June 30, 2012

I Don't Know What Do Say Gary

Gary Has Been The Highlight

In my very dull life, Gary has been the latest headline in my personal daily newspaper of life. In the education section we have an article about the crying graduates of Begbie and in the technology section there is also a story about how Google Chrome claims to be the most popular browser in the world. But right there up on the front page is a picture of a little boy crying his head off with a title saying, "Why?"

Gary is the current "project" I'm working on. He is the person I watched out the most during my time in Mr. Rowland's class (besides a few select others). It really hurts me and dampens my mind when I see him crying. And now that I hear he is using verbal attack and also physical attack to express his feelings, I realize Gary has changed. A year back in Mr. Wilson's class, I would have never believed a story of Gary verbally hurting somebody, let alone physically.

Apparently (from Tyler's blog view), Tiffany hurt Gary's feelings a few days ago (the first time I'd ever seen Gary cry) and now there's a feud. From Tyler's point of view, it seems like Tiffany is the person at fault here, but I may be wrong. I can probably trust Tyler's opinion on the whole thing, but I seriously have to look into this personally.

Just Got Back From The Library

The topic above this one was written in the morning, I would say around 12:00 PM. It's about 7:00 PM right now and I just got home from a three hour stay at the library. So yes, I am a bit stressed out because the library closed and I was stuck outside for about 20 minutes. But there's nothing a little blogging can't fix.

Salutations My Good Friends

Waiting to borrow 1984, Of Mice And Men, Grapes Of Wrath, and To Kill A Mockingbird from the library. All of them are classics and I've been waiting to read them.

I'm a 10. Feeling good about myself and the world.

"People simply disappeared, always during the night. Your name was removed from the registers, every record of everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished, annihilated: vaporized was the usual word." - 1984 by George Orwell

June 29, 2012

Gary, I Must Know Why

Gary, Why?

After reading Tyler's usual post, I've realized that Gary has been crying a lot more lately. Maybe it's just because he's been building up emotion inside his body since day one and now the dam holding all the tears back finally broke because Tiffany hurt his feelings.

It's incredibly sad to see Gary cry if you knew him. Gary is such a strong, unemotional person, that it can bring tears to your eyes if you see him crying.

That's why I need to find out why he was crying. I just need to. It has to be one of the last things I do on Earth before I die.

I also see in Tyler's post that Gary was apparently using his fists. Is that true? Was it just some sort of push away, or was it an actual fight?


Today I took out all my school photos and looked them each one by one for a good bit of time. I looked at how all my friends had either grown, come, or went. I remember my whole elementary school life and it brought tears to my eyes thinking I would leave everything behind and start a new life.

I guess that's why the grads were crying. A new life. The most important tears of your life fall only two times. When you are born and when you die. When you are born, you don't know anything about the world. We, the grads are about to be born into high school life. When you die, you know everything and are content with life. We, the grads are about to die from a life of elementary school. We will be reborn into another world though.

Feeling Good

I spent a good bit of today trying to make a radio station and finally succeeded (that's right!). Although it is only online, it can host up to 5000 listeners (more than enough) and has a good sound quality. You can check out Epicosity Radio here. The radio stops every now and then and it might take a while for it to load when you go to the page.

I'm a 10. I now have a radio station. Life is good. I'm graduated. I don't know what else to say. Goodbye.

"It's not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on." - Marilyn Monroe

June 28, 2012


When You Cry

When you cry, tears fall out of your eyes. That is the simplest I can say for what happened after school today. Tears were let out for joy, sorrow, future regret and many more emotions. I was deeply saddened by the scene today after school and felt like crying myself.

Many people were crying today. From fifth graders to seventh graders. Everybody was at least deeply saddened by the depart of the grade seven graduates.

I can't believe that I'm finally leaving Begbie. Last year, nobody was crying when the grade sevens left. What the generation of Begbie graduates created this year was a beautiful community. I feel the grade sevens last year neglected the younger intermediate and primary grades and therefore only shed tears amognst themselves. But there was a full out bawl after school. Because unlike last year's grads, we actually managed to make friends with the younger grades. We created deep bonds that will never be broken.

That is why people were crying.

What Else Can I Say?

Today was just a sad day. There is nothing less and nothing more of what I can say. If you let sorrow go, it only turns to remorse and regret in the future.

I'm a 10. No reason not to be. Might as well keep on going with my "perfect" life. Here is my final speech at Begbie. It will be a quote somehow.

"A friend is someone who wants to catch you before you fall. A friend is someone who does not scold you for making mistakes, but instead helps you correct them. I think we've really created a great community of friends here. As Gordon says, there is a difference between farewell and goodbye. Farewell means goodbye forever while goodbye only means "See you next time." I hope I am only saying goodbye and not farewell." - Kevin Zou

June 27, 2012

Goodbye Friends

It Feels Like A Farewell

Farewell means goodbye forever. But in all truthfulness, it must be only a goodbye and not a farewell. I will see my friends ago, no matter how long into the distant future from now. It feels like I need to tear up the world just to say goodbye to my friends because inside I know that some of my goodbyes will be farewells and only those who wish to remain my friend will have the goodbyes.

So, farewell to those who don't wish to be my friend and goodbye to those who wish to continue their friendship with me. The road ahead of us will prove to be rough, sad, happy and overall exceedingly eventful.

Might Start An Amnesia Let's Play

Lately I've been really interested in playing Amnesia (the incredibly freaky game) and I haven't had the guts to at least try the demo first. I think I would like to play in front of a live audience and alternate turns with other people who would like to be in the series.

Then again, there are also my other failed projects. So Amnesia might not be such a good idea. I might just play the demo for fun.

And totally wet my pants

Addicted to Coldplay

I started listening to Coldplay tonight and found out that they have a lot of meaningful and cool songs. I guess I'm really falling into the alternative rock section of music after I started listening to bands like Green Day, Finger Eleven and Coldplay.

I guess it's just because I have a lot to relate to alternative rock. It's really good music and most alternative rock songs have a true meaning that rings out to the listener.


This is a conclusion to my post. The next post will be posted after I have left Begbie forever as a student.

I still have a Friday night out with a specific group of friends though (although if there is no adult chaperone, I can't go =/), so I'm a 10. I have some things to settle and much too less time to settle them.

"Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough." - George Bernard Shas

June 26, 2012

Cruise Was Great... Life Is Great

Life Is Great

Life is really good right now. I'm going into high school really soon, I have the love of my life (yeah, that's what's been making me so happy =P) and I guess overall it's just been a really good run for me.

But I don't know. It feels like something's nagging at me. But I guess I'll just have to wait for it to reveal itself.

I guess I just have to live life as we go, as my friend once said.

Ummm... Cruise Was Good

Turned out that wearing a tux would be a kind of good thing (no idea how, just saying that). There were unlimited drinks on the cruise and I managed to invent the Oxymoron Game, a great time waster.

... Goodbye

Well, I guess it's goodbye for me now.

I'm a 10. Still a 10. I'll probably be a 10 for like the next few posts.

"Life is good when we think it's good. Life is bad when we don't think." - Doug Horton

June 25, 2012


Well, I've Graduated

The deal has been sealed. I'm officially a graduate of Begbie Elementary. Ummm... not really much else to say in this post. Today was just absolutely one of the happiest days in my life. But there was also some really bad stuff after school. For one thing, I saw my close friend cry for the first time.

And I couldn't help him.

The Tale Of The First Cry

There is one friend in my class who never shows any emotion except for joy and happiness. He has never been seen with sorrow. This person's name is Gary. He is one of the most intelligent young minds of our generation and I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up making the next Google, Apple or some other huge cooperation.

Gary is always there every day for us to make us laugh. Even when he's completely silent or he's just being his usual self and screaming, he's always an awesome friend to hang out with. I love talking to him because he always has something techy to tell me and he's somebody I can rely on for anything.

But after school today, when I went to just hang out with him, he was crying. It was so depressing for me to see such a usually unemotional and calm man sobbing. His eyes were red and I truly felt as if my heart was falling slowly down. Even know I can still strongly feel how much sorrow I felt after school.

I still haven't figured out what happened.

I should have tried harder.

Well... Going To End This

I am completely happy and kind of sad at the same time. I have graduated (not to mention received a $100 scholarship for athletics) and I'm finally off to high school. But Gary. I just wish I knew what was wrong.

I just have to be a 10. There is no way that I cannot be a day on this day. Friends, family and all people came to watch the grade sevens graduate. That itself is already awesome.

"Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning." - Orrin Hatch

June 24, 2012

Looks Like I Was Wrong

Tyler's Got A Point

Because my other blogging friend Tyler doesn't have that much of a fan base, I will say what he said in his posts.

First of all, I would like to state that I was incorrect when I said in my last post that this one would be put up after I graduated. So there's something. =)

Ummm. How do I start this? We've got friends. Family. Teachers. Staff. We're all divided into different "levels" of importance. I can hopefully say that Begbie puts their students up first and foremost. I've never looked at this from the perspective of a sixth grader, seeing all his/her friends graduating and leaving his/her life. Well, I guess I did in grade six, but did I really pay enough attention like Tyler did?

I'm not really a guy for words. I don't know how to phrase any serious things and I'm thankful that Tyler has done that for me.

It's true (first you should read this) that all the bonds, friendships and groups that have been created at Begbie with the grads will not end. But it's also true that those chains that link us together will be weakened. They will grow rusty over the years, as friendship does without care (and sandpaper XD) and occasional meetings. Soon there comes a point in the chain's life when it just snaps. It is the time in a person's life when they are married and "have no time".

Including today, we have five days to make friends, lose friends, settle fights and begin fights. Some of the grads are out to various high schools such as Kilarney, Templeton and Alpha. Friends at Van Tech will make new friends, keep old friends while the other people will be only able to create new friends and try to desperately hang onto their old lives.

So with rejoice, anger, sorrow and longing to keep my friends, I do say goodbye, for what I hope will not be forever.

We're Never Who We Are

I'm really sad that the graduation assembly will not have a valedictorian. Because if I was the valedictorian, I would have said what I just said in the last few paragraphs. But among all the important and useless things in life, there is another topic that is useful to talk about.

Tyler also mentioned in his blog about our friendship. He says that I don't know him for the real Tyler. I completely disagree with him. Because I used to think that. People don't know the real me.

HOLD ON. I'm just going to quickly write the end of the post here because I want this particular post (yes... it is special -.-) to end at the very end. And not have some sort of lame conclusion.

Ummm... Adieu?

Farewell (which is adieu in French) my good friends. But with every farewell comes a new hello. It's kind of awkward putting the end of this post in probably what will be the middle of the post). It was a awesome little part of my life to work, play and share my life with you guys.

I for sure am a 10. Excited for the graduation ceremony on Monday and cruise on Tuesday. Definitely the next post will be written after I'm graduated from elementary.

"Every goodbye makes the next hello closer." - Unknown

Back To We're Never Who We Are

Okay. Now. I was taking about how I used to think that people don't know the real me. From the perspective of a person who thinks that people don't know the real him/her, you would think, "I only act my real self when I'm at home." But when you're at school, you act differently. When you think that people don't know you, you think that you're wearing a mask. But does life not include school and home?

Basically what I'm saying is maybe you're not yourself at home. Tyler says that I don't know him, but yeah, I do. I know who Tyler is. I know the school Tyler. Maybe he just isn't himself at home. If you put it that way, then you're either always yourself or never yourself.

And that's something to think about.

Didn't I tell you that this would be an awesome ending?

June 23, 2012

Less Than A Week Of School Left

Graduation Ceremony On Monday

Next week (in a matter of a few days), I'm going to graduate from elementary. I just wish that there would be some sort of valedictorian at the assembly so he/she could just say what I'm sure all the graduates would like to say to the school.

So next week will be pretty sad.

Cruise On Tuesday

Tuesday is the day of the cruise which is sort of like a party. Yeah. It's just a bunch of awkward pre teens in their last social meeting of their elementary school lives. It sounds okay though, so I'm excited. It's going to be pretty fun getting onto another boat cruise.

Not All Sad Though

I have to look on the bright side of things. High school life. I'll still have old friends and new friends. And let's face it. It's going to be pretty awesome graduating in 2012. The year where people panicked (are panicking actually, since it's not even past 2012 yet) and thought the world was going to end (or if I'm wrong, when the world will end). The year that some people believed would witness a spiritual change of humans.

Peace Out

Probably by the next post I will be a graduate.

So I guess I'm a 10. Still a 10. Because nothing bad has happened.

"Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody." - Benjamin Franklin

June 18, 2012

Number 143, Not That It Matters

Post 143. At Least 143 Days Since The First Post

Not that the number 143 has anything to do with anything (actually, I just Googled it and it turns out it means "I Love You"), but I just decided to make a big deal out of it... for no apparent reason.

So I whipped up a quickie in Fireworks CS5 (as you can see from the image above) and I decided to kind of make this post a special one.

For in this one, I shall tell you who I really am and what I think people think about me.

What I Think Of Myself

I'm that guy who's carefree, weird, rad, risky and yet responsible somehow. At times I can be completely crazy (jumping on the school door's hangover). Like that one time (actually, it was only last Friday) when I dipped my hand in toilet water to grab some change (only $5.85 in total though). I've also lately shown myself to be a joker, scaring people and telling jokes.

People like me because I'm just Kevin. I'm not afraid to do things and I'll be there to step up and take charge when there's nobody to follow. People like me, because I own probably the best water bottle in Begbie, one that has been shared by many different people (which I kind of like and don't like) and is used for tossing around.

I guess if you sum it up into words, I'm Kevin. There should be an adjective for every person in the world. One day, you might hear people saying, "He's so Kevin."

Well, Nothing To Talk About

Went to the Byte Camp today and even if I didn't get my first choice of music and video (I got 3-D Animation), it was still awesome. Going back there tomorrow, so that's awesome too.

Today I'm a 10. Learned some really cool stuff. No homework. Days I'd like to have for the rest of my life.

"When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking." - Albert Einstein

June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

A Day Of #1 Dad Mugs, T-Shirts And Other Merchandise

It's the one day of the year that we actually pay attention to how much effort our dads put into making our lives better. Like most holidays, Father's Day should be on every day of the year, but I'm afraid if that happens, Christmas will get jealous and we'll have to get Christmas on every day of the year too. And that means no school at all (I can imagine how kids would react to that).

So I'd just like to put out a nice Happy Father's Day to every dad out there and especially my own. I know that I don't exactly see you much everyday, but it's nice to know that the only reason why that's so is because you're trying to make my life better (I'm talking to my dad of course).

Errrmmm. Nothing Else To Talk About...

Just thinking lately about the Whitecaps thing. As I think more and more about the whole situation, it seems unlikely the Whitecaps would only pick prospects from Central, so I'm still going to join the Alpha club (it turns out that there is one).

So, Alpha, you've just earned yourself a decent player.


For one last time, I shall say Happy Father's Day. You guys are the best.

Today I'm a 10. Who can't be one on a day like this?

"What Is A Dad?

A dad is someone who
wants to catch you before you fall,
but instead picks you up,
brushes you off,
and lets you try again.

A dad is someone who
wants to keep you from making mistakes,
but instead lets you find your own way,
even though his heart breaks in silence,
when you get hurt.

A dad is someone who
holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules,
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you even when you fail..."

- Unknown

June 16, 2012


Got Home From Soccer About An Hour Ago

It was pouring with rain just an hour ago and now the grass is just soggy. But unfortunately I had to play in the soccer tournament today and I ended up getting soaked. To make matters worse, my brother was in a different division and I ended up staying at Trillium Park for like four hours. Anyways, we won all the games and my brother did too. So I'm feeling pretty good right now.

Nothing Much To Do At Home Now

I have nothing lost, I'm up to date with my homework. Everything seems to be in check right now and there's really nothing to do. My dad's website is completed and The Epicosity Guys are going nowhere. Ummm... most of my day is spent reading, watching television or just playing with the rabbit I guess.

School's coming to an end, so we'll see how I manage doing nothing on the weekdays too. Really soon.

OH YEAH. I Do Have Something To Mention

So one thing I forgot writing this post (so far) was that Raymond's soccer coach (a student from Templeton) asked me if I was going to join a club (a soccer term for a team organization) and I said that I was going to Alpha's club. She questioned whether Alpha did have a soccer team and said that with my skill level, I should play for Burnaby Central because they have a Whitecaps program there (apparently the Whitecaps only draft players from Central).

Anyways, I have to look into Alpha's soccer team and even if they do have one, I'll be sure to try and apply with Central for their soccer team.

I Have To Go Do... Something At Least

Really, my household is a boring place. We have no board games, we don't really go on the computer and I guess the most fun I get is from watching television.

Today I'm a 10. I learned to appreciate the rain and just accept it (which basically meant me patting myself on the back and chest so that the rain and cold wouldn't affect me). It was in fact, my first soccer game in the rain. Ummm... got some thinking to do about Central and their program. I do want to play for the Whitecaps... For now though, I'll just do my homework. Anyways, I still have one year until I can play high school soccer (they start soccer at grade nine at Alpha I think). See you in the next post.

"All I can say is, hey, if you have fun doing what you do, if you have fun playing soccer, the creativity is just going to come as time goes on." - Freddy Adu

June 14, 2012


What's Happened?

Recently my class has been touching upon this subject. What happened to life. In this modern society, we don't do stuff for the inner satisfaction it brings us, or for the help we have given anonymously to anybody. The meaning of life is simply to just be rewarded. Building a hospital for the children doesn't mean you're charitable. It simply means you just want attention. You need people to know you're a good person. That's what life is. Doing "good" just for rewards, accolades and things that don't mean anything.

But I know that this message will never reach true to the true inside of your mind. When has it? People have given hour long speeches about this single thing, but have never succeeded in trying to persuade your mind to be a genuinely good person. Perhaps even the writer of the speech did not achieve becoming a good person.

Put All That Stuff Behind

Let's just stick all that psychological  nonsense behind us and talk about... I dunno... stuff... Nothing much really happened today. I have to essentially just have to understand small and unnecessary things, such as the Bro Code (which I've never actually searched up) over the last month of school.

Just for fun though. I hope I'll never actually apply those rules seriously to life.


Nothing to talk about.

Still a 10. Sorry about the brief paragraph above. Just there's nothing much to talk about. Less to blog about I guess...

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others." - Groucho Max

June 13, 2012

First Bad Thing In Probably A While

Fell Down And Scraped Myself Badly

So yesterday I slipped (stupid rain -.-) and I got my self scraped pretty badly. My right thumb has a piece of flesh missing at the joint (so it hurts so badly when I try to flex it). My left palm has a shallow piece of skin gone (but you can still see flesh stuff) down near the base. My elbow has two scrapes on it, so it hurts like fudge whenever I try to rest my elbow on something. The sides of both of my knees were also hurt, so overall, I'm in a pretty sore mood.

Still, Nothing That Bad

Although I'm in a pretty sore and physically hurt state, my mental and emotional health is not hurt at all. Nothing seriously bad has happened and life is still great.

I'm starting to find less and less reason to blog here, since the main reason of this blog was to express myself. But I'm not saying that I don't want these good things to happen to me.

My Eye Has Been Twitching O_o

My eye, parts of my kneecap have been twitching furiously over the day. Maybe it's just lack of sleep, but I'll see next morning (Yahoo Answers is saying stuff about some sort of syndrome, injuries (that could be it) and/or lack of sleep). But a good sleep usually washes away all... errr... physical stuff.

Still a 10. Going to be so until something ridiculously bad happens. Have to keep my watch on now so my Playland wrist band doesn't drop down to my palm injury. Still, life is good.

"If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton

June 9, 2012

OKAY, Life Is WAY Too Good

Life Has Been Exceptionally Well To Me

I don't know if it's just good karma firing at me for being a "good boy", if God has decided to shine me in his spotlight the past few weeks, or if I'm just destined for a nice and wonderful life. But for sure, these past few weeks have been AWESOME to me. Maybe it's God's way of saying, "Sorry for making the first half of your elementary school life so horrible, here's my return gift. One year of awesomeness."

Anyways, I've been taking a lot of things into account. All the things that have happened to me have been in the positive side. First of all, I found my lost USB. Then something happened (that I can't talk to you about) that also put me into a really overall good mood. And finally, the letter came.

Education's Good For My High School Life

On June 7, 2012 Thursday, Kevin Zou became a Alpha Discovery (or as it is more commonly dubbed, Honours) student for Humanities and Scimatics. I'm so happy. The horror of not knowing whether I had gotten into Alpha Discovery was haunting me all over the past few weeks. But I finally got in.

So my education is taken care of and as long as I try my best, I'll do some good.

Going To Line Up For Underwear

My mom just received a call from my cousin Michael. It turns out that somewhere, out there, there is a line up for underwear. But no, it's not just ANY underwear. Apparently it's supposed to be a really comfy, nice underwear. But it's also special for another reason. It's a Father's Day underwear.

I'm a bit sceptical as if we'll have enough time to line up to actually get some though. I'm also a bit reluctant to get out there because I hate going out (simply because I just hate standing around doing nothing). Let's elaborate on why I don't like going out to parades and all that stuff. It's ALL because I'm doing nothing. A reason why I like soccer is because I actually DO STUFF. I don't just watch. And the parades and stuff aren't really globally famous or anything, so that's partly why I don't like going out.

Anyways, my number for the day so far is 10. It's been a really good while of life for the past few weeks. You have to love life.

"We are born to die." - William Shakespeare

June 3, 2012

Happier Days Ahead

A Brief Summary

To give a brief summary of the time period between the last post and this post, I must at least use up one of my many topics for each post. What happened over the week (or something like that) was pretty fun, awesome and sad (why did I type sad? My week was awesome!). First of all, Angelo ended up having my USB in his bag the whole time, so there's one problem out of my life. Soccer yesterday was awesome and I'm still waiting for the Alpha Honours program to contact me with my results on whether I got in or not (probably the only negative thing about this week).

Naturally though, when life is smooth sailing, something bad always happens. I'm awaiting to see if this will stand up to be correct again or if the rest of my elementary school life will be perfectly fine.

Spare Time On My Hands, Why Not Learn PHP?

I've tried two times to learn PHP (and from the same book). It isn't the book that's the problem (obviously since I used it two times), it's just that I'm not making that much of a commitment to learning PHP. First of all, PHP is not that interesting to me any more and I haven't done that much coding lately.

So once again, I have borrowed that same book (PHP and MySQL For Dynamic Web Sites by Larry Ullman) in hopes that I'll finally master the confusing and yet easy language.

As I read somewhere today in some sort of text, everything is easy, as long as you've practised it well enough to learn it.

It's Been A Long Day

Weird to say, "It's been a long day" since the day is barely ending. There's still a lot to be known and not known in the next nine or so hours.

Today (well, at least so far) I'm a 10. I'm completely satisfied with my current life and I wish I could feel this epic everyday.

"The future is the past. The past is the future. And the present is both the future and the past." - Kevin's adaptation of Gordon Feng's quote

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