April 23, 2013

People And Music

I Realized...

When you wave or say hello to a random stranger on the street, it triggers a reaction. Most commonly people think that you're different or unusual and that can either put a frown or a grin on their face. Sometimes frowns and grins turn into something more, something that just makes your day. There's something nice about saying hello to a person and then that person putting on a great big smile and saying hello back.

I believe I've written about how one little hello can help somebody's day improve greatly. I think that it kind of adds a bit to their day overall.

The reason why I've all of the sudden decided to reach upon this topic is because of something that happened yesterday. I was walking back to my place through the back and as I was walking, I heard the voices of two little kids up ahead. I look and I see this little girl who is cycling on a small tricycle around a table on a patio. When she sees me, she stops in mid-cycle and looks at me at a weird way. I try to smile (I've never been good at that) and wave to her. Surprisingly enough she doesn't run back into her house, but she says, "Hello." After we exchange greetings, she pipes up about how the tricycle wasn't her own, but her cousin's, and how her regular tricycle (which she says is much bigger) is broken. I don't know what to say, so I just wave and continue on my way.

Now that I think about it, I wonder what was running through her mind.

Looking For Music

Lately I've been sort of addicted to music, listening to it whenever I am able to. I guess it sort of helps me just clear out my mind, and when I play music really loud that it makes this pounding in my head, it strangely makes me feel really good. It's like loud music blasting in my ears triggers happiness.

So I've been searching for really good music as of these past few days. Things have been really improving from my point of view at least. I'm all caught up in school work thanks to help from family, I'm keeping fit (somehow, but I have no idea how so), and I just feel this overall great feeling.

Try To Look At It My Way

Sometimes people unintentionally hurt you. They joke and tease, but you don't know how much it may hurt them. For example, when people comment on my blog, it hurts, not only because they linger on something that I've tried to stop, but they turn something that I try to take seriously into a joke. I know that these people who do this are just really friends and don't mean any harm at all, but it kind of makes me feel like dying on the inside.

Then there's the whole concept of respect. It's like my friends can respect me, but not all of the time. I ask them to stop fooling around with my stuff, especially while I'm gone, but it seems that they just don't let up, even though it annoys me to hell whenever it happens.

I know all these people who do these things to me don't mean it and are really great people and friends, but it gets really tiring to the point where I don't even want to continue this blog, or continue bringing my materials to class.


Well, that ends this post. I feel better now that I've revealed some of what has been going on in my mind and problems that I just can't address in life because I don't have the respect or it's just because of my personality.

Alright. I'm feeling like a high 8 today. Don't think I need to explain why.

"At the beginning and end of love, the two lovers are embarrassed to find themselves alone." - Jean de la Bruyere

April 20, 2013

Small Problems

Small Problems Make Big Problems

It's silly how there have been so many "lessons" in life that have taught me that small problems eventually become big problems if not taken care of, yet I still don't take initiative to fix those problems. I still haven't done things that I've promised myself and others to do, such as creating a solid time schedule, sorting out my priorities, and taking care of commitments to projects.

Countless times I've tried to learn from my mistakes and apply them to my life so that I'll never have to go through another mistake again, and for some problems, it's worked out to my advantage, but for the most part, it's backfired.

The Book Of My Life

A friend asked me a question a while back. I was surprised that nobody has asked me that question, and I had never asked that question before. It seemed like one of those questions that everybody has asked or answered at least once.

That question is, "If somebody gave you a book about your whole life, would you read the end?"

Honestly, I didn't want to show any hesitation in my answer, so I quickly replied that I would read the end. However, that leads me to two more "branches" of thought.

If I had read the ending, wouldn't that change the book as I read it? That would mean that no matter how many books of my life that I'm given, I will never know how I die before I actually die.

The second question is about my whole life. Is this one delicately planned out thing, all in control of my fate? No matter what I do, will I always reach the same ending? This is just another question to add to my list of questions that will probably never be solved.

Yours Truly, Kevin

My blog used to be updated frequently every few days, but it feels like I'm taking time from it to focus on other things, mainly family, friends, school, and sports. Although this isn't a negative thing at all, I kind of still like to believe that I'll be able to look back at this blog when I'm older and see that it was the right choice to keep it alive. By far this blog has been the most successful out of all my "projects" because this is more for myself than anybody else. I just put more thought and watch my words in each post because of the people who read this blog.

I'm a solid 9 today. I feel great simply because I finally am on top of my work load and I think that my downhill as finally started sloping up. Anyhow, I'm off to try and sleep until Monday (although that'd be bad since I'm still not done all my work). Thoughts on this post? I think you will enjoy this quote, it tends to make people think.

"Try to imagine a life without timekeeping. You probably can't. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your way or the dashboard of your car. You have a schedule, a calendar, a time for dinner or a movie. Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. A dog does not check its watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays. Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out." - Mitch Albom, The Time Keeper

April 9, 2013

Things Are Looking Up

A Little Spark

These past few days things have been kind of turning over the brighter side of life. I don't know what it is, maybe it's just I haven't exactly opened my eyes to this, or maybe life just got better. Anyhow, I just felt like quickly putting in a little update for this empty wasteland of a blog.

A lot of things have been taking up my time, especially volleyball, homework, and a particular group of friends.

It always seems I have this little group of friends that I always hang out with. The thing is, this group changes every few months, but I'm not sure if I ever want this group to change. As some people say, change is nice, but, I don't know. It feels like for sure this group will slowly start to disappear from my life just like all the others have.

That's All For Today

Nothing else to talk about, so goodbye!

I'm an 8. I like how I put "an" before "8". It just seems... different. Anyways, catch you later on the next update. For now I leave you with this little "spark" post, a number, and a little quote.

"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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