August 24, 2016

Hiya c:

This month has turned out really busy for me (somehow) and it's already drawing to the end of August. It's unfortunate that I haven't been able to fully take you guys with me during my 24 days of hanging out with friends, working, and fulfilling various other obligations, but hopefully this post will ease my negligence.

I've been friends with a certain group of people for about two years now, and while most of us are scattered in the lower mainland, two of us are actually quite far away. Most of our interaction and connection are through games and Skype, but for the first time we were able to assemble most of the group. The two who don't live in the lower mainland came to visit us in the middle of August and we were able to have a really packed but amazing week together. That was a big highlight of my month, and I'll be sure to treasure the time I spent with them.

Since the latter half of July I've been working at a sushi restaurant (a good hour and a half commute from my place) and it's nice to have a nice steady flow of money going into my wallet again. I'm really thankful that I was given another opportunity to pick up some hours of work and I definitely won't squander it. The sushi is also a plus.

Next week I'm headed to the optometrist (maybe I'll have to get glasses with the way my eyes are failing on me) and I also have to start thinking about the upcoming school year. It'll definitely be a big one for me and those in my grade, and I hope that I'll play an integral role in making this year a memorable one worthy of leaving a legacy behind.

Anyhow, that's all for this small update. My fingers have started hurting again so I will go brush and turn in for tonight. Hopefully next post won't be too far from now, and you'll hear from me soon.

August 1, 2016

I Wonder

Hey, it's me, your Alpha Students' Council President for the 2016/2017 school year! I'm so glad that I get to work with the talented lineup for this year's group, and I look forward to enjoying another amazing school year here. This is my fifth year on Students' Council and I hope that I can use my experience and ideas to help run new and exciting events, along with all the traditional events Alpha has always had.

Well I'd like to say this, but I really can't, after all, it isn't what I feel.

So I'm here again, because nobody else ran for the position of Students' Council President and to be honest, it isn't that great. In the past I've ranted about problems that various clubs and councils "work" with and how there is a general lack of communication between all groups in the school, but this time around, I'll be going off specifically about Students' Council.

To any and all 2016/2017 Students' Council members who may stumble upon this: this isn't directed at you nor does it involve you. You happen to have a very passionate and outspoken leader who doesn't think that he can make change in his school.

Anyhow. If you're not familiar with my opinion on the current "system" of communication between councils and clubs at Alpha, I'll quickly run it over here. All communication in the school is a disconnected and jumbled mess or nonexistent. Because of this, simple problems such as schedule conflicts, event proposals, and mediocre collaborations are rampant through the school year.

Here is where Students' Council is supposed to step in. We are supposed to be a group of passionate individuals who run a central hub for all clubs and councils to connect and relay information through. But throughout my four years of being on Students' Council, I have not seen this purpose fulfilled. Another major objective of Students' Council is to promote school spirit, and to be fair, all previous incarnations of Students' Council have tried, but not in any meaningful way. Granted, it's difficult to be proud of a school that has a bad rap, but there is no school spirit.

Students' Council is far from what I want it to be, and I want to be the one who sets forward a motion to change the entire school. There is no foundation and clubs are lacking basic structure and organization. However it is daunting to think about how much I need to do to get the essentials down and start "rebuilding".

Sometimes I wonder if I would have been elected President if there were other candidates. I can easily see others winning solely through popularity, and I wonder if I would have been able to effectively convey my message and platform to a group of students in their last year of high school.

I am far from an amazing person, but I think that my vision and "ideal Alpha" is something that is amazing. I know that there is no chance for me to completely flip the school around, but at the very least I can start making change.

Thank you for listening to my rant and watch me eat my words in less than a year's time.
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