May 31, 2012

Awesome Camp Group

Picked Camp Groups Today

We picked camp groups out of the 85 students that were going to camp today. All the grade seven classes along with a few grade sixes gathered at the gym around 2:30 to talk about camp groups. I ended up in a group with Vincent, Ufan, Peter, Gordon, Joshua, Jonathan and myself. The ideal group. So I'm already in a great mood because of the groups.

Figured Out What's Wrong With Me

Lately I've been really down and the complete opposite of optimistic (which is pessimistic). It started like right after the breakup that I had and after having a very deep chat with a good friend, I've figured out what has really happened to me.

She broke up with me. Which meant that she left a hole that I was longing to fill. Ever since, I've been looking at girls and lowering my expectations of the perfect girl. I've been delusional and I have been imagining all the girls are much prettier, smarter and nicer than they really are. I guess I'm just looking somebody else to care for me the way that I used to.

So I guess that my mind is delirious and I'm just waiting until high school to start fresh and just forget all the bad in elementary school.

Overall, Life Is Good

Finally got what's been bursting to get out of my head for the last hour or so onto paper, or at least whatever this is. Life is now moderately enjoyable. I just had a talk with my friend (in fact, I'm still in it) about some stuff (won't go into details of course) and I feel pretty awesome.

10. Still have to tell my dad my friends and I lost his USB, but today has been a really good progressive day emotionally. Can't wait to see what the road ahead brings me.

"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." - Abraham Lincoln

May 28, 2012

Been A While

Not Exactly Sure Who Reads This

You know, I guess this whole blog is just some sort of childish dream of mine that says, "Don't worry Kevin, one day you'll be famous and LOADS of people will visit your blog." I still have yet to find out if that dream should yet come true. For now though, I will have my friends, family and more or less often, a random person. But no matter who you are, what gender you are, if you started reading this when it started or just today, I want to thank you for sticking with me through dirt and soil... even though dirt and soil are commonly classified as the same thing. XD

Mushrooms On Steroids And Other Problems

Yes, the blog ASplashInTheFishBowl is up right now, but the reason as to why I have not posted anything on it is not apparent yet. Throughout the course of about seven days, I've found plenty of topics to talk about. And now that the Minecraft server I play on is off, my FPS (first person shooter) has crashed and I have nothing else to do, I shall probably post a either lengthy or short post on that blog explaining the whole mushrooms on steroids thing.

The story starts off with my brother and I at T&T buying stuff for dinner with our dad. We're in the vegetable isle (or place, I dunno, it's technically not an isle) and my brother picks up a package of those weird giant mushrooms that have been genetically modified to be bigger or something. He comes up to me and says, "Kevin, these are mushrooms on steroids." He puts the mutant mushrooms away and picks up a pack of mushrooms with thin strands for "trunks" and says, "And these are the side effects of steroids".

What I'm trying to say in this topic is that the world is coming up with a lot of weird stuff. We're very close to mass applying the Arctic Apple, a species of apple that has one of the enzymes turned off to prevent browning. And like all things in the world, this has consequences. A good one would be that people could eat apples even if they've been lying around for days, weeks and even months. A con would be that apple growers would have to lower their prices for this new apple which would definitely be the most popular (if you want to read more about the Arctic Apple, go to

Who's My Inspiration?

Since my friend Tyler (who also owns a blog half inspired by me) explained who his blog idol was, I've decided to do so myself. I guess people who I really admire in the field of blogging are Michael Jew and Alec Lee, both bloggers and very dear and close people to me. You can check out Michael's blog here and Alec's blog here.

In some ways, my blog has kind of met the expectations of my viewers. A post every week or so and the often whoops-I-forgot-to-post. In some ways, I've (don't know what word to use here)... beaten (?) Michael and Alec's blog (no offence to those two, especially since I know they read this), but in most ways, I'll never use the topics, wording and ideas that they have (I'm serious, although they haven't posted since like 2011, they have really meaningful stuff).

My Life Is... Eh

Feeling an overall sulky because my friend lost my USB and now I'm pretty sure that my dad will get really mad at me (still haven't found the right moment to tell him). I'm going to go get a post up on that blog that I've been putting off and I'm going to do a little bit of dusting around the pages.

Today I'm a 9 because I had loads of fun during P.E. My hands are kind of feeling weird because every time I actually think about typing, they get all tingly and I imagine that I'm using a desktop keyboard (which by the way, is a lot higher than mine in terms of key height).

"We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them." - William Arthur Ward

May 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Wendy!

Happy Birthday Aunt Wendy

Today is my aunt Wendy's birthday and it was pretty fun for an Asian birthday party for a now 51 year old woman. Like with most birthdays, there is cake. Anyways, I think really the only thing that really matters is that my aunt's birthday has put my family in a pretty good mood.

Purpose of this topic is just to wish my aunt a very Happy Birthday (although I doubt that she reads my blog =P).

Children. These. Days.

Kind of weird for me to be talking about how children behave since I am still barely a pre teen myself. But really, the amount of swearing that children use these days (although there should be none) is really kind of just horrifying.

I was brought up in a no swearing family. I guess it's just the way that children are raised up to be, but only few ever behave that way anywhere else except for home. Just yesterday I heard a few children swearing their heads off and yelling at each other like crazy just over some sort of bike race. There's also this kid who likes to watch us play street hockey after school who's always like (I replaced the swear with fudge), "Holy fudge! That almost hit me!" and stuff like that.

I just don't get why swearing is so pumped up these days. It's being advertised as a good thing and it kind of shames me to see our generation behaving like so.

Totally Out Of Topics

I'm really out of much to say these days, but there's no way I'm giving up this blog. I guess the few things I can do are update the pages, write a new bio, put up some new links, write some new top five lists and just do some tweaking around the blog. Or I could find some meaningful things to talk about.

Today I'm a 10, essentially because I have to be (not that I wouldn't be) because it's my aunt's birthday. Handed in my lazily done Ancient India brochure (probably going to get a solid C on that), but at least that's some pressure off me (I'm never going to procrastinate again and I'm definitely going to learn a lesson from this). Night.

"All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much" - George Harrison

May 14, 2012

Just Feeling... Meh =/

Tomorrow I MAY Go To The VAG

My class is going to the all awesome Vancouver Art Gallery tomorrow to create some epic records and design them with stuff like markers and other art and crafts materials. But I might not go because Alpha called a few days ago and told me to go to Alpha on May 15, which coincidentally was also the day for the VAG.

BUT my mom found out that I was not forced to go to Alpha and it was simply just like an open house (or should I say open school XD). So I'm debating if I should go to the VAG (I really want to get those record things) or if I should go to Alpha and find out about the school.

I'll probably go with the records. I'll get five years anyways to discover Alpha.

Read ONLY If You Like Minecraft

I've been watching a lot of Nova's Quad Mountain Survival and I'm really considering if I should do something like that. OKAY, yeah, criticize all you want, but it could be a possibility. We might host the whole thing on Jonathan's server and hey, if we play our cards right, we might get famous.

Well... this topic was kind of lame... should have kept that to myself. Oh well.

My Blog Is Not Popular

I'll be the first to admit that my blog is not the most popular and wide read in the world. In fact, I'm lucky if even one of my posts have over 10 visits. The fact is, majority of visitors include Tyler, Calvin and Amanda (Burdge). The only time when my blog was read by other than my friends was that post about the Just4Hookup thing. This post will probably get a few more views just because I included Just4Hookup (since the post Extravaganza One has about 2800 views just because it was mainly talking about it) in it.

I mean, I wasn't really expecting a lot from this, but I would really like it if some random people actually visited. Maybe my blog is way too boring. It has no meaning and no life. It's simply a public diary of my life. Nothing interesting, but the main viewers I have (names were mentioned...) probably only read either to find out about me or just out of politeness. So thanks.

Just Finished 28 Weeks Later

If you follow my Twitter feed, I just posted a Tweet about how I finished watching 28 Weeks Later. I have to tell you. That movie is awesome. Can't really say anything bad about it, since it was not just a repeat of the first. Lots of eye gauging (actually, only one scene), zombies and explosions (LOTS). Your basic zombie movie.

Watched a great movie. Had my P.E. cut short today. Went to the library. I guess that could sum up to a 9. Truth is, I should actually be around a 7 since Capture The Flag was ended sooner than usual and that... I guess missing P.E. really just ticks me off.

"It sometimes feels like a strange movie, you know, it's all so weird that sometimes I wonder if it is really happening." - Eminem

May 13, 2012

Beast Like Day

Birthdays, Biking, And A Sore Butt

To start off this post, I'd like to wish all the moms, aunts, grandmas, great grandmas, great great grandmas and so on and so on an awesome Mother's Day. We as stubborn teenagers may not understand how much you take care of us, but one day, when you're old and we have kids of our own, we'll understand.

Before I tell you a story involving a great many elevator rides, mushy sandwiches and a four hour biking trip, I will note that the only reason why I used beast in the title was because I'm trying to implement the word beast as much as I can into my usual vocabulary. So hence the awkward title.

My day started with me waking up (always a good place to begin). I haven't really paid much attention towards many holidays and Mother's Day wasn't the exception, so of course I have no idea it's Mother's Day. I wake up and a few minutes (or something like that) later, I realize that it's Mother's Day. As my mom gives me my breakfast, I sheepishly head over to her and say, "Happy Mother's Day", even though it was kind of already ruined.

Put aside all the awkwardness and I had a decent morning. My cousin Michael's birthday was also today (weirdly I was able to remember that) and he had planned a trip to Stanley Park with Wen Jia (his girlfriend), Wen Jia's cousin, Raymond, and I. He had planned for us to bike around the seawall thing and then stop at certain places to do certain things (photos, eating, that kind of stuff).

Anyways, cut a long morning short, I forgot Mother's Day, ate breakfast, found out my bike was too small (but Michael had a extra), and went over to Michael's place.

All of the sudden, I don't feel so good about my day (no, I actually mean I feel great, but I suddenly have this uhhh feeling that this will be boring to put into a long story), so I will cut a long story short.

Back to Michael's place. We found some spare helmets, did some helmet adjusting and rode the bus/skytrain (Michael messed up on the skytrain and we had to take the elevator four times) to Burrard station where Wen Jia rented a tandem bike for her and Michael. We rode around Stanley Park, stopped at the beach and played and continued riding. We stopped near a popular grassy picnic area, ate some sandwiches that ended up getting mushy during the ride and then we rode back to Burrard where we did everything except we did it backwards.

To sum it all up, I would say I had a pretty good day.

Time's Ticking

Well, my clock reads 11:43 and I've got to get this thing up.

Today I'm a definite 10 because of the epic day I've had. Happy Mother's Day everybody and Happy Birthday Michael.

"But there's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin." - For One More Day by Mitch Albom

May 8, 2012

Going To Michigan

Finally Agreed

So the latest debate in my family is whether we (my brother, cousin and his girlfriend, aunt and I) should go to Michigan or not. First of all, it's kind of going to be a lot of work, getting the passports, fares and so. The second problem is that my dad is kind of concerned for my brother and I (partly because it's our first time out of B.C.). He can be a little overprotective at times, but he just kind of gave us the green light to go.

Either way, my mom has called my cousin and the fares are being bought right now. Tomorrow my brother and I are going to go take our passport photos tomorrow and I'm kind of excited and nervous. Can't wait for this summer.

Update On The CBC 4 On 4 Hockey Thing

I've kind of been thinking about this whole thing and I've come up with a conclusion. We PROBABLY (not sure because I've never been in this thing before) won't win the thing, let alone even get to the finals and it's kind of a hassle for some people because of the price (a hefty $45). I guess this could be a possible thing when we can actually make our OWN money, but for now, it doesn't look like it'll happen.

Nothing Much Else To Talk About

No school tomorrow, so that puts me into a good mood. My throat is kind of sore and I hope that it'll go away during the one day break. Ummm, I guess I can keep you posted on the whole CBC 4 On 4 thing for a while until we've finally reached a decision.

I guess I'm a 9 for today. Beasted my way through today and I'm excited to escape school for at least a day and sleep in. Playland on Friday, but I'm going to miss the Vancouver Art Gallery field trip (some random call from Alpha telling me I need to go to Alpha on May 15). Peace out.

"A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided." - Tony Robbins

May 6, 2012

Hey XD

Been A While Since I Last Posted

I've had a lot more lengthier intervals between my posts lately and it's kind of annoying me because everyday I start a new post and I end up saying, "Nah, nothing good happened today that's worthwhile." There comes a point where you basically HAVE to post whatever you have, even if it's the most boring story in the world, because you can't disappoint.

Starting A Reading List

I've been reading a lot of awesome books lately and I've decided that I want to share them with the world. I guess you could say most of my books involve philosophical stuff and really deep thinking, so if you're not into that stuff, I would tell you to completely avoid my reading list right now.

I guess the reason why I've been inspired to start this list is because there are so many great authors and books out there that I want to remember all of them so maybe I can take it off a dusty shelf at a library and read it 10 years later.

Hopefully I'll get you into the philosophical genre of books, because dude, that stuff is some deep reading.

Errr... What Else To Talk About

Don't really have much else to talk about in my life... I guess I could write about the upcoming possibility of my friends and I forming a street hockey team to join the CBC 4 on 4 hockey tournament, but then again, we've talked and we still need to get a few more people into the team (it's actually 5 on 5 including the goalie, so the name's kind of silly).

Going To Go Update The Pages

I've got a page to add and a few more to update, so I'm just going to be going right now. Hopefully this post was enough to satisfy your... errr... mediocre craving for my blog (unless you just came here because I urged you to).

Today I'm a good old 9 because it was a pretty uneventful day today and I'm usually in a good space. Getting yelled by my mom and dad because of my report card (not to be racist, but Asians right?), so that kind of dampens my mood. Oh well. Throat's bone dry and it's killing me. Floor hockey tomorrow at least.

"You cannot open a book without learning something." - Confucius

May 1, 2012

Bite From An Unknown Spider

Bit By A Spider

About two days ago, I found that I had a moderately large red lump on the left side of my ankle and at first I had thought that it was just a rash (I usually scratch at itchy places and it ends up getting red and swollen XD), but it turned out to be a bit more.

So I'm not going to gross anyone out and take a picture of this bite (just had my cousin Michael determine it an hour or so ago), but it does peeve me off a bit. First of all, it ITCHES SO BADLY, but I know that I can't scratch it. Second, I keep on poking it and it just gets irritated, so there's basically nothing I can do to make it heal faster.

Apparently it will be gone in about a week and it's definitely not a poisonous bite, because if it was, then I would feel it, my leg would start to have seizures and I would probably be dead by now if it was that serious.

I just searched up spider bites on Google Images and a lot of the images are way more gruesome than I expected. I kind of wanted to put one up, but oh well.

Haven't Posted For A While

The reason why I've been away from the computer for so long is because my cousin (the very same spider bite specialist) needed to use it for the taxes (WHY MY COMPUTER) and I was basically away from the computer for a while.

Okay, Want To Go Play Something...

I want to finally play something on the computer instead of doing this (not that I don't want to XD), so peace out.

Today I'm a 9. Average day. Nothing big, nothing small. My bite's kind of getting better, but I don't really know how to tell.

"Computers are not intelligent, they only think they are." - Unknown
Images by Freepik