May 29, 2014


Feeling Blech

Is that even a feeling?

I don't know.

Anyhoo... some English work done with friends today. Tiring. Fun. I doubt anybody sincerely cares though. It's hard to find enough energy to do even that. Pessimistic post I suppose. Click away to happier realms. There's not really much that I want to blog about tonight.

If you're wondering, a way to describe blech would be not happy or sad. Empty is a good word. Well, empty isn't a good word, it's just the appropriate word. I don't think there are too many cases where empty is used in a positive connotation. Find one for me.

Nighty night. I'm an 8 tonight. Sometimes numbers just don't cut it.

"Rules and models destroy genius and art." - William Hazlit

May 25, 2014

Before I Forget Again.

Final Stretch

There's a month-ish of school left and I find that I spend my last few weeks trying to pass time on the computer trying to lose myself in yet another game. I believe all the chemistry tests are done and over with, and all my other subjects are doing fine, so that's my "justification" for just laying low for a while. Things have been good, or as good as they can get. For now, I am happy. But I'm not satisfied with something. Many things.

Good luck to all those who still have finals and such (not that I don't).


The thing about value is that you never really know how much something is worth until after you have it. For example, I won't know how valuable school is for me until after I have graduated (and I would further presume that it'd take me many more years after that). It's kind of like going shopping. You want to get the most out of your money. Can A has blah blah blah for blah and Can B has blah blah blah blah for a blah and a half. Which one would you get?

So yes, you can speculate how much a certain object or idea is worth, but you'll have no idea until you open up that can and check for yourself.

That's It For Today

Later. Early post today because I usually forget. I'm an 8 tonight.

"There is always the need to carry on." - Marjory Stoneman Douglas

May 20, 2014


Agggggh, It's Been A Week

Sorry bout that. I just got caught up in the holy-god-it's-a-four-day-weekend and spent most of it sitting at my desk dwindling away my time. According to a friend school's out this Thursday (thank you job action), so it's essentially a two day week (however I can't verify this).

Side note: I always say essentially as opposed to basically ever since I was told that the two don't have the same meaning. Still on shaky ground here. Never bothered to look it up.

Anyhow, I'm planning to make a pretty good post today (in order to try to make up for the past week).

Obligatory picture of Mashiro Shiina needed (the void has mostly closed).

Moooovvinnnggg On

I've always wanted a pet dog. Truthfully, I actually love cats and dogs (share the love dude), but I guess there's just something about a loyal, caring, and (sometimes) clingy dog that gets to me. Anyhow, this isn't to say that I'm getting a dog, it's simply a little back story for the next line in this post.

Click Me

Future Descendants

The concept of leaving behind some sort of message to the civilization that will come after us (I'm not bothering to put a solid number simply because my mind doesn't think that far ahead) has always appealed to me. Just imagine if you got mail from some great great great ancestor talking about his/her life. It'd be amazing.

So naturally when my friend shared this link I got pretty excited and hyped up to participate. That's all.

Later guys. I'm an 8 tonight. Last test for chem coming up this week. I'm not ready and ready at the same time.

"People are screwed up in this world. I'd rather be with somebody screwed up and open about it than somebody perfect and ready to explode." - Ned Vizzini, It's Kind of a Funny Story

May 13, 2014

The Void Continues And Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Dude

Wow it's been a while since it was last your birthday. We never really make a big deal about it, but happy birthday. Glad that you've been there for me my whole life, even though I haven't. Yeah, a lot of the time you're pretty harsh on me, but I decided a while ago that you just wanted what was best for me (in place of my parents, who don't really know much about my education). Keep on living dude.


DAY THREE OF THE SAKURASOU VOID. Kind of weird how I still haven't gotten over it, but I think I've made some progress by spoiling the light novel ending and reading (at least what has been translated so far) the manga. I also completely organized my backlog and when I put the ED (the first one of course, the second one is inferior) on replay I don't feel a sharp pain in my heart as I did two days ago. Of course it still hurts, but it's like a dull throb.

Yes, I have dedicated this blog completely to Mashiro Shiina (best girl obviously). Please enjoy (the very first GIF on this blog) Mashiro brushing her teeth while half asleep.

New Template

There isn't really any reason for me changing the template asides from me wanting a new change of surroundings. I have to say that I'm loving it so far (especially the header), so huge thanks to Blogger Candy and their absolutely fantastical designs. You can find the one that I'm using here.

Later guys. Band tomorrow morning (doesn't really matter though since my biological alarm clock has me set to wake up every morning at 6:40 a.m. regardless of band or not), so I'm going to (probably not) try to catch some more shut-eye for myself. Hope you enjoy the new look, and you will hear from me next time. Kevin signing out, with a big ol' 8.

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." - Frederick Douglass

P.S. I'm now officially adding that GIF permanently to this blog on the side column.

May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day (2nd Or 3rd On This Blog)

Yeahhhh, It's That Time Of The Year

Quick and heart-felt Happy Mother's Day to all those who spend tiring and countless hours to bring us up. I am very far from being an openly affectionate son, so nearly all of the time I'm kind of embarrassed to say these types of things to my family. Saying it and then going on my way would be fine, but I know that if I did say something like that, I'd be gushed over immediately.

For that reason I'm just going to say it here. Love you mom (*shudder* even here it's weird). Thanks for everything you do. I really appreciate it, even if I take it for granted and I literally never show it.


The Sakurasou Void Still Going Ham

Yes, I'm still struggling to get over Sakurasou. I listened to parts of the drama CDs and started the manga, but it doesn't give the same effect as the anime. Wow this void has really just turned into something that I can't handle. However I am looking for a short (or it could be long, I don't really mind) series to watch, so I'm open to any suggestions.

My friend asked me if I felt like writing fan-fic to fill the void. I don't know. My writing capabilities probably wouldn't do a good job of capturing the essence of the characters from Sakurasou. They all have pretty unique personalities.

Thinking About Another Project

Gahhh there are just so many talented people (ahhhhh talent was a large focus in Sakurasou) around me, I can't help but feel envious of their projects. So I'm probably going to start another likely-futile "project" soon. No idea what it could be. Might be a novel. Might be a site. Might be a channel. Might be a video. No idea.

Later dudes (and gals). I'm an 8 for tonight. Until next post.

"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" - Milton Berle

May 10, 2014

Don't End.

The Anime Void Begins

It's been a few hours since I finished The Pet Girl of Sakurasou and my chest is still tight and hurting like hell. Actually, it's extremely uncomfortable, and I don't know why. It's confusing. Haha, I might sound silly for being so attached to an anime that others may hate. Oh well.

Eating up Sakurasou at a rate of 12 episodes per day (roughly) was probably one of the best things that I have ever done. I'm scared. It actually really hurts. Scary. No season two in sight or probability (for now at least). Don't end Sakurasou.

That Was Kind Of Stupid

Yes that was. I don't think I'm ready to fully commit myself to another really good anime yet. Probably just knock off 12-episode anime from my backlog until I feel okay. The void is huge this time. I don't remember ever longing for more of an anime ever. It doesn't even make sense. Everything else that I watched after Sakurasou was terrible in my eyes. Thank god I watched all of my Saturday anime beforehand (excluding Date a Live II, but that's a Friday anime anyways and it isn't anything special so far).

Night guys. 9. Great series. Huge anime void. Chest hurts. I am actually going to put in a quote from Sakurasou. I'm done.

"I'm glad Sorata was my first." - Mashiro Shiina from The Pet Girl of Sakurasou

May 8, 2014



Finished the exam. Crying. It's finally over. Everything passed by in a second. We're excused from chem for the rest of the week. Worth.


It feels so good to not have to worry about it. Sure there are (re)tests next week, but I can't really care. Early dismissal is beautiful.


Another fun day.


Kiwanis festival today. Alpha got gold (pretty good for the first year the band has attended). Pretty happy. Everything was fun.

Later Then

I'm watching The Pet Girl of Sakurasou and I really like it so far. Still have quite a bit of socials to do, but I think I'll just hand it in late next week. I don't know what my socials mark is. There's a quiz tomorrow, however I feel like it'll work out fine. Electrochem retest on Monday and thermochem test on Thursday. Labs in between and for a while. Then after that I'm not sure. Apparently there's to be a party for chem. There's also a farewell party for the (amazing) student teacher tomorrow.

Goodnight people. I'm an 8. Time to go watch.

May 4, 2014


10 More Hours

It's so funny how I'm actually taking the time to write up this doomed-to-be-bad piece of post. You know what they say. People often go up and about when they think their lives are about to end. It's kind of funny how calmly I'm taking these few hours before the exam when I've been anxiously waiting for it ever since I stepped into that chem classroom.

And in retrospect I'd do it all again. I met people that I cannot imagine life without. Yeah, a lot of bad things happened, but a lot of good things also happened. So for that, I'm glad that I am in this class (even if I was kind of forced into it).

Cheers towards the future and my pseudo-death. However I'm kind of looking forward to this. Another thing people do right before their death is go delusional.

WOW, Consecutive Posts!

Haha, yeah. I'm trying to get back in my rhythm of blogging every few days (whereas I've been blogging on more of a weekly basis). Game review. Yes. I have not forgotten (or I just remembered right now, you'll never know). This blog is kind of stupid, but it's the good kind of stupid. Not the kind of stupid that makes you want to shut it down, but not too far from that. It's a love-hate relationship sometimes.

Ah, gonna go study again. Trying to get thermochem nailed down. Probably wake up really early tomorrow just to review and maybe do a practice test. Then I'll get there, do the exam, skip two blocks, get to third, screw around in chem, go to volleyball, and then just go home and cry (out of happiness or sadness I don't know yet) while playing games. See you in the next post anon. I'm an 8 tonight. Weird.

"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor." - Sholom Aleichem

May 3, 2014

Reaching #400


If you couldn't tell from the last post, I am probably the most unprepared person preparing (haha) to take the AP Chem exam THIS MONDAY. Words cannot describe how awful this feels. I can't even start to imagine how good everything will seem when I'm done with AP. There's still seven topics that I need to cover, and I kid you not, THEY ARE THE MOST INTENSIVE AND IN-DEPTH ONES. Hopefully there will be a lesson to be learnt from this. I DON'T EVEN CHEM OKAY.

Good time to introduce a theory my friend (thanks Jerry) made up called equilGibrium. Essentially what the theory states is that you learn the same amount that you forget. What this means (with a bit of expansion) is that we're all walking into the AP exam with the exact same amount of knowledge that we had at the beginning of the year. HAHA CHEMISTRY JOKES.

Yeahhhhh, this exam is really driving me up the wall.


Nothing good on this blog for now. I'm officially in exam mode, where I try to cram a whole year's worth of chem in 72 hours. It's funny because near the start of the course when we were given AP forms, there was a very very very blatant warning that this course was not something that students could cram in the hours before the exam and would require dedication and hours of studying a week. Haha, take that (even though I'm pretty much screwed for the exam).

After this post there will be 25 to go until my blog hits #400. What have I been doing with my life? This blog has come to the point where I just can't delete it (even if I wanted to, which I don't) because it has a lot of my life in it. I guess I'm doing this so that one day when I'm dying in a hospital bed (or something stupidly stereotypical like that) I can open this open and relive 80+ years of my life (assuming of course I even live to be around 100).

Night Then ^^

Probably going to retake the practice exam online tomorrow and focus on the other topics. Review early morning on Monday. I don't even know. Night guys, and thanks for reading. I'm a stressed out 7 today. How's your week been?

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo da Vinci

May 1, 2014

Not Worth

Life Is One Big Sob Story

Sometimes it's as if life was this really big and depressing story with little pockets of happiness splattered around the place. It seems like this, and at times it also appears that life is instead happy with sadness thrown about. It just depends on what way you look at it, and that may also show whether you are optimistic or pessimistic.

Lately everything's been downhill. Mood swing? Can't tell. It's been a while. Report card wasn't too nice (to the point where I'm not making Principal's Honour Roll) and chem is really just bugging me. On top of all that the lately hot weather has made everything seem even more unbearable. I actually tried to study for a chem test and despite my efforts I got a B on that test, so I feel like maybe I'm just bad at chem.

Life is one big sob story that isn't worth it.

Enter May

Countdown to the exam is starting. Two more months left. And then I'm done. I can be done with everything. I won't care anymore. I won't have to care. I can just sleep, wake up, and not care. After the exam I can't even imagine how relieved I will be. Honestly. These past few months have jumped by, but if I can say that then I can also say that these past 14 years have zoomed by. Whatever. I don't even feel like trying anything anymore.

I've always been okay at everything. Some things I'm really good at. Other things I'm okay. And if I'm bad at something, then I try harder to get to the okay level. But for some reason I just can't seem to put enough effort into chem. So it leaves me thinking that chem is actually something I'm perpetually terrible at.

Ah, what a terrible post.

Hate It When...

People ignore me. I dislike it. Or when they just throw me away with, "Whatever." It hurts right? I have a friend. He's a great friend. In class he sometimes ignores me. I don't know if he's just completely zoned out or something, but he it seems like he really really hates me with all his guts. And then a minute passes and he's at me with his cheery voice asking about anime or something. I don't get it.

Do people even hate me? Probably. I don't know. There are so many things that I don't know.


That concludes this post for today. My sincerest (not really) apologies for not posting for the past week. A lot of the time I don't feel like posting anymore. Later guys.


"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegut
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