January 26, 2015

An Extremely Boring Post

Hope the Title Turned You Away :)

This post is actually going to be relatively... embarrassing? I kinda wanted to turn away a lot of the audience, but now that I think about it, the title suggests that the post is not boring. Oh whatever. I'll get on with it. Today I'm blogging about #13: my first love.

I'm pretty dumb when it comes to this kind of stuff. I know pretty much nothing about "love" and what I do know has come from these past few months. Therefore I can't say for sure who my first love was, but instead I'll tell you about the first time I "dated" a girl.

Grade six. Looking back at it all, I was really dumb and made a rash move. It's funny cause it seemed like she was going for another guy and instead we ended up "together" in a weird fashion. We would talk for hours on the phone and awkwardly be together at random times. Funny that I still remember when it all went public. A classmate came up to me and asked, "Hey, do you like [insert name]?"

Those were fun times, and I don't regret it at all. There are things that I should have done differently, but I didn't know better at the time. I think that it lasted for quite a while before she broke it off. Pretty sure I was devastated when it happened.

If you're reading, sorry about that. I hope that you had some fun. Make sure that you don't have a piece of lettuce on your shirt.

And an extended sorry to any of the other "relationships" that have come and gone. I'm less and less dumb each time, but I think that I'll always be dumb.


End of Boring Post

Gaaaaaaaaah, that was sooooooo boring. Sorry if I bored you to sleep with that.

Kevin's... a 7 tonight. You can put me at an 8 if you please. Be sure to record "Kevin's Blog" in your reading journals kids! Seeya next time.

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." - John F. Kennedy

January 24, 2015

How to Sing: A Comprehensive Guide by Kevin Zou

I. Introduction

Hi there! My name is Kevin Zou and I have been an amateur singer since five minutes ago. Everybody can sing, it's just a matter of how well you can sing. Some people can sing at very high pitches, while others can sing at amazingly low pitches. If you're interested in learning how to sing, then you've come to the right guide!

First of off we'll have to assess whether you have the right tools to be a great singer. You need: a) a mouth, b) honey lemon tea, c) a simple scarf, and d) music. Optional items include a music stand, a piano, and about five jars of jellybeans. The more that you have, the better!

Alright, got all of your materials? Let's head onto basic stuff then.

II. Basics

The most important part about singing is to make sure that you blend in. However that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to blend in with people (you can of course, but there are situations where you are not). You could be blending in with the sounds of birds chirping outside, or the water softly boiling from the kitchen. It doesn't matter!

Now for the actual singing part! Let's start off with some exercises. You are most likely familiar with "do re mi fa so la ti do", so just practice going over that a few times until you are completely comfortable with that. It helps if you hum/sing this throughout your day, as you start to notice it less and less, and soon enough it will become natural to you.

Once you have mastered it, drink a few cups of honey lemon tea and then try again. Honey lemon tea is a singer's best friend, as it will help clear your throat whenever you need to, and it's helpful to be used to its taste while singing.

III. Advanced

Wow you progressed quickly! For this part you will need your scarf. Ensure that it's wrapped tightly and snug around your neck, and check in the mirror a few times to see if you are presentable. Once you're done that, you can drink your cup of honey lemon tea (it should be a daily routine by now) and head outside. That's right! You are now ready to share what you have learned so far with the outside world.

Hold on! Where are you going? It's way too soon to be going to the train station! First off you need to start singing to your friends and teachers. Depending on their reaction, you can decide if you are ready to head to the general public. Work your way up slowly. Remember, you can't build a house starting at the top!

IV. Amateur

Sweet, you're pretty well known around the local train station, and everybody seems to just eat up your music (quite literally, as that one dog did eat up your sheet music). Now is a really good time to invest in those five jars of jellybeans, as you'll definitely need them if you want to rise even further.

Try getting some air time on the radio station. It doesn't have to be you singing, but as long as you are on air, you will be known outside of your community. With enough perseverance and dedication, you will soon become a regular on the station. Now all you have to do is wait for the contracts and labels to fly in.

V. Professional

I have no more to teach you! I am so proud of you, and I am so glad to have been with you every step of the way. Instead here's a parting gift. I have left the rest of this book blank for you. You can do anything with it, but a cool idea would be to write your own guide! Remember to never appear in public with your scarf (I sleep with mine anyhow), and to always have honey lemon tea in stock. I bet your jellybean collection has well passed 100 jars by now! Thank you for following this guide and putting your faith in me.

I'm an 8 tonight :) If you're wondering what this post is all about, it is #12: a how-to post on something you know nothing about. Thanks to Emma (a wonderful singer) for the inspiration. Until next time!

"If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun." - Katharine Hepburn

January 20, 2015

Hi I'm Kevin

Minimal Homework Completed (Mission Success!)

Today was a busy day people. It was all over the place, not unlike the clothes that may be scattered around your room. Actually now that I really consider what's happening the following weeks, I'm going to be much busier.

I spent the last hour (something like that) working up new logo draft for Students' Council. Overall it's a very unpolished logo and it needs a bit of work, but I like where it's going.

You readers are the quiet type, so I know better than to ask you for any criticism or suggestions. The logo is actually taken from a t-shirt that my cousin had when he was at Alpha, and somewhere between then and now it got lost (which is a shame because it's really nice).

#11: My Fancy Celebrity Dinner Party

The prompt is: "Your celebrity dinner party. Who would you invite?"

Morgan Freeman. I've always wanted to hear his voice in person, even though I hear it in my dreams all night long. Seriously though, his voice isn't renowned for nothing. I want him to narrate the whole night.

Leonardo DiCaprio is somebody I've always been curious to meet. Dunno why. 

Everything I hear about Robert Downey Jr. is always good, so he's a must-have at the dinner. Seems like a really cool guy.

My brother would most likely jump on the chance to meet Gordon Ramsay. There's a bunch of good stuff that I've seen about him on Imgur, and I don't think that he'd hate me or anything. I'd also ask him to prepare dinner.

What's a party without Barack Obama? Knowing what the President of the United States thinks on a daily basis and how he makes his decisions would be a great ice-breaker (and good knowledge in general).

I'm Sorry

I took ten minutes to make that dinner party photo, and I am so sorry for putting this onto you.

Kevin's an 8 today (wow much surprise)! Didn't get much work done, but it still feels like I've done something. It's late now and I have band tomorrow so yeaaaaah. Goodnight?

"Eternity: a moment standing still forever." - James Montgomery

January 19, 2015

#10: A Letter to my 16 Year Old Self

Dear Kevin

Wow you're 16 already! It won't even be a year until you see this, but ten months is quite a bit of time, and it goes without saying that something is going to happen. Remember to go get that L and spend your last year with your beloved senpai.

I hope you're happier than the current me, or at the very least that you're not worse off. Don't take that in a bad way though, because I'm already really satisfied with how things are going right now.

Take care of yourself dude.

There isn't really anything else that I want to say to you. How's the grill? Are you keeping it in good condition? Still spending time with friends?

Oh you're graduating soon. I'll stop wasting your time here. Go study or something :)

- Your stupid and immature younger self

P.S. If it's your birthday then here's a really early happy birthday.

Next Post is Anime Stuff

Just wanted to tell you guys so that you approach the next post with caution. Today's post is kinda small, although I doubt you mind. I appreciate you taking the time to read ^^

Off to do a pre-lab for bio. I'm an 8, and I hope that you have a good rest of the night.

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit rock bottom." - George S. Patton

January 12, 2015

Howdy Reader/Stranger

#9 - My Most Embarrassing Moment

Seeing as the day has already passed, I'm not going to bother doing #8 (show your day in pictures through taking one every hour) and I'm skipping it onto #9. While this may not be the most embarrassing moment I've experienced to date, it is definitely up there.

This was waaaaaaay back in elementary school, probably around grade four or five. There was a group of grade sixes or sevens and for some reason I was racing against one of them. I don't recall if I was simply being an obnoxious twat or if they were the ones who had initiated the challenge, but the end result was that I lost pretty badly.

Once I finished the lap around the park (Rupert Park, for anybody who went to my elementary school) I collapsed onto the floor and started breathing heavily. The older kids were grouped together and laughing and smiling (I'm sure that they had no bad intentions) and I remember thinking that one of the girls was pretty. My young self thought that somehow they knew what I was thinking and were laughing about it and... well yeah, that's pretty much my most embarrassing moment.

tl;dr: raced against an older kid and lost badly, they started laughing and smiling (no bad intentions) and I thought they could read my mind and were laughing at me

Really Short Stories

A few days ago my friend suggested that I start up writing again. However I know better, and that I will quit and leave a story hanging again. This means that I will not be writing anything of substantial length, but I hope that the great world of stories will be willing to give me another chance.

My idea is inspired from the one sentence stories (example: "Today I washed my mother's hair for the first time."). They're short, clever, and impactful. I might consider writing a really short short story, something the length of a few paragraphs. I'm also interested in trying out one sentence stories, as the more I read, the more I become intrigued with them.

Goodbye Gorgeous

I don't how you keep up your looks [insert name]! I've tried everything but I just can't seem to generate the same results as you /: There's a fairy tale about people having their looks handed right down from heaven, and now that you're here I'm having a hard time not believing in it.

Enough of that >.< In all seriousness though, you are great for reading this post. Check in with me next time? ^^ Maybe we could go for some coffee... I'm actually feeling decent right now, but not enough so that I would be a 9 (which means that I am, once again, an 8). Now scurry off and resume what you were doing before.

"I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse." - Florence Nightingale

January 9, 2015


Jeff isn't really a Reader

He doesn't actually read this blog (and I have high doubts that he will ever see this post actually), but today he took it upon himself to discover my blog through my Twitter and start reading out my posts in the middle of bio. SO LET'S ALL HAVE A ROUND OF AN APPLAUSE FOR JEFF.

9 Things I Can't Handle (#7)

If you are indeed new to this segment and you're completely lost, don't worry. Sometime ago I decided to write about a topic that I would pull from this list every few posts. Anyhow, you're here at a good time as today I'm talking about things that gross me out. Before I start though, realize that I haven't seen anything that has actually made me throw up or anything of the sort. This is all just sort of "shivers up your back" type of stuff. In no particular order:

1. Objects protruding flesh
2. Stuff like worms and centipedes
3. Creepy dolls
4. Cyborgs/Androids (something like I, Robot)
5. Scary things
6. Cringe moments
7. Terrible dubs/subs
8. People trying too hard to fit in
9. Bad singing (a.k.a. me)

Goodbye /:

That's all folks!

Kevin's an 8 tonight. See you in the next post ^^

"My dear friend, clear your mind of can't." - Samuel Johnson

January 6, 2015

Uhmmm... Hi? ^^

You're Looking Very Pretty

My my what brought a cute thing like you to a blog like this?! Anyhow, I'm pleased to have your company here, and fingers crossed that you'll enjoy the rest of this post.

Skipping #5 and now onto #6

#5 directed me to go through the biggest lie that I got away (or not) with, and although I distinctly remember writing that I don't have anything big to lie about, I must have thrown that post away or something like that. Even if I have simply just forgotten and I already have written about it, I should be on #6 anyways.

#6 is the hardest thing that I've ever gone through. Probably a window.

Joking joking. Hmmm... well I suppose that these past few months have been just an ongoing battle for me. They've been really great to me in all other aspects, it was just personal stuff. I'm not too comfortable sharing the details yet and I doubt that I'll ever be willing to share in the future. Sorry about that /: I'm kinda skimping out on these things. #7 is something much more workable and you can expect to see a full segment on it ^^

Gonna go for a Walk

It's dark and cool outside and I think that I need some fresh air again. I'm letting little things get to me and walks are nice to temporarily relieve myself of... myself ^^ Time to end another post.

The past few days I've discovered that I'm actually a 12 year old (thanks to Emma for that). Another friend opened up to me about some stuff and I was really happy that he/she did. Things are looking swell guys. Anyhow, I'm an 8 tonight. Until the next post my wonderful reader.

"Our understanding is correlative to our perception." - Robert Delaunay

January 4, 2015

Sorry to those Forgotten

Here's Your Recognition

It was brought to my attention that I forgot a few people from the list who actually read this blog, so I've decided to actually instead make a "Wall of Fame" sort of thing (although in this case it may be more of a "Wall of Shame"). The list of people will be on the right hand side for everybody to look at and gaze upon. If you don't see your name on the list then please message me (through whatever) and I'll see to it that you're added. You should also know that I'm not sure exactly who is reading, so I won't add your name unless I'm 100% sure. Don't feel hurt if I have not, as I just don't have knowledge on this. Note: if you don't want your name on, say something to me.

Another nice update to this blog is the new banner. I had some time and after a bit of Photoshop I ended up with the banner that you see before you. This one makes me super happy and I think it's one of the best that I've done so far. I really hope that you enjoy this one as much as I do.

School's Back Tomorrow

The past two weeks have been great and I'm so thankful for them. I had loads of fun and somehow also got my work done. With this positive attitude I'm looking forward to school and SEEING EVERYBODY AGAIN I MISSED YOU ALL.

Soon enough I'll be begging for another break, but maybe it'll be near spring break by then.

Time to Let You Go :)

Thank you for sticking around for yet another post. I will now release you from the "horribleness" of my blog (I'm joking it's as pretty as you are... I'll leave that up to your own interpretation).

Pretty good day for me. Finally got around to cleaning out my drawers and my desk. Cousins came over for a bit and it was nice that they did (silent thank you to you two). Still I have to unfortunately say that I am an 8. Seeya in the next post <3

"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." - Alexander Hamilton

January 3, 2015

Fall 2014 Conclusion

You Know the Drill

If this is your first time being here for one of these posts, please turn away if you don't know the difference between anime and manga. You'll be much happier off and less confused, and I won't feel as bad for laying down a very bulky post.

And of course if you know how these types of posts are, let's just jump into it.


Akame ga Kill!
Amagi Brilliant Park
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
Grisaia no Kajitsu
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuristu*
Log Horizon 2*
Sword Art Online II
Trinity Seven

*still airing

Akame ga Kill!

I don't know how I feel about the anime now that it's over. From my friends I hear that the manga is considerably better, but I'm hesitant to start reading it. The ending was predictable, with just about everybody dying (aside from Akame of course), but one thing that I do have to mention is that the fights were done really well, even if some major things from the manga were skipped.

All the OPs and EDs were really good. I don't particularly love the art, but it's not like I hate it either (I do however think that it fits the show). Akame ga Kill! was very on and off with me. For the most part though I did enjoy the show and I always looked forward to the next episode.

Tatsumi x Esdeath confirmed. Forever and ever.

Best Girl Award: Chelsea

Amagi Brilliant Park

Boy becomes manager of a park with magical people. However he must get in a certain number of visitors before the deadline to keep the park running. Easily one of my favourites this season. Characters all lovable and funny. I'm really hoping for more Amagi Brilliant Park sometime in the near future. The comedy was great and well timed, and it's a real shame that it's only 13 episodes. The ending was how you would expect it to go, nothing surprising, but there's not really much freedom that you get with a show like this.

OP and ED were okay. Amagi Brilliant Park was appealing to the eyes and was done well. Every episode was exciting and I really can't ask for much more.

Best Girl Award: Who else but Isuzu Sento?

Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai

This is one of your pretty standard shows. Mind you, nothing wrong with it, but nothing that really makes it stand out (the idea of Shepards is pretty cool though). Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai is about Kakei-kun, a boy in love with books. Every single moment is spent reading, as knowledge is light and light clears the darkness. His life is then changed with the meeting of a girl and her dream... or something like that? I'm not that good with this stuff.

OP and ED were alright. Personally I didn't like them much, but yeah. The art style was also kind of bland and gave the whole show a washed feeling. In the end I will say that Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai was a decent way to fill up a day of the week.

Best Girl Award: Tamamo Sakuraba

Grisaia no Kajitsu

YESSSSSS TWO MORE SEASONS. Grisaia no Kajitsu was a great watch. The premise is pretty standard. Nearly-perfect MC moves into a school that's secluded and only hosts special cases (all of them who coincidentally are girls). He continues on to make each girl fall for him in a series of arcs. It sounds really run-of-the-mill, but I found it to be extremely interesting and fun.

OP and ED were actually more good than bad. I also enjoyed the fresh change in the style and I'm looking forward to the next two seasons.

Best Girl Award: Amane Suou

Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de

Or as it is also known, InoBato. This anime was cute and gave you a feel-good mood after you finished each episode. The show starts off with each of the main characters obtaining super powers, but as InoBato continues the super power part starts to become less and less important, to the point where it's quite irrelevant in the end. There are a bunch of characters introduced who serve no purpose later, and I feel that the problem with InoBato was that there was just too much for 12 episodes.

Sometimes I pay attention when the OP and ED come on. Most of the time however, I just lose myself in Imgur while they run. Art style was simple and standard, although I feel like the characters could have been designed better (I also have a personal problem with the hair, but yeah...).

Best Girl: Tomoyo Kanzaki, although all of them are pretty even

Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuristu

Wow. This keeps getting better and better with each episode (so glad there's 24). Kiseijuu revolves around our main protagonist, Shinchi, who is your typical student. One night an alien (called a parasyte) tries to take over his mind, but ends up failing and only gaining control of his right hand.

Kiseijuu really doesn't hold back. All the action scenes are gruesome, but so great to watch. There are also questions that the show forces onto the viewers, and it delves into deeper things. Watching a person like the old Shinchi turn into the current one was really interesting and kept me hooked the whole time. The show really picks up after the first few episodes, and I can only expect it to keep going until the very end.

The OP and ED are quite different from your typical ones, but definitely fit the theme of Kiseijuu. Art is also well done and the animation is nice. Characters are relatable and you grow attached to all of them. Kiseijuu brings in a strong performance to the upcoming winter season.

Best Girl: Satomi Murano

Log Horizon 2

The second season brought along a new studio, and at times it does feel weird. Log Horizon 2 is much like it's first season, but with the more recent episodes we're looking at something more interesting. However I feel that there is something missing from the second installment. It's still a good show, but not as enjoyable as before.

OP stayed the same (to my joy and somehow disappointment) while the ED is nice and cheery (just like the first season). I've already said what I can about the art style, so I guess I'll just end it off here.

Best Girl: Nazuna

Sword Art Online II

SAO II was the exact opposite of what happened with Log Horizon 2. I actually enjoyed this season a lot more than the second season (and I'm sure that others did as well). The GGO arc was pretty interesting, but I have to admit that the Mother Rosario arc was better. In this arc Asuna redeems herself as a main character while Kirito actually gets placed in the background for once (a move that I highly approve of).

OP and ED both nice to listen to, no problems at all with them. No comments on art style or animation, as I'm neutral with both. Looking forward to a possible third season.

Best Girl: Asuna

Trinity Seven

More than anything else, Trinity Seven was just fun to watch. Characters were all likable and the story was good. There's quite a bit of fanservice and pandering to the audience, but it adds to the show.

OP was great while EDs were alright. Art felt weird, but that's probably just me. Second season would be very welcome.

Best Girl: Lilith Asami

Thanks For Sticking Around

Appreciate it if you read through even a bit of this. It did take me a while to write up, but it is kind of dumb when I think about it >.< Today's been a quiet and nice day for me (most of the break has been actually), and I'm looking forward to school resuming this Monday.

I'm gonna go shower now so hopefully you'll be around when the next post rolls out ^^ For today I suppose I'm an 8 (typical Kevin, sheesh). Later later <3

"I have always thought that the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts." - John Locke

January 1, 2015

Welcome 2015

So I Had a Whole Post Written Out...

But something went wrong and I ended up losing everything. So I'm just gonna shorten this post to the really important parts and leave it like that.

Sorry for not making a new banner. I had been putting it off the days prior to New Year's and I was out the whole day yesterday. As a small compensation you can see a profile picture that I worked on this morning. I'm going to start using this for somebody in my contacts.

2014: What Happened?

I'm not too sure either.

I was cramming for the AP Chem exam for the first few months of 2014. Once that was done and over with I let out the breath I had been holding the whole time. Over summer I did nothing (except for the Colour Me Rad event) and tried to unwind. Due to the strike school resumed a bit late, but everything has settled down now. My classes are for the most part good (besides AP Bio, I love that class for reasons) and I'm enjoying school and life right now.

Wonder what will happen this year...

Ew This Post

I don't really like this post, but it'll do :)

Kevin's a 9 today. How are you?

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." - Ralph Waldo Emerson 
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