLY unlikely). Tomorrow I have a basketball game, so I'm all ready and pumped out for it.

Today I'm a 10 because I finally had a stress free and fun day. I still have a lot of projects to do (including one Mr. Rowland had just piled onto me), but I guess this will kind of be a lesson for me, even if I do turn in a complete or incomplete project.

"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." - John Powell

January 23, 2012

Sweet Internet

I Just Had An No Internet Day

Well, it wasn't actually a day. Today I went to my dad's restaurant, so I was basically without internet for the whole day. I guess it just shows how much I rely on today's modern technologies. That and well, the internet. Anyways, that's not what this post is actually about. As most of you guys know, I'm striving towards finding meaningful things to talk about, but it's getting harder and harder to find those type of things, so that's why you haven't been seeing that many posts. But I finally came up with a topic to talk about that I think at least some of my friends will think interesting.

An Imaginary Speech I Hope I Can Give ONE Day

While taking a 30 minute drive back home from Surrey today, I just sat in the car and thought. Seriously thought about how I would take not seeing my friends that I love so much on a daily basis. And then somehow I got to an imaginary scene of my graduating, all my friends on a few benches and me giving a speech after everybody else (of course because my name is the last in the list). So here's how I imagined my speech.

Well, I'm not actually going to tell you, but I'll just give the gist of it. I'm going to miss all my friends. I also told two friends about this, but most of you guys don't know. So, anyways. Back to the real story. A lot of my friends would describe me as nice, smart and friendly. But I wasn't always like that. I was an insecure little boy with no self confidence in kindergarten. And even as I advanced the years and went through all the grades, I was still that little boy, just taller and older. Well, if it weren't for the class I was put in, I probably would have never become who I am right now.

In grade 6, I finally learned to believe in myself. People finally liked me and accepted me and I decided that I would take an "advantage" of this and try and change people. If there was a class by class swear rate, I'm pretty sure one of the grade 6 classes or grade 7 classes would have topped the charts. So that's what I set out to do. Make people swear less often or just use words to replace the swears. I guess when people actually stopped swearing that it gave me confidence that I could do something.

So I guess that's it for this post.

I Don't Want To Bore You With My Stupid Topics

I have to admit I have some really stupid topics that I talk about, like how I summarize my whole day into a page for you guys to read (which is probably not that enjoyable unless you are a stalker).

Today I'm a 10 because I had a good adventure experience a day without any internet. It was an awesome day. Anyways, Happy Lunar New Year!

"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let each new year find you a better man." - Benjamin Franklin

January 21, 2012

Extravaganza Part Three

Thanks For Visiting Guys!

A lot of people have been visiting my blog since the Windows Live Messenger incident and I'm pretty happy. Now I know that people are reading this and it makes me want to put more meaning and funniness and EVERYTHING into my blog. So without further ado, here's the ACTUAL post.

So When's Better?

We may think that the present is the greatest time, but is it true? Does it still have the same morals, ways and customs as the past? I mean look at the past. Men had to take off their hat and allow ladies first, but now it doesn't really matter. But then again, the present has a greater amount of technology so people can live better. So what time is the best? Should we feel nostalgic for the past or be happy with what we have today?


The past was awesome for some people. Things were much more simpler, cheaper and there was a lot less to worry about in life. There was also a lot less pollution (a result of things being more simple). In the past, you could get a candy bar at five cents (so instead of one candy bar today, you could have 60!). Movies were 35 cents, comics were 10 cents, newspapers were for five cents. AMAZING.

People are always saying that children "back in the days" were brought up a lot better with better manners and morals. The ways that people acted also was great. Men would be very kind to ladies and take off their hat when they saw them or let them go through a door first and all that stuff. Basically all the manner stuff.


Now it's time for the present. There's A WHOLE load of technology that allows us to have fun and do stuff that we can't in the past. We've got better computers. Better televisions. Basically anything that could be updated was updated into something much more efficient and better. Imagine if there were no computers.

Well, That's It For Today

Thanks for reading this post and I'm sorry to say it's going to be the last of the extravaganzas. So the next post will be a regular post.

Today I'm a 10. I just finished what I think is a good post and I hope that you liked it too.

"What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now." - Unknown

January 19, 2012

Extravaganza Part Two

An Absolute Necessity In Life: Teamwork

One of the things that I feel that is an necessity in our daily lives is teamwork and cooperation. Without teamwork or cooperation, we wouldn't have the friends or the family that we have today. Teamwork is what creates the world. People always say that we need the wheel, the assembly line, all that stuff and while that may be true, teamwork is also important. Every group of people depend on each other. A great example of this is my table group. Everybody there has something to bring to the table. Whether it's laughs, smarts or logic, it always matters. My group currently consists of Jonathan, Kendra, Lina and I and I'm completely sure this is the best group I've ever worked with.

We support each other in times of need and help and we provide friendship and caring. Last year I barely knew Kendra or Lina (I was already great friends with Jonathan though) and now they're the people I like spending time in school with.

Point is, teamwork is an AWESOME thing. It enables the members of any team to do something to change the world. It lets teams create something new, something innovative. Something cool and of worth to our daily lives.

As Mr. Rowland says, "Your group is only as strong as its weakest link."

You Can't Make Life Perfect

Have you ever thought, "My life is perfect."? I have. But it's impossible for your life to be perfect. I've tried so hard to get my life perfect and there is barely a time when I am perfectly content with my life. Trust me, there will ALWAYS be something bugging you, something that will stab you in the back when you're happy.

So what's my resort? If you can't make life perfect, then at least make it content.

I'm Just Going To Go Now...

I still have to do some homework and hopefully by tomorrow I'll have notes for my bibliography done. Then I can really start working on it.

Today I'm a 9. I don't know why, but school has kind of lost it's meaning to me. I don't really enjoy it as much as I used to. Thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next post.

"I love deadlines. Especially the wooshing sound they make as they pass by." - Douglas Adams

January 16, 2012

Extravaganza Part One

I've Just Got A New Topic

So I sign into Windows Live Messenger and Eric (my friend) starts up a chat with me. I won't get into any details (not yet), but it was the most crazy, sick and weird conversation I had ever had in my life. So I'm going to give you the topic of this post, thanks to what I was talking about with Eric in the conversation. The topic of this post is sex. So if you're young, then please don't read this.

It All Started Like This

Now before you start thinking, "This guy (me) is SICK." please understand that I'm not going to actually talk about sex, but more of what's happening in the internet. So if I were to rephrase the topic for you, I would say how
"hookup" sites are abusing the internet's power.

Anyways, back to the main story. Eric started up a chat with me (which was quite unusual). So after that I started to realize what was happening. SOMEBODY from a hookup (and by a hookup site, I mean a site that scams people and pretend they provide sex) site had hacked into Eric's account and was running it crazy. The hacker had changed Eric's profile picture to a naked lady and had changed his status to "lovin this site http://www.just4hookup.com".

So I keep on talking (just to test it out and make sure Eric wasn't playing a joke). But as I kept on talking, I realized that Eric wasn't there. Here's a link to download all the stuff that went down.

Just click anywhere on this line!

Point Is...

The point is that the internet is a dangerous place. There are numerous hookup sites on the internet and you have to be careful not to stray too far from your "usual" sites. It's really scary what can happen to you on the internet.

That's Part One

I'll probably end up with about five parts in the end of this extravaganza, but oh well. I hope that you... Ummm... I won't say enjoyed because that would sound weird... So I'll just say that I hope that you found this topic interesting and you thought about it.

Today I'm a 9 because nothing extremely good happened, but then again, I have a lot of homework to do. I better get started. See you guys next post!

January 14, 2012

100th Post!

Welcome To The 100th Post Extravaganza!

This marks the 100th post of my blog, but it doesn't mark the 100th day since this blog was created because I skipped some days. But oh well. You're in for one of the best posts that you'll ever see in this blog. I welcome you to the 100th post extravaganza.

First Of All, The "Usual" Stuff

I usually start off my posts with what I did in the day, but since this post is going to be HUGE, I'll just quickly run through it. Today I woke up at 5:00AM to see Alec off (he went back to the States to do work) and after that I went to bed. I awoke just a few hours later at 8:00AM because Michael had made too much noise. Anyways, it was just my brother and I at home and I didn't really eat anything until 12:00AM. I just had a GIANT bowl of cereal. While everybody was out of the house, we played with the rabbit (found out it was a she...). Lina came back around 7:00PM and we headed downstairs to eat. So we ate and we came back up. So that's where I am now.

There's still a lot of stress being put on me. I have to finish a map for library class on Tuesday and I also need to get in a bibliography on Albert Einstein in a few weeks. I still want to go to Van Tech, but it seems less and less likely that I'll end up there. My hopes are now down and I knew that I should have never got them up. Nevertheless, I'll still try and argue my way towards why I should go to Van Tech.


In this post I'll be covering loads of topics. So get ready. Grab yourself a mug of hot chocolate, a blanket, some slippers and get ready for a long read.

Ummm... I Really Can't Think Of Something To Write About

I don't have anything worthwhile to talk about that would be deserving for the 100th post, so I'm just going to do something else that will keep people coming. The next few topics will be written in the next few posts. I'll just call the posts Extravaganza Part One, Extravaganza Part Two and so on.

Anways, today I'm a 9. Alec left today, but nothing else bad happened, so that's why I'm a 9 instead of my usual 10. So thanks for reading, I'm sure that you will read the next post and hopefully you will subscribe.

"Celebrate what you want to see more of." - Thomas J. Peters

January 13, 2012

Going "Wabbit" Hunting

Today I Went "Wabbit" Hunting, As Elmer Fudd Would Have Said

Unfortunately, Alec's leaving tomorrow morning (at like 5:00AM) and this will mean that it's the end of all our awesome adventures. So what can we do to end this whole epic journey? We can catch an animal.

Right after school the whole gang (Alec, Lina, Raymond and I) started the long drive to the Richmond Auto Centre. WOAH. WHAT? Bunnies at the auto centre? Well, it's true. There are a fudge load of rabbits there. Somebody just released a few of them there and pretty soon before you know it, you've got a huge population of about several 100 of them. Just amazing.

So here's what went down. First we got there and I got my first look at a wild rabbit (although these things are fed regularly by the staff there). We saw several of them, but we were aiming for a baby one (they're much easier to catch and tame). After driving around the centre, we found a cute little baby brown rabbit. So Alec tries to bait it with crackers.

I have to say that he failed. But then again, all of us did.

So the second time, Alec made a noose to try and catch the rabbit.

Still didn't work. We finally got to the point where the rabbit was so scared of us that it was unwilling to take our tasty bait (some salted crackers) and hid under the cars (one of cons of hunting for one at an auto centre). Alec went off across the street to try and capture one of the two rabbits that were there and the rest of us went to the other side to to feed and attempt to catch one (that's us there in the picture).

Pretty soon Alec gave up on the two and he joined us. All of them were too smart. When we would throw a full cracker at them to keep them occupied, they would either just run away when they saw the box or just take the cracker with them.

But after that, we lost hope. We were essentially exasperated on how hard these cute and fluffy bunnies were to catch.

That's when I went in solo. Well, it was actually only just Alec and I. We crossed the the street to another place where a little baby rabbit was grazing. It ran away two times when I made sudden movements with my hand when throwing the crackers and hid in the bushes. But fortunately it came back.

Third time's the charm they say.

And I guess this was the case for us. We finally caught a rabbit. Alec leapt from its behind and managed to get the box over an completely oblivious animal. So now what?

We were going to slide the lid under, but the lid was one of those types that had tall sides to it. So it made it impossible to slide under. So what did Alec do? He attempted to catch it with his hands. He lifted up the box and by a stroke of luck it ran right into Alec's hands. He grabbed it and flipped over the box. He placed it inside the box and we quickly closed the cover on it.T

On the ride home with the rabbit, it stayed still. But we were coming up with a name for it. For a while, it was named Richmond, then Richy, then Squeaky. We finally came to an agreement with the name of Lucky.

So now it's name is Lucky.

We got home, ate dinner and set up Lucky's home.

Well, we actually went to a fancy seafood restaurant first and then we went to PetSmart.

Welcome home Lucky.

Brilliant Day

I'm definitely a 10 today because I got an awesome new friend. I can't wait to play with it, but I wish that Alec wouldn't have to go back to the States. Anyways, thanks for reading, please subscribe and I'll see you next post.

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell

January 12, 2012

I Want To Go To Tech

I Have My Mind Completely Set On Tech

I just don't get it. My parents just want me to go to somewhere CLOSE. They aren't really considering MY opinion on where I want to go. All my other classmates get to choose where they go and I feel that I want to too. In my opinion, I think Vancouver Technical would be a much better fit for me. I already know the place, I have my friends there, I can continue my Strings thing and more stuff like that. I LOVE the place. Van Tech is just brilliant.

Times Like These Can Be STRESSFUL

We all want to stay with our friends. My parents just THINK that I'll never see my friends when I become an adult just because THEY don't. I've just noticed that this is one of the most important generations in Canada. Canada is a relatively new country and Chinese immigrants have just come to Canada with new ideas and opinions. I'm in the second generation of Chinese. We're the kids that are here to change things. When we grow up, the place will be a lot better. I will DEFINITELY not put my children through what I'm being put through. So I guess that this is kind of an important generation. We're bridging the Chinese and the Canadians. =D

I've Just Got A Lot Of Stuff On My Plate

Right now there's just a lot of stuff going on in my life. This high school thing is really tough, but my friends are here to back me up. They want me there so badly that one of them even offered to let me live with him for the whole five years at Tech. There are some friends that I don't want to keep and some friends I want to keep forever and ever. These are the friends that I want to stick with for my whole life.

Well, I'll Give You An Update Later...

Hopefully life will get better. My parents say I'm "unstable" but I think this is the best time of my whole life. It's a time to take challenges, take risks, stand up for myself and be creative and intuitive.

Today I'm an 8. Feeling a bit low today. Just because of this whole thing. I still have a fudge load of stuff to take care of, but hopefully I'll get it off my chest.

"The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." - Albert Einstein

January 10, 2012

The Average Life Of A Human

Life Doesn't Have To Be... Average

I don't know for other people out there, but it seems to me that there are some people who waste their life. The current life expectancy for the overall population is currently 67.2 years and is 80.7 years in Canada. We have much longer lives than most people living in Mozambique. They are ranked last out of all countries with an average lifespan of 39.2 years. We live two times as long as them. The true reason I've brought out all these fancy numbers and statistics is to show you people that we have to make good of our lives and overall, to inspire you to go out there and do something that will ultimately make the future a better place.

Go Out There And Do SOMETHING

People actually waste their day doing nothing but watch TV, play on the computer or use any other electronic gaming device. If you're not going to be apart from your beloved computer, then please do something useful. Maybe you could learn some web coding, CMD or SOMETHING. Who knows? You might end up as the next Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or some other inspiring person. For TV watchers, simply just take a break and read something or at least watch something educational (on a regular basis, I watch Arthur, George Shrinks and The Berenstain Bears).

So What Is The Average Life Of A Human

Basically when people think about what a human does in his or her lifetime, they think

1. Get Born
2. Go To School
3. Go To High school
4. Get A Part Time Job
5. Go To University
6. Get A Permanent Job
7. Get Married
8. Work
9. Work
10. Work
11. Work
12. University Reunion
13. Work
14. Work
15. Retire
16. Die

But this is not the case. With our generation of young minds and humans, we can actually change the world for a better place. We can try to come up with a way to block the inevitable that we will eventually plunge into another war for resources. We can try to come up with a method of removing plastic from the world without effecting our world. Overall, as I said before, we can change the world for better.

There You Go

I hope that this inspired you a bit. Hopefully it has and maybe you'll end up being famous one day. Please note that this is NOT to criticize you in any way. I also don't want to sound too UHHH because I'm trying to inspire you, so if this sounded STUPID, then, well, I guess I'm sorry. I might not have anything to be sorry about. This, THIS post could have created the next Opera or something like that, I don't watch Opera... Oh well. Here's my number of the day before I go.

Today I got to play with the Junior Boys Basketball team, so that was already cool. Tomorrow morning I have to go to basketball practice, so there's another awesome and positive contribution. Anyways, on with the number. I'm a 10. I just LOVE basketball next to soccer and I can't wait until we start playing games (our coach tipped Angelo and I off that he's already got the schedule). So like always, an awesome day.

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

January 9, 2012

Nothing Much Happened Today

Nothing Really Happened

Nothing really worth telling happened at school today and I find that it's getting less and less convenient to talk about my day, so I'm going to start ACTUALLY talking about IMPORTANT stuff.

Ummm... Can't Really Think Of Anything...

I can't really think of anything to talk about that's seriously important... So I guess that I'll just go.

I'm a 10 today because, well, I'm ALWAYS a 10.

"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday." - Don Marquis

January 8, 2012



You've got to be kidding. My family thinks that what I'm doing overall in my life will ultimately make me end up as a homeless person on the streets.

First of all, I AM trying out for different things. I'm reaching for the stars in hope that I'll achieve a good job and life. They don't realize it, but I'm actually testing out my future. I think a lot about the future because I'm very partial to what it should be like. For my teachers and my friends, they vision me in the future as someone who has a decent job and a good life, but for my family, I'm just a man living in a cardboard box.

Second of all, the jobs I already do are more than what MOST people do at home. I mean I've seen people who never vacuum the floor or wipe dust.

OH YAH. WHO IN THE WORLD NEEDS TO WIPE DUST? I mean, when you actually start to see a mass of dust on your TV stand or on your table, then it would be a good time to wipe the dust. BUT it's like my family HATES dust. Even the dust YOU CANNOT SEE. I mean, my dad actually brings out a flash light and shines it everywhere to check for dust. Who does that?

Third of all, people do have to know that I do like wiping dust and cleaning, but only at school. Why? Because people there treat me well. I'll work ANYWHERE, as long as the people there believe in me and respect me. And that place is school.

So, There You Go. That's Why I'm Pissed Off Today

Everything has calmed down now and I'm going to go eat. After that I have to vacuum (which is like the only job I like at home besides washing the dishes). Oh well.

For this morning post, I'm a 8. WOAH?! What?! I'm an 8?! Well, I am one. You know why? Because my family doesn't believe that I'll have a good future or do anything successful. But I'll show them.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next post.

"The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them." - Denis Watley

January 7, 2012

I Was Supposed To Go Swimming Today

Today I Was Supposed To Go Swimming

Every Saturday I'm supposed to go swimming but fortunately, today was the exception. We packed up everything, our trunks, our clothes and we drove in our car to the swimming pool. Then we discover that we forgot our clothes at home and our mom just drops us (my brother, grandma and I) off at the entrance to go "pick up the clothes". So we go inside and my grandma starts walking to the change room and the people at the main desk are like, "Are you going with her?" and I nod my head and they tell me to bring her back (my grandma though it was free swimming). So I bring her back and we end up waiting outside.

My mom eventually gets to us and she doesn't have the clothes. After a short conversation, we decided to go to the library, but my grandma did not want to and we were still wearing our trunks. So we just head back home. It's good not to go swimming. =D

Working Working Working

My cousin Michael tends to say that most of the projects that I decide to do are useless and that I should try to "do something more productive" as he says. Well, I can't really think of anything to do that's extremely productive. Anyways, I AM working on something, but I don't want my cousin to find out because he's just going to scold me for "doing a project that I'll never finish".

Here's my "secret" project. OH. Whoops. Forgot to link you to it! Here you go!

So that's what I've been working on in the past few days. I'm also getting really interested in the field of video editing, but Michael disapproves of my "fiddling around" with Adobe Premier Pro.

You Won't Be Seeing Any Long Posts For A While

For the next few days you won't be seeing any of my famously long posts, so just hold on until I get my grip of sleeping at this house.

If nothing's happened, then nothing's happened. I'm a 10 today because well, nothing happened, but I did get to use the computer to fiddle around with my Adobe Suite. Oh well. See you next post.

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Winston Churchill

January 6, 2012

Staying My First Night Home

Tonight I'll Be Staying HOME

I'm feeling a lot better now because after school we headed over to my home. NOW. I was pretty nervous, but when I got there, everything was back to normal. The rooms were clean and the only thing that seemed out of place was the empty TV stand. People came to my house and installed an security system, so I'll sleep a lot better knowning that I'll actually have a chance to fend myself against an intruder.

Most Of The Day I've Been...

Most of today has been spent talking to my friends on Skype and working on a new site for my gaming review group. I managed to finish all my math and the only piece of homework I have left is my memoir. Well, I also have my bibliography of Albert Einstein to finish, but that's not until January 27. BUT I learned my lesson from procrastinating and I'll probably get started on it tomorrow...

Well, Thanks For Reading

I'll let you know how my night went, but for now, it's good bye. Thanks for reading, I hope you've enjoyed and I'm sure that more happier posts and days are to come for me and my family.

GOD. Forgot to write down my number. Today I'm a 10. I'm usually a 10 and today is no exception. I guess I'll end with an Albert Einstein quote.

"A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be." - Albert Einstein

January 5, 2012

New Laptop And New... Well, Things

Ever Since The Robbery

Since the robbery occurred, I've been seriously afraid to sleep in that house. I just feel invaded of my OWN privacy and I swear that I will not sleep inside that house until I have to. But for now, I've been spending my days at my cousin's place. Unfortunately though, Michael and his girlfriend might be coming this Saturday, so that means that we MIGHT not get to stay here anymore.

Onto Happier Pastures

Today I got my new laptop (it's an awesome HP Pavilion g6) and I've been having quite some fun with it. I got new programs that are considered essential for me (basically a Office suite and a Adobe Suite) and I'm having loads of fun on it.

Nothing Else Now...

You guys might as well just get off my blog, as until things in my life return to normal, I probably won't be posting anything like my usual posts unless something extremely important has happened. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next post.

"Death remains about the one certain fact in the lives of each one of us, and there will be suffering, sorrow, and sadness next week as there was last week." - Basil C. Hume

January 4, 2012

I Got Robbed

Well, Another Chapter Of My Life Has Been Finished

Every once in a while in my life, I feel as if something has been finished. I call these points in my life chapters of my whole timeline. I felt a chapter being completed when I walked into my house yesterday.

I walked into my house last night around 10:30PM. The kitchen looked just like it was the last night and I headed for the living room to go feed my fish. My dad's room was right outside the living room and as I passed his doorway, I noticed that his room was different.

The sheets had been ripped off. The drawers were all open, revealing their contents. Clothes were piled up at the end of the bed and the closet had been opened and looked through. Everything was chaos.

I looked into the other rooms and found the same situation. All the drawers open, clothes scattered about the floor. Literally everything had been searched. My dad then shouted to us, "Don't move and don't touch anything!" I got truly worried now and realized that we had been robbed.

I finally came into the living room. By far it was the cleanest room out of the whole thing. But it had the most valuable item stolen. Our TV. It was just one. The stand where it stood on was strangely empty and it took some time for my eyes to get adjusted to what I would be seeing for quite a while.

My dad checked out how the robbers got in, for it was impossible they got in through the back (we had just come from the back ). They must have got in through the first floor. When we went down to investigate, we discovered that the door knob had been almost ripped off. Nevertheless, it was still broken and the door was open. The main doors were also unlocked, but showed no sign of break in, so they had to have come in from the first floor.

I would finally end up calling 911, where the dispatcher would give me another number to call. What could I do? I called the number and was put on hold until an attendant would pick up.

After what seemed like eternity (it was about 30 minutes, take or give a few), a female voice picked up. I quickly told the woman that we had been robbed and I gave details about the robbery and just identity certification things. When she was done with the questions, she said that she would send a policeman to our house.

Just a few minutes later, my mom came home. She had not heard of the news and I could almost see the disbelief on her face when my dad told her. My mom rushed to her bedroom and I finally saw that my prediction of how all the rooms were in the same state was incorrect.

The room was literally horrifying. There was a huge mass of clothes on the floor, the small drawers had their contents spewed out as usual and several suitcases were on the bed, empty. My mom looked forlornly at the mess. I felt an urge not to tell her to touch anything in case to preserve evidence, but I couldn't help resisting the urge when she picked up her clothing and silently thought.

Pretty soon the two ladies who rented came back home. Well, at least one of them. We were aware of her presence when she rapped on the open door leading to the first level. My dad and my mom explained the situation and they stepped into the living room of the first floor.

After a while, I noticed a police car parked outside and I wondered furiously why the police officer was not coming. When he finally came, I had certain doubts about him.

He didn't seem like he was very confident about himself. He spoke in what seemed like a timid voice for a police officer and I don't know if it was purposeful, but he didn't bother to preserve ANY of the evidence.

We first checked out the first floor and after checking out the garage, we concluded that they couldn't have come through the garage. So how did they get in?

Just to tell you, nothing was changed in the bottom floor, which is quite weird. Well, everything except one little piece of evidence. In one of the rooms, there were black marks on the wall, showing that the robbers had slid in. And they were professional. They wore gloves (they slid down on their hands) and knew how to get in. They also knew that we were not home between 11:00AM and 10:30PM.

We ended up losing many things. From the TV to money to priceless valuables.

As when anything traumatic happens in life, you can't help feeling that you could have stopped it somehow. I feel this way. I still remember the shock of walking into the rooms and seeing the chaos. I remember when my mom discovered that she had lost her jewellery and tokens that could never be replaced. I just felt heart broken when I saw my mom sit on the stairs when she found out about her lost valuables.

I didn't want to sleep in the house tonight. More that I was disgusted that people had invaded our privacy than the fact that I was scared. I can't believe I can feel this way about my own house. They didn't only steal away items of value, but they also stole away my privacy and a lot of other things that are invaluable to me.

Thanks For Reading And I'll See You Next Post

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be feeling better, but today I'm sure to be a 0. They stole my feelings, my money, basically all the things that they thought were valuable. Fortunately though, they didn't steal the things that mean more than money and valuables.

"If only the people that were wanted in the world lived, then there would be far less people in the world." - The Boy And The Samurai (this quote might not be exactly true, but you get it)

January 3, 2012

First Day Of School After The Break

Ah. School Is Good

Today was my first day back to school after the winter break and it was AWESOME. I loved seeing all my friends and it was a great day. I have to admit though that the last two weeks of winter break were absolutely brilliant. I'm sad to see my two weeks of winter break say bye bye as I head back into the school year again. Oh well. Only a few more months until spring break.

Basketball Tomorrow!

Over the break I haven't done much to exercise and I'm really glad that basketball is now back because I get to keep myself healthy and I have fun with my friends and coaches. I also cannot wait for the season to start because this year with the type of team that we have this year, I'm pretty sure that we're going to make it again.

Errr... Nothing Else To Talk About Now

Well, that concludes this post. I don't really have anything much to say, but I'm going to make up for it with a cool quote that Alec just came up with.

I'm a 10 today because I got back to school and I can't wait to do more things this year.

"Putting soy sauce on white rice doesn't make it brown rice." - Alec

January 2, 2012

Arcades, Big Macs And More

I Know I Kind Of Screwed Up By Not Having A Post Yesterday

I know I SERIOUSLY screwed up yesterday by not putting up a post. I do realize that yesterday was the first day of 2012, but who cares?! This post is the FIRST post of 2012, so I hope you'll enjoy this jam packed post about arcades, big macs, 2012 and more. Welcome to my blog 2012!

OKAY. The World Won't End =D

For all those people who believed in the 2012 doomsday theory, it's COMPLETE BALONEY. FIRST of all, the Earth won't be gone until the sun engulfs it in a huge fury of flame and fire, but that's nothing that our generation has to worry about, because the sun will only hit our planet in the year 760,002,011. Well, that is if we continue to count the years like that. So that means that in approximately 7.6 billion years, the Earth will be burnt into a crisp unless somehow we change the Earth's orbit around the sun. Oh well. Back to the story. The world won't end in December 2012 because December 2012 in the Mayan calendar has already passed. It's TRUE. The Mayan calendar is SERIOUSLY far off from our calendar. So no worries. The people who wrote the story for 2012 were just kidding. But it might be true that the Earth will be destroyed in about 7.6 billion years. I guess we'll just leave that to our descendants to figure out.

Went To Metropolis

Today I went to Metropolis with Alec, Lina and Raymond to go return some shoes (not mine =P) and after the shoes were returned, we did a whole fudge load of things. First of all, we went to the pet store in the mall (called Pet Habitat) to go check out the HUGE variety of pets they have there. They have awesome puppies, kittens, fish, essentially any animal from the rodent family and birds. So we just went there to go check out the pets (Alec was especially interested in a rabbit and the birds). AFTER that we went to the Apple Store (I always love playing Scrabble there) and we ended up finally going to the arcade.

Which was awesome fun.

We played a huge variety of games and it was pretty fun.

After that, we went to McDonald to grab something to eat (I got a Big Mac) and it was pretty awesome there.

I still wonder if McDonald really is open 24/7...

So that was basically it.

NOW. I've Just Been Told Something

My cousin Michael says that "The purpose of a blog is not to write a minute by minute account of your life." and I don't know if I'm doing that. I mean the whole "sun eats the Earth thing" doesn't seem like a minute by minute account of my life. Oh well.

Just Finished Building Our Birdhouse

A few weeks ago, Alec, Lina, Raymond and I started building a birdhouse (our last one just fell apart) and today we finished it right after dinner (we also went to Home Depot after Metropolis to get some short nails for the roof). Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures of it hanging outside in the front yard in the next few days to show you (I have to remember to write that on my hand).

Well, I Have To Go

Today I wrote my post earlier so I wouldn't have to be rushed by the time limit of 12:00 midnight, so I'm feeling good.

As usual, I'm a 10 (don't know how long I've been a 10 though =D) because it was a great day (it always is with my usual friends) and I'll see you in the next post.

"A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool." - Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
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