July 29, 2014

New Header, Updating The Pages, And Stuff

So Uh, Yeah.

Here is the header in question:

Am I proud? Hell yeah. I actually learnt something from doing this.

Little back story before we continue here. I'm big on vector design. It's my thing. Naturally I've spent much more time on Fireworks than I have on Photoshop. Sure every now and then I come across an occasion where I'm required to use Photoshop for it's fabulous filters, but for the most part I use Fireworks.

However, for this banner idea I wanted to do something a bit "flashy" and decided to incorporate a GIF into it. My initial idea was to have two GIFs actually, one of Chitoge (which made it) and one of Mashiro (which sadly did not make it). So now I had to set about to make the GIFs have a transparent background. Fun.

I've seen people edit GIFs through Photoshop, but never Fireworks, so I pulled up chitoge.gif in Photoshop and sat there just wondering what to do. 6 frames of animation. Now what? Guess it's time to start removing the background. I click the pen tool and fail within a minute. It was different from the pen tool in Fireworks that I so dearly loved, so I had to do a bit of research online to figure it out. After learning the one mistake I had been making, I corrected it and was well on my way.

Successfully completing the removal of one frame, I moved onto the next. However the twist was that I didn't know how GIFs worked in Photoshoop. I messed up everything and had to restart. I was irritable and considered dropping this whole idea and using a still image instead, but for some reason I continued. Eventually I learnt the secret behind the GIFs and by then I had already invested too much time into this little project. So instead of using the pen tool like a proper designer, I cheated and took a shortcut with the magic wand tool.

Of course that's why the GIF looks bad to an extent. I moved onto Mashiro only to find that I messed up while saving it. The background had a colour similar to her hair, so the magic wand tool was out of question. I decided to not put Mashiro into the banner (laaaaaaaaame).

So there you have it. If you want to learn how to do any of this or have any questions, feel free to just post or shoot me an email. I'm also open to suggestions and such if you're interested.

I'm going to go shower. After I'm done I'll go and work on updating the other pages of this blog (last update was around February I think). Later then.

I'm an 8 for today.

"We must rediscover the distinction between hope and expectation." - Ivan Illich

July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014

Updates Updates Updates

Let's quickly run through these like a shotgun round shall we?

Placed into Silver II. Haven't won a ranked since (obviously because I'm terrible and I should really wait before I get demoted).

No, I have not started the anime blog yet. Still thinking about whether I really want to (just personal things, nothing like, "Oh I can't do it.").

AMV has been indefinitely put on hold.

Planning 10 Online has been taking up a little of my time.

I'm really bad at osu! now, but hey, it's somewhere to go when I need a place.

Couldn't think of a good title for this kind of post, so I just put the date (like a casual).

Anime is still life.

That's all.

Peace out. I'm an 8 for tonight. Later yo.

Oh yeah, that quote thing that I do.

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst." - William Penn

July 19, 2014

Anime Centered Post (Step Away Non-"Otaku")

A HUGE Maybe

A while ago I mentioned something about an "anime blog" (a reaaaaally long time ago). But the one thing that stopped me from actually making said "anime blog" a thing instead of just an idea was my fear that people wouldn't like the blog. However sometime in the past five minutes I've had a change of mind.

Why do I care? I shouldn't. When I started out with this blog, I did it for fun. So I can do the same thing with this anime blog. I can write reviews and articles for my own benefit, and if it turns into something more, then hooray, something happened. If it doesn't, I can simply look back when I'm several years older and laugh at myself.

Now that that's out of the way, I can start thinking about other reasons for why I won't start this blog. No time? Don't deserve to say that, I have plenty of time. I'm not experienced enough with anime to write my opinion and I will get flammed? Oh well, that's okay. Well then. Looks like everything should be fine.

Chitoge just to fill up the emptiness of this.


Here's a little bit on the anime that I've watched so far. I'll list the few that I haven't started yet at the end of this. I feel like I should do a follow up for the spring season (a "thoughts now that everything except for Mahouka and Haikyuu has ended" type of thing), but that's definitely not going to be in this post. Don't know if you would like that kind of thing here. Anyhoo, in no particular order:

Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance

Definitely one of the later starts for the summer season, Blade Dance has been just about average in terms of what it really is. From the one episode that I've seen, what I get from it is a stereotypical MC who is placed in an all-girls academy with a supernatural twist. So in other words, a harem with spirits in it (oh what does that remind me of?).

BUT. BUT. Does that mean I can't enjoy it?

I will admit that Blade Dance is my guilty pleasure this season. Even though it's just girls who surround a male MC who is completely oblivious of his harem, I still find some fun in it.

So is Blade Dance bad? Well, yeah. But yeah it's kinda up my alley if you get what I mean (haha that just sounds creepy).


There's a very good reason why I have only watched the first episode of this so far. Before it aired, I looked it up (actually I do that with everything, EXCEPT FOR DRAMAtical MURDER OF COURSE), and yeaaaaaaah, it does look like yuri.

Yes, I also don't know why I even watched this. For some reason the eyelashes really rub me the wrong way (oh god that also sounds weird) and I simply don't find Hanayamata interesting at all right now. I really don't look forward to watching episode two, but I mean, if I'm going to watch Blade Dance I should at least watch up to episode three on Hanayamata.

Tokyo Ghoul

You either hate it or love it. I think it's hard to have middle ground on an anime this extreme. Me? I'm more on the love it side, but the MC is unlikable (might be what they're going for though...).


Ohhhkay. Now this one is a bit "weird". I hear a lot about how Glasslip is identical to Nagi (seriously, whenever Glasslip is mentioned Nagi is also there). I can see the similarities in character design, but hey, I haven't watched Nagi yet (crowd: Boo! Boo!), so I really can't say anything about it.

Putting Nagi aside, Glasslip by itself... is still mediocre. The execution for the first episode was terrible and I didn't understand anything until the second episode (but that's nothing to whine about). Boom, CONFESSION in the second episode, somewhat expected with all the foreshadowing that came with it. Okay, so now we're getting somewhere, but this is definitely not anywhere good.

Do you know what this is like? Golden Time. I really liked the characters, but then the whole memory thing was a huge turnoff. The same concept goes for Glasslip. I honestly like the characters, but I don't like the future-seeing business. Put those characters into a regular slice-of-life setting, well, what you get is your average slice-of-life anime. So I don't like and I don't dislike Glasslip if that's what you were looking for.


Yet another one of my guilty pleasures. I LIKE LOCODOL. THERE. I LIKE THE CHARACTERS, AND I LIKE THE SHOW. Yukari is just so... perfect. And Nanako is also a great character. Now don't get me wrong, the show is definitely not godly, but it's not like it's doing anything wrong either. There are some good laughs to be found watching something like Locodol and there are adequate amounts of everything. It's a nicely rounded out show to even out all the chaos of everything this summer.

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?

Oh hey another harem this season. Sounded like Nanana's Buried Treasure for a bit, but then I watched the first episode (today actually) and any of that idea went flying out (or in like a mahou shoujo) the window. The look of the characters was extremely different from Kokoro Connect (both came from Silver Link), and I have to say that I like Kokoro Connect's art style a lot more. There's nothing wrong with the style in Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?, it's simply a case of preference.

Anyhow, to the actual filling of the episode. Overall nothing different from your typical harem. Guy rents a cheap apartment, girls proceed to fill it, and chaotic life ensues. Something feels off about this anime though, so for that reason I'm not really feeling it.


Let me just say one thing about this so we can get this over with. If it was just a standalone season, with NOTHING from the first season, I would actually like it. There's an interesting back story for Shino (who is a fresh change from the usual characters) and the show itself is interesting. That's all I have to say.

Akame Ga Kill!

Same thing with Tokyo Ghoul. It's pretty extreme, so you either like it or you don't. I feel like it tries to hard to be two things, with one side being all serious and gruesome, and the other side providing fan-service and comedy. If it just tired to be one side, I think it would turn out great. As it is now though, enjoyable, but to a point.

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

THIS SHOW IS DOING EVERYTHING PERFECTLY. It's a romance-comedy about a girl (Sakura) and a manga artist (Nozaki) who work together after a chain of events. The comedy is great, original, and the art looks great.

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun is truly the gem hidden underneath all this clutter of summer anime. Its execution is flawless and I love the show. My favourite of this season.

Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories 2

First season gave me the creeps. Looking forward to this. First episode had me going, "Oh this isn't that bad." Second episode got me ripping off my headsets and crying. Fun little series.

Until Next Post

Wow I really overextended for this post. I'll try to do the spring conclusion thing sometime in the next bit, but until then this is what you have. Mahouka, well, it's just Mahouka. I thought Haikyuu!! would kind of drop for a while, but it's actually been outstandingly good.

Added Chitoge to my motivation wall. I'm an 8 for today. Later later... potato... tater? I don't know.

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." - Plutarch

July 11, 2014

Heyo New Project

Project #6219403

Erm, I have started another project (hell, I've even forgotten what my last attempt was). It's an AMV (anime music video for all of you who aren't into that kinda thing), but I'm hoping to make it... good? A lot of inspiration for this comes from the following two videos.

Considering how much I talk about anime and "projects", I figure that there's the possibility that one of these videos is a repost on this blog. Anyhoo, if you have (or haven't) taken a look at them, there's my "motivation" for making an AMV. As of now I'm still trying to master motion tracking with the Roto Brush in After Effects, but over the past bit I've improved vastly (and by bit, I literally mean since this morning). If my work is anything decent or worth sharing, I might put it up here. Might. Yeahhhh, I'm hoping that I don't drop this one either.

Anime List Updated

For all you "otaku" out there.

Have watched an episode or more of:
Hanayamata (whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy; THE EYELASHES)
Tokyo Ghoul (gruesome, for sure, but extremely interesting)
Glasslip (eh, it's just average, probably would be terrible if I had actually watched Nagi)
Locodol (yeah this is kind of my guilty pleasure, but nothing special)
SAO II (heyo, an anime that's based on games and an overpowered MC)
Akame Ga Kill! (hell yeah, this is going to be fun)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (can't wait for the next episode)
Yamashibai: Japanese Ghost Stories 2 (first episode wasn't as scary as the first season)

Plan to watch: 
DRAMAtical Murder (okay, I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YAOI)
Jinsei (too lazy to find subbed, prob going to watch it during fall or something)
Juuou Mujin no Fafnir (please don't let this be a repeat of Dragonar Academy)
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? (YEEEEEAHHHH, HAREM WITH GHOSTS)
Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance (spirits = Date a Live)
Tokyo ESP (seems interesting, could be a flop)

Most of the anime that I have watched are kind of on the fence, in terms of how "stable" they are. I think all (excluding one or two) have great potential, but then again, summer for anime isn't looking too great. A great example is Akame Ga Kill! I think it has a wonderful chance to become an anime that is simply fun to watch, and I'm definitely hoping that it won't flop and just become a tedious thing to watch.

That's All My Time For Now

Nighty night guys. Today's been really hot.

I'm an 8 (like usual). Until the next time I post.

"No one wants advice - only corroboration." - John Steinbeck

July 6, 2014

Hue Hue (?)

What I Have Been Doing As Of Late

1. Anime 2. League 3. Literally nothing else

1. If you're actually interested, here is the list of summer anime that I plan to watch as of now. The list will probably change and a few things will be added here and there. Another thing you could also look at is my HOLY BEAUTIFUL MAL ANIME LIST. Anyhow, the list goes something like this (in no specific order whatsoever):

Have watched an episode or more of:
Glasslip (I wish it was more than just 13 episodes, but hey, maybe there'll be a second season)
Locodol (I don't really know why I picked this up)
SAO II (for the same reason everybody else is)
Akame Ga Kill! (actually not bad, considering I don't really watch action based anime too much)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (probably the anime of the season for me)
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories 2 (holy this actually got a season two, good stuff)

Plan to watch:
DRAMAtical Murder (I don't even know what it's about)
Jinsei (apparently it's just oppai, but whatever, I'll just drop if it's unsavory)
Tokyo Ghoul (looking forward to this)
Juuou Mujin no Fafnir (friend "recommendation" or something)
Hanayamata (*ahem* looks like yuri)
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? (reminds me of Nanana's Buried Treasure)
Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance (I'm ready for this)
Tokyo ESP (hipster anime or something like that)

That's actually a lot, looking back at it. I'm also watching Mahouka and Haikyuu!! (leftovers from spring) and Gosick as my "completed series". Oh wellll.

2. I'm pretty sure that I mentioned this a few posts back or something, but I hit 30 in League, blah blah blah. Not playing ranked for a bit until I get skilled with two champions for each lane or something like that. Kind of sucks cause I really wanted to see where I placed, but I suppose that this will help me place higher (hopefully out of Bronze).

3. Yeah, that's it. An unorthodox short post here. I'm going to sign out now and maybe watch some of the anime today that came out that I missed (there's actually a whole lot of them coming out on Sundays ._.). Until the next post. Today's an 8 for me.

"Philosophy is common sense with big words." - James Madison

July 1, 2014


Kids These Days

Funny because I'm still a kid.




Let me tell you something right off the get-go before we continue on with this post. I'm a fan of letting people do what they want. "You reap what you sow." Reasoning? From personal experience, hearing, "Don't do this, don't do that." just isn't effective. So I'm more into the let-people-make-mistakes kind of thing.

Side Note: I did a bit of searching and I couldn't really find a single, solid, word for that kind of thing. The let-people-make-mistakes thing. Anyhow, I suppose that I can try to make a word for this. The amount of Latin I know is literally next to none, yet I'm still being naive and I'm going to try. Upon finding that "freedom" in Latin is "libertas" and that mistake in Latin is "errat", I'm just going to mash those two up and call "freedom of mistake" liberrat. I don't even know what I'm doing, but hey, let's have some fun with a dead language.

Back to the actual topic. I strongly support giving people liberrat. I strongly disagree with people who try to keep their loved ones close by and sheltered from everything else. Yes, I can say firsthand that making a mistake is difficult. For example. Taking chemistry was a big mistake. I suffered my fair bit throughout the course, but it's over now. I learned things, and met some great friends along the way.

Biggest lesson was that I needed to actually care about my courses now. In grade eight everything was just super easy. You can imagine the transition from a grade eight level course to a grade 11/12 course would be kind of rocky. But now I feel a lot more confident in my ability to achieve and rise to the occasion. I can't exactly wipe off the blotch that chemistry put on me, but I can try to make it fade away.

So what is the point I'm trying to get across to you? Well, when I hear kids are striving for high marks and are skipping multiple grades, yes, they make me feel a bit stupid, but I do think that I am obligated to kind of encourage them on. So go on. Take that liberrat and use it.

Yes, That Was Weird

Really I don't know what to do with "liberrat". It could quite possibly just die out here in this post, but I think it had a pretty decent run. Today was extremely hot. Planning to go out for a walk after this post. I'm in dire need of a haircut.

I'm an 8 today. Nothing really happened, even though it was Canada Day. Anyhow, happy Canada Day and whatnot. 'Till the next post. Ja ne~

"We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time." - Vince Lombardi
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