April 26, 2018


it just feels bad you know

i'm confused about my feelings and i don't know how i should act around her

i hate it when i have to be around her, i hate hearing her voice, when did i become so hateful

i'm a liar. i don't hate her voice. i hate how it once called for me lovingly, and now it sounds so foreign

it's all my fault it's all my fault i don't feel real i feel empty now everything is so boring i have no friends who care about me, they all have better friends nobody invites me to anything i want to have somebody to say, let's go out and grab some food, to

she won't let me talk to her but i want to talk to her i want to tell her everything but i don't know how to say it i wish there was a way i could just make her understand what i'm feeling right now

nobody cares about me

everything is fake, i'm fake, my smile is fake my feelings are fake it's all fake

i'm scared it feels so empty

am i going to be like this forever? after this summer it will be a year will i feel this way or will i feel any better or worse

i'm scared that i'll never find another one like her i'm scared that i'll have to settle and that i won't love somebody as fully as i ever did with her

i hate how it feels like everything is my fault but i can't say anything bad about her because then it just makes me look like i'm bitter and an even worse person

why does she matter so much? she shouldn't i have other things to worry about it logically doesn't make any sense so why do i still feel like everything hurts

how do i stop this

i want to feel something i need to feel something something real and something special i have all these raw emotions welling up inside me and i can't tell her, the person i want to hear it the most, i'm going to just blow up and then i'll never have feelings again i'll just pretend that i do

why do i get so sad suddenly? whenever nothing is there to distract me she always comes to take over my mind

Just kidding. I'm so edgy and cool, look at me using only lowercase letters and dissonant sentences. See you next post!


This is dedicated to those who haven't felt the rain yet or have lost the rain.

Rain comes in many forms. It can be light and ignored, "just a little rain." At times rain comes and goes in the blink of an eye, fleeting, leaving you wondering what happened. Other times it will come down with all its fury, swallow you whole, and leave nothing behind when it has left. There are so many more, but this is my rain story.

As a kid I never really cared about the rain. I didn't quite understand it, the only thing that I knew about it was that it got my shoes wet and that it usually came with the cold. Rain was the last thing on my mind, I wanted to have fun. Of course, it rained sometimes, but it had the same effect on me as a drop of water in the desert.

It wasn't until say, grade 5 or 6, when it began. A gentle rain came upon me, and I was enamored. I'd spend hours listening to the pitter patter of the rain on my window. I faked the same enthusiasm my classmates had for sunny weather, secretly wishing to see the rain.

This marks the first time I fell in love with the rain.

I loved it so much, it was a warm spring rain, one you would go in without an umbrella.

But nothing in life lasts forever - my gentle rain left with the end of the spring.

My understanding of rain was still rudimentary at this point. All I knew about it was what I had seen in movies and shows. I decided I needed to find another rain, I had to have one. By grade 7 I found my second rain. It was harder than the first one, but I didn't love it any less.

I don't know why, but as I grew older, the rain started becoming less and less important. At some point, it even became a bother when I wanted to go outside and play with my friends.

So I moved and said goodbye.

I entered high school at this point, and it rained a lot in my first year.

I thought I loved one rain, but after a few days of raining, I found I didn't. I hurt its feelings and I wouldn't see it again until my first year of university.

There was another rain I fell in love with, but I thought it loved another person, so I grew angry at it and told it to go away forever.

The third rain of high school was brief, and it visited me during grade 9. I thought I knew everything about rain, but in reality I was as dumb as a bag of bricks. At this point I only knew how the rain sounded and how it felt under an umbrella.

My fourth rain of high school marks the first rain that I felt for myself. It happened in grade 10, and it was unexpected. People didn't expect me to like the rain, let alone have the rain like me. With this rain I stuck my hand out from under the umbrella and smiled as it tickled me. I loved this rain, I'm sure, but now when I think about it, I have no idea why I did. Rain just comes and goes like that.

I started wanting to spend every moment with the rain. When it was sunny I was unhappy, and I only looked for the rain. Then one day the rain disappeared. I asked my good friends, the clouds, why, and they said


And that's how I lost that rain. I killed it with my own hands.

Grade 11 came, and that was when the seventh rain of my life visited me, the longest rain of my life.

I didn't learn my lesson from the last rain, and I suffocated the rain, but it was fine with it. It smiled and listened to me quietly. Usually the rain was soft and warm, but sometimes I got into fights with the rain and a vicious storm would brew in us. We would always go back to that warm and happy place though.

I spent countless days sitting on the park bench in the rain. I let it drown and engulf me, but I didn't care, I wanted it to. I wanted everything that the rain had to give me, and I wanted to give it everything I had. I lived for the rain. Everywhere I went, the rain came with me, and I never used an umbrella.

The rain was my everything.

So why did I do that?

I think the worst thing about raining is that at some point, you take it for granted. I know I did.

"It's your fault I got sick," I said to the rain one day.

I said this and many other things, misdirecting frustrations and anger at the rain, the rain that had been there for me when I needed it the most. The rain faltered, and it blew wildly. I saw what damage I had caused to my precious rain, but I thought I could fix it.

I finished high school and entered university. It was a difficult time for me, getting used to everything, but I knew that I had the rain by my side to escape from the glaring sun.

Then one day, it happened.

I cried and I asked, "I thought things were getting better?"

The rain said that they had, but it didn't feel the same way anymore.

The rain stopped following me that day, only allowing me to talk to it from under an umbrella, and always moving away when I tried to run towards it. It hurt, it hurt it hurt it hurt it hurt, but it hurt even more to think about what I had done to the rain to make it act this way. It was my fault right? My chest felt like it was going to burst open, I wanted more days with the rain, I wanted to feel its cool embrace on my skin.

I became bitter whenever I talked to the rain from under my umbrella. At that point in time, I was ugliest I had ever been. I felt the ugliest. I was volatile, and my emotions flipped with a single word. I should have just left it alone, but I couldn't. I couldn't give up that rain. It sounds dumb, but I genuinely believed that I was going to spend the rest of my life with it.

And that brings me to now. It hasn't rained in months, even when I bring an umbrella in hopes it will. I want it to, but it said it wasn't coming back. It's so dry.

I don't know what rain is anymore.

April 24, 2018

bus lady

april 18

I finish my physics final and let out an internal sigh of relief. Rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes, I think, that wasn't so bad. A few minutes later and I'm sitting in the Life building, waiting to meet up with J for some lunch. She smiles when she sees me and talks about how happy she is that she doesn't have to spend her whole day alone on campus.

We run through the usual post-exam conversation: how the exam was, how much I studied (spoiler alert not enough), and how I felt now that I had another exam under my belt. J and I grab Subway for lunch and we talk about a lot of things, jumping from high school to university, then back to high school, and at some point we visit the topic of dogs and cats.

I would stay longer if my unwavering love and passion for ultimate didn't prevent me from doing so. We say our goodbyes and I head off to the trusty 84 VCC Clark bus, landing one of my favourite seats when I board. For the first few minutes of the trip I browse through Reddit on my phone, giving away soft smiles to pictures of dogs doing dumb things and skimming through the comments of some controversial discussion. My eyes grow weary, and I let sleep take over the body that has been lagging behind my mind for the last week.


"... final stop. Please exit the bus."

The voice calls to me through the bus intercom, and I slowly open my eyes to the scene of an empty bus. I come to, snapping out of my rest, and upon taking a look around I realize there is an Asian lady sitting behind me. Her face radiates confusion, but as I sling my backpack over my shoulder she follows suit and grabs her things.

We step off the bus and into the warm air. She looks at me, and in my mind I'm pleading and hoping, please speak Cantonese, please speak Cantonese, please speak Cantonese.


I have next to no idea what she is saying as she starts asking me questions in Mandarin, only catching several words that sound like their Cantonese counterparts. In my absolute best attempt to not butcher the Mandarin language I say to the lady, "I don't know how to speak Mandarin."

My message, no matter how disjointed or awkward it may have been, reaches her, and she nods her head in understanding. I say, "Last bus," with a sad smile, and she seems to understand. She is not old by any means, so it makes sense that she knows at least some English. We walk towards the sky train station, her asking questions (in Mandarin) and me feigning my comprehension with some, "Mhm," sounds.

At some point between getting off the bus and getting to the platform escalator we switch to English. On the escalator she asks me if I was born here, to which I say I am. We get on the skytrain, and she takes a seat while I stand a ways off. A few moments pass and she pats the seat next to her and says, "You can sit here!"

After some back and forth, I find out more about her. She's from China and on a trip to visit her son and see Vancouver. Today she's headed to Granville Island, shown to me through her pulling up the directions on her phone, and I think to myself, doesn't she get off at the next station? but don't say anything in fear of being wrong and leading her somewhere else.

We talk some more, about her son, about me, and we soon roll up to the next station, Commercial. Some seconds pass and she looks around the platform from her seat, coming to the realization it indeed is her stop. She jumps up with her things and starts for the door. I say, "Goodbye," and she responds with, "Thank you!"

I wish I had been "cool" or helpful enough to let her know that the next station was her stop, but looking back I'm just glad that she made it. I hope she's having a good time on her trip.

April 16, 2018

oh god it's finally here

wow!11! a new banner!! wwow new coloUrs ^_^ owo what's this a new post as well??!!2

Uh yeah.

In seriousness though, I've been putting off adding some bright colours and pizzazz to the blog for what seems to have been the longest time, but it's finally here! The first step to being happy is to at least pretend to be happy, and you just can't do that with the last theme I had.

The current design is pretty in-your-face, so that may call for some tweaking some time, but for the time being I hope you enjoy the refresh of the same template that I've been using for the past three years.

Hmm, what else to write about...

School is winding to a close with university students in the thick of finals season, so I'm looking forward to being free for a nice long summer vacation. The weather has had some really nice days lately and I hope they'll visit more frequently as we near the end of spring. Good luck to you on whatever finals you have left, or if you're in high school, for the rest of the year!

One thing that I'm super excited about for this summer is playing ultimate with a VUL team! I've only ever played on my high school team, so I hope that I'll learn lots, meet new people, and get better at the game. I also may be taking a trip to San Francisco to visit family, and I think it'd be a really good chance to refresh and see some more of the world.

I've been watching copious amounts of anime the past week (well, ever since classes ended to be fair), but I'm glad I have been. I've forgotten how fun and helpful it is for me to dive into a series and escape into another world for some 20 odd minutes. A few days ago I finished the second season of Kimi ni Todoke and it helped a lot, but the reason for that will be saved for another post.

I'm lame, but I think I'm okay with that for now.

April 14, 2018

A bunch of letters

I'm not sure where I picked up the "habit" from, but at some point in my grade eight year I wrote a letter to the future me, my grade 12 self to be specific. To be honest, I didn't read the letter until a month or two ago (well into my first year of university), but it hit a bit harder as a result. Suddenly the last five years didn't seem as distant, and I saw how much I had really changed.

All in all, it was a really good reflection experience. A few days after reading that letter, I wrote another one, this time to my second year self. I can't see as far as my third year of uni, let alone my fourth year, and I just have this feeling that my second year will be really special (knock on wood for a good type of special).

So do it! Write a letter to yourself and open up about all your problems, the small ones, the ones that you don't think you can overcome, whatever. Write about how your day went, or how your ultimate games have been going, or maybe about how sad you are. Write something, and I promise you that in one year, two years, or five years, whatever, you will really appreciate it when you read it.

It's sorta like time travel. You have the ability to affect the future through writing this letter right now, and when you read that letter in the future, you will relive the past. Memories are just a diluted form of the past.

Images by Freepik