August 31, 2014

Got Wisdom Teeth Pulled And Other Things

I Feel Really Bad

So the past two days have been really just hell for me (even though today the pain has subsided to my greatest relief). The first day I had trouble swallowing and eating anything, but I felt (for the most part) okay. That brings us to day two, where my mouth and throat are horrid, but swallowing and eating is not too much of a hassle to attempt at regular intervals.

Ah the joys of having your wisdom teeth pulled.

School Officially Not Coming Back

For once I was looking forward to the upcoming school year and now... it's kind of going to be late. School definitely won't start on the planned September 2nd, and who knows how long it will be delayed.

So uhm. Yeah. That is all I have to say on the subject. I don't really have an opinion on this whole teacher strike thing. I'd love to see a resolution (just because people arguing isn't pretty and/or pleasant) sometime soon, but until then the only learning I'll be doing is off Imgur and occasionally reddit.

Gosh Kevin When Are You Starting That Anime Thingy?

WAIT GOOD NEWS. Started brainstorming name ideas (round of applause ensues). None of them have really caught my eye yet, but maybe something will come along. I looked up some stories about people who started anime blogs and most of them actually quit blogging or something just didn't work out.

Worth giving it a try though.

Ending It Off With A Recommendation

I finished this book called Winger by Andrew Smith a while ago and planned to write up a bit about it on this blog. Essentially it's a look into the life of 14 year old Ryan Dean "Winger" West. For me it was a great read (not sure if that's just because it was the first book I read this summer or what). If you guys are interested you should definitely look more into it. Winger is part comedy, drama, and sob-story, and such is also the life of the main character. I don't want to hype it up anymore than I already may have (just in case if it fails to meet your expectations), so I'll start concluding this post.

Glad you stuck around another post. I'm a 7 today (largely thanks to the wisdom teeth extraction).

"Maybe life is random, but I doubt it." - Steven Tyler

August 29, 2014

Little Things (Updates Basically)

If This Was An Anime Episode, It'd Be The Filler One

Nope, I have not started the anime blog project yet (essentially a review site for anime, manga, and possibly VNs that I had planned to start up with two friends). It somehow slipped my mind. I guess when you do crazy things with crazy people you end up forgetting the other things you set out to do. But there IS HOPE.

I'm actually in a Skype call with one of the aforementioned friends and in a Facebook chat with the other one. So hopefully something gets figured out by the end of the night? I'm kind of bad at these things, but hey, you never get good at the things that you don't try.

I slipped in a picture of Ayase (from OreImo) because I felt that this was too empty.


Little bit of back story before I delve into this topic.

Maybe an hour-ish ago I was in a heated fight (verbal fight mind you) with my brother. I won't go into details, but we just had different mindsets. There are two main things that I'm going to touch on: a) the fact that I haven't had a fight this bad with my brother in a while, and b) arguments are ugly in their own way.

I always assumed that siblings got along better as they aged. There were also plain examples in front of me. That's not to say that my brother and I don't get along. Actually, if anything we get along really well. So it kind of came as a shock that he would argue on something like this. To me, it was weird because he has never said anything about anything else before.

Arguments are ugly because they feature two conflicting opinions. The problem is that you usually do not understand the opposition's point of view. You get blinded so much from the right of your argument that you don't really see anything right in the other argument.

However these are just my thoughts and they may be (probably are) just that.

That's It For August 29, 2014

Eyes are getting tired. I've been on the computer all day. Probably not the best for me. I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow (>.< oh no) and I am super anxious. Not sure what to expect at all. Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading buddy. Here's my godly number of the day and a little quote.

Today I'm an 8. Same old stuff.

"In order to obtain the impossible, one most attempt the absurd." - Miguel de Cervantes

August 20, 2014

Big Ol' #400

How Do I Write This Post?

It's almost been two years since I started this blog, and there have definitely been




At one time I thought about shutting down the blog for my own selfish reasons, but I deterred myself from doing so and ended up with... this. Over the years there have been significant changes to the blog, but I think that only reflects in how much the writer has changed. To me my writing style opened up and I changed the blog design numerous times. So I wanted to take the opportunity of this 400th post to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.

Just kidding. Let's get started shall we?


To be the very most brutally honest with you, I wanted to do one of those Q&A things where you can learn a bit more about myself, but then I realized something.

My "fanbase" isn't big enough to do that. At best there would be one or two of you guys willing to submit any questions. Of course there are my other friends who would ask me "inappropriate" stuff that I would never put on my blog (and those friends are awesome), but hey, there's a reason why ***** is censored here.

So I decided to do the next best thing that there was to a Q&A session: STORY TIME WITH KEVIN.

The Toilet Change

If you've known me for a while, you probably know the infamous story of the toilet change.

Flash back to grade seven. I'm a social prepubescent pre-teen packing up for the end of the day. My friend (let's call him Jonathan) walks up to me with his intense swagger and says, "Hey Kevin, can you help me with something? I'm too tall for it." I stand up next to him and at best he's probably an inch or less taller me. Actually, I might have been taller.

Extremely confused, he leads me down the boys washroom (you're thinking the wrong thing) and does his business in one of the urinals. He instructs me to walk into one of the stalls and tells me to look inside the toiler.

Now, at this point, I didn't know what to expect. Maybe it was going to be some intense BL. Maybe it was going to be a turd floating in the bowl. Maybe it would be the cool ass blue toilet water as seen on iCarly. Maybe it would be... change?

Yes. The toilet was filled with coins. Quarters, a few loonies, dimes everywhere. I didn't believe it. I walk out of the stall and confront my friend with a slight grin on my face, "What is this?" Jonathan tells me that it's exactly what it is: money in a toilet. He then asked me to pick it up out of the toilet.

I abruptly declined and said that we should just bring gloves the next day. Then I realized: it was Friday. It was either now or never. After some haggling and another few friends coming along (one of whom had brought along a tablet to record) we decided to volunteer me to get the money out.

Yes grade seven Kevin was not exactly the brightest.

I happened to have a cut on my thumb at the time as well, and looking back at it, the call I made was extremely stupid. But hey, I did it. After taking a few deep breaths I mustered up the courage and dipped my hand in. I tried to gather as many coins as I could in one go, but I ended up feeling even more and more gross as I fished around the bowl.

After many hand dips and laughter, I managed to collect our loot. We had clogged up a nearby sink with paper towels and washed the coins there. Once we had finished that we walked out of the washroom and counted up exactly how much the coins amounted to.

A glorious $8.00.

Something around that.

However that's not all. I ended up splitting the money between the four of us that were present at the time. Because of the change not splitting evenly I ended up getting a few more cents (for being the one WHO ACTUALLY GOT THE MONEY OUT).

To this day, I wonder why.


This is my go to story when I need to get close to somebody new. It's humiliating and opens myself up. I hope that you've enjoyed the (re)telling of this story.

You Probably Know This Already, But I'm Stupid

I have new motivation to work more on the anime blog that I've been talking about lately. And while we're still in the realms of Japanese culture I may as well state the fact that I ACTUALLY FINISHED A ROUTE IN REWRITE. Rewrite is a visual novel developed by Key and it was recommended by a friend. I started it sometime in the winter and never finished. BUT TODAY, TODAY I DID SOMETHING. I FINISHED KOTORI'S ROUTE. WHAT A DAY TO BE ALIVE.

That's about it for any possible projects that I have going on. Then anime blog is a bit more doable (TO ALL THOSE SCIMATICS HONOUR KIDS AT ALPHA, YOU KNOW WHAT'S UP) since I have the resources and friends to help me out. I have stopped work on the AMV because... I saw some other ones and decided that if I was really going to invest the time into an AMV I might as well do a really good one.

Lights Out

I feel like this was a really bad milestone post, and it is. I didn't plan it well enough and I doubt that you guys even care much that it is. But the one good thing I can take out from this is that I now know to start planning around 15ish posts beforehand. My apologies for the lack of any good stuff here.

Only 100 more posts until #500. I can be a 9 for you tonight, and I've got nice reason to be a 9. Yes, it has been a pretty standard day, but looking at my future, Skyping with friends, just completely relaxing, and writing up this post has deserved a 9. Goodnight to you.

And for anybody who's been reading this blog for a while: a fan favourite.

"We live only to regret, but that doesn't mean we should live in sorrow." - Kevin Zou

Thanks to everybody who's been there from me since Day 1.

August 16, 2014

A Few Things


I had a hard time deciding whether I really wanted to write a fleshed out post with little paragraphs about each thing or if I wanted to focus on the one big topic I had in hand and throw all the other bits together into the end.

Yeah, I ended up deciding to write the full post.

School is coming back. Unlike other summers, this one didn't pass by quick. It was slow and "tortured" me. You see, without school I have nothing. I actually don't hang out with friends as much as you may or may not think. Now with school arriving soon my interactions with others with increase exponentially and with that also my overall happiness.

tl:dr school makes me happy in a roundabout way

Wisdom Teeth

Apparently I'm getting them removed next month. I don't know how I should feel about this (wow I've been saying that lot lately).

Touchy Topic

Not touchy... more like... "thoughtful"? Hell, it's probably not even a topic. It's just me musing about things that I'll never be satisfied with. Not even that. It's just a childish thought:

I've always wanted to know what people are thinking.

Have you ever been in a situation where you're talking to somebody, and hell yeah you really want to talk to that person, but then you're not sure if he/she wants to talk to you?

It happens a lot to me, with various people. Emotions are hard for me to read in person, let alone talking online. So that's the reason why I very often ask the question: "Do you want to talk?" I feel like while it is really awkward and can end extremely badly (a.k.a "No."), it helps a lot.

I'm thinking too much into this.

Erm, later then ^^

I'm an 8 tonight. SAO was okay, nothing really happens besides (so I'm just gonna go ahead and call SPOILERS right here because some people consider even the tiniest things to be spoilers) some incest, a absurdly small amount of screentime for Asuna (finally), and hype for the huge BoB tournament that will undoubtedly take up a few episodes. Looking forward to watching Rail Wars (although last week's episode was just cringe worthy the whole way) after I finish this post. Maybe I'll muster the will to drag myself through Mahouka as well. Who knows? Miracles happen. Anyhow that's what I have for you today. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

tl:dr: school stuff, wisdom teeth getting yanked soon, and Kevin being Kevin

"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize that I should have been more specific." - Lily Tomlin

August 12, 2014

Lately These Have Been My Thoughts

Novel? (Here We Go Again, Sorry Guys)

This notion will probably blow away sometime in the next bit. Occasionally I accidentally say something deep and meaningful and then I'm suggested to write a novel. When this happens I usually put a little blog bit on it just to let you know what's going on with the novel. Not once have I actually started any of those novels. I believe that I'm too inexperienced and naive to write something like a serious novel. That never really stopped anybody though, so who knows?

I have the feeling that I've contradicted myself several times in the span of one paragraph.

Anime Blog Thingy

"Wow Kevin actually remembered about this!"

Hell yeah I have. Of course that doesn't mean that I have started working on the site or anything, but I'm trying to get some foundations up. I've found a partner-in-crime who has agreed to take on this project with me and I'll try to sketch up some fundamentals during the next few days. Might release a preview of logos and such on this site, but probably not (it'd be cool to keep it a secret).

Still need to think of a name...

This Has Been A Blob of Text Brought To You By Kevin

Alright, I'm gonna close off this post here. Kind of a skimpy post, but I'm honestly tired of typing from the last two posts and Planing 10 (which thank god is finally over). How's your day been? It's been mostly the same for me. Decided to catch up with Hanayamata (friend recommended it), so I've been watching that throughout the day. Still gotta watch a handful of random OVAs.

Robin Williams passed away yesterday. O Captain! My Captain! Goodbye.

I'm an 8 this entry. Until the next time you hear from me.

"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams

August 10, 2014

Summer 2014 Thoughts

Summer 2014 (Warning, Spoilers Ahead)

The season has been nice to me so far. Loads of potential in a bunch of series, but none of them have really lived up to what they could be. Two guilty pleasure anime for me this time around. Let's jump right into it shall we?

Ongoing Anime That I'm Watching:
Akame Ga Kill!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Rail Wars!
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?
Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance
Tokyo Ghoul
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories 2

Akame Ga Kill!

Supposedly a really big disappointment, although I find it alright. Akame Ga Kill! is about a group of assassins under the name "Night Raid" who go about killing corrupted people in the city, hoping to pave way for a revolution. At times it's definitely got an intriguing story, but for the whole other part of the show it falls flat on its face trying to deliver.

It has gore. Sub-par comedy. A story that's on and off. OP and ED are really nice to listen to, quite possibly one of my favourites of this season (right next to the Tokyo Ghoul OP and ED, but that's coming up later in this post). Worth a try? Yeah, definitely. There's something to be found if you're into this kind of stuff.

Best Girl: All out battle between Akame and Mine right now

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

More or less the same stuff that I said last time I did a summer anime impression post. It's doing everything really well in my opinion. Characters extremely likable, comedy changes every episode so that it doesn't get boring and repetitive. I'd like to see more development in the romance department, but hey, maybe it's just one of those anime that end the way they start. OP is catchy and a refreshing change of pace from everything else. Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun is a really stable and great anime that does well.

Best Girl: Obviously Sakura Chiyo


If there's one thing that I can say about Glasslip, it's that it has gotten somewhat better. The anime is starting to push in a specific direction, instead of leading the viewer blindly around. If the show had started out like this I definitely wouldn't have criticized it so harshly the last time. Romances are showing up and playing a prominent role in story development, so that's a good thing. Side romance is cute, but whatever.

Glasslip is still salvageable. It's not too close from the point of no return though. If it can continue improving, it can turn into something that is nice, in a very general way. However it's just going to be another anime. Of course, that's assuming that it does head in that direction, which I sincerely hope it does. I thought that the elements for the story were really good, but were just played the wrong way.

Best Girl: Fukami Touko (I don't really like any of the other girls)


Pure love for volleyball is a really big reason for why I am watching Haikyuu!! Aside from that though, I think it's also another good sports centered anime. I can't and won't compare it to something like Kuroko's Basketball, but I can say that this anime provides some well needed stability for the season. Matches are exciting to watch and actually have some tension now.

Best Girl: Shimizu Kiyoko


Somewhat of a guilty pleasure watch for me. Cheap comedy and kawaii girls is what you'll get if you watch Locodol. Probably best not to think too much while watching this. However that's not to say that this show is a complete dud. It gets kawaii across and it makes me smile. Really that's all I was looking for, and I'm glad that it delivered.

Best Girl: Kohinata Yukari (holy she's actually just perfect)

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Watched for the laughs because incest (yes, I was still in my OreImo stage).

Got something that was half incest and half about this perfect guy who goes around beating up everybody with magic.


I really don't know why I didn't drop Mahouka along with my friend. The plot isn't really something that I'm interested in, much rather something that I actually pay attention to. Miyuki is just ugh (what a terrible immouto). In fact, I don't really like any of the characters too much.


Rail Wars!

When I say Rail Wars is a completely engaging anime that teaches you about the mechanics of trains and about a group of aspiring students who wish to keep their railways safe, I am completely kidding you.

Rail Wars is another guilty pleasure anime. Especially with the events that transpired in the latest episode, I can say that it is three quarters oppai and glorious exposed flesh and one quarter trains. Hell, probably not even one quarter, something like a eighth would make more sense.

Do I enjoy Rail Wars? Yes, yes I do. There's enough about trains to justify (not really) me watching it and I get enjoyment out of it, whether it's just because it's so silly or the show actually made a funny. Bottom line, this anime is simply fanservice packaged with the "free bonus" of trains, buuuuuuuuut it's something to look forward to every Saturday with.

Best Girl: Koumi Haruka (although if Sakurai gets more romantic development)

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?

I'm not gonna lie. I have completely no idea why I picked up this show, but for whatever reason, it has turned out to be fine. Unfortunately I didn't find a hidden gem underneath all the chaos going on ahead, but hey, it aired on Fridays and I just happened to have that day free (nope, nope, not going to take the Free! references). Uhhhhh, Rokujouma is a typical harem anime. It's about a guy (Satomi Koutarou) who moves into an apartment room only to find a bunch of girls (a ghost, a princess from another planet, a big-chested underground dweller, and a mahou shoujo) each trying to take the room for her own purposes.

Rokujouma is a worth a shot if you're looking for something to take up some of your time. Sometimes it's quite good.

Best Girl: Sakuraba Harumi



That's what I thought going into this show. Seeing her on MAL as a "supporting character" really did grind my gears. However as the show has progressed, I can definitely see that it's... better than the first season. There's a new game at least, however the threat of dying in a virtual game is still being used. Shino is an interesting new character. Her back story is something new and interesting.

In the latest episode Kirito and Shino almost kiss. Hell, I don't even know if it was intended to look anything like a kiss, but it sure did for me. ASUNA YOU BETTER CLAIM YOUR TERRITORY QUICK. I doubt that they will do anything more than tease with those kind of scenes, as the whole KiritoxAsuna thing is huge and if they broke it, everybody would lose their minds (but hey, maybe that's exactly what they need after that terrible second arc). Overall SAO II is something that you should watch if you have watched the first season. It's a decent continuation.

Best Girl: Really it can only be Asuna, but hey, with hard work and screen time Shino could take that spot...

Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance

Guilty pleasure is written all over my face right now. Blade Dance is about... a red haired loli trying to find her older sister? A guy looking for a spirit that he apparently treated so badly that it had to run away? A group of girls pandering to the typical OP lead male (oh wait, he's the only male)? There are a lot of things happening in Blade Dance, and sometimes that doesn't leave enough time for what it really is: girls running around trying to get into MC's pants. I feel like... for this kind of harem (something highly reminiscent of Seikoku no Dragonar) it isn't doing a good job of being a harem. Up to now the MC has only really interacted with the red haired Claire and the wonderful girl who also serves as a sword and a dakimakura, Est.

Pretty close to dropping this series, but hey, might stick around to see if something will happen.

Best Girl: Est, Terminus

Tokyo Ghoul

The show was looking to have a turn for the worse with the whole blue-haired-guy-trying-to-eat-Kaneki arc, because that part was just... bad. Too much handkerchief sniffing and build up only to have it end just like that. Just when I thought there wasn't anything worth watching in Tokyo Ghoul, BOOM, something serious actually happens, and the way they serve it to the viewer is much better than compared to the other episodes. More focus on the Doves ripping up and wreaking terror in the 20th ward would go a long way for the anime.

So far it's alright. Could be something really good if it picks up the pace. Black bars OP.

Best Girl: Kirishima Touka

Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories 2

HELLYESSECONDSEASON. Loved the first season. Gives genuine spooks and jumpscares. Definitely worth five minutes per week.

Best Girl: Uhm... I don't know if this counts, but the guy in the mask (narrator)?

Later Later Reader

Thanks for sticking around this time and showing your dedication ^^ Until next time, wonderful reader. I'm an 8 this morning. I actually had most of this done last night but then decided not to push it and finished up in the morning.

"Indecision may or may not be my problem." - Jimmy Buffett

August 8, 2014

Spring 2014 Thoughts

Spring 2014 (Warning Spoilers Ahead)

I think the spring season was a good season for me. It was the first season where I actually decided to watch on-going anime as opposed to binging on 12 episode series in a day or two. Spring seems like such a long time ago, so I'll have to pull out AniChart and my trusty notepad full of every anime I've ever watched to figure out what I finished this spring season.

Okay. So after a bit of reading this should be it. These are the anime that I watched oh so long ago:

Black Bullet
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou
Date a Live II
Gokukoku no Brynhildr
Isshuukan Friends
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara
Mekakucity Actors
No Game No Life
Seikoku no Dragonar

This is going to be a really long post. My MAL just in case if you wanted to check out something.

Spoilers. Yeah, I warned you already.

Black Bullet

I thought that Black Bullet was nice. Nothing godly, nothing that made my heart go doki doki whenever I heard it being talked about. This anime is just... an anime.

There were some really good moments in this Black Bullet, moments that did make my heart go doki doki, but it's unfortunate that this is not how the whole series goes. The ending felt a bit weird, especially with how Kisara becomes a "bad guy" and all that, but I feel that if a second season does happen, it would be really interesting to see how her part plays out. The whole series plays out nicely, but if you're expecting a lot out of Black Bullet, then that's a no no.

Best Girl: Senju Kayo

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou

There is nothing wrong with this anime. Art is fantastic. Characters are great and you can definitely relate to them. It gives off a really strong Sakurasou vibe with it's premise and everything. With 12 episodes, I wasn't expecting any hardcore drama to fall on the cast, and it didn't. Yes, Kawaisou is an anime that leaves you hanging with the romance between the protagonists.

The comedy was great and the timing for it was also great. It certainly didn't close the Sakurasou void, but it helped. Kawaisou is a solid anime, and fun to watch at that.

Best Girl: Ritsu Kawai

Date A Live II

Should I really say anything about this? If anything, DaL II felt worse than its predecessor. Yoshino got dropped hard to a supporting role where she hardly got much screen time and I didn't have as much fun as I did in the first season. Whether it's because I matured as an anime watcher, the second season was simply just worse, or I grew tired of the setting, the end point is that I didn't enjoy DaL II.

Best Girl: Yoshino


I watched for kawaii girls running a coffee shop. Guess what I got.

Kawaii girls running a coffee shop.

GochiUsa is what it looks like, and you're not supposed to expect anything more than that. If that's your mentality walking into something like this, then you'll be fine. I myself actually had a good time watching this anime. The message of cute really gets to you, and the art is nice to look at. All of the characters have a variety of traits and are each likable in their own way.

Best Girl: Chino Kafuu

Gokukoku no Brynhildr

As much as I'd like to say that more episodes would've helped Gokukoku no Bryndhildr out, it probably wouldn't. Maybe.

The show is about a group of witches trying to stay alive. They need to take pills regularly to keep themselves from melting into a heaping pile of gooop and every witch has their own rank and superpower(s). The way that Gokukoku no Brynhildr sets itself up is definitely interesting, and something I looked at twice before deciding to pick it up.

However as the show progresses more and more it gets more and more complicated and confusing, to the point where I can't and don't really care about what's going on. There's a bit of fanservice here and there, but nothing to completely turn off the regular viewer.

Best Girl: Neko Kuroha

Isshuukan Friends

Man, everything in the spring season had really promising potential, but then just degraded as it went on. Isshuukan Friends is a good example of this. It was a nice cute show for me to watch, and I really liked it. It's about Kaori Fujimiya, a girl who loses her memories of any friends every Monday and how her new friend Hase Yuuki tries to... help her out?

One thing I really really think was great in the anime was the side romance between Shougo and Saki. However that's one of the few things that I can really applaud Isshuukan Friends on. As the anime was setting up for the end, it threw in an old childhood friend who just messes up everything. A bunch of stuff happens and the two MCs break apart. A few episodes pass like this and they make up in a pretty non-climatic didn't-make-my-heart-go-doki-doki way. For this reason the anime just didn't work out for me.

Best Girl: Kaori Fujimiya

Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara

Ew ew ew ew ew. Everything was really confusing and messed up and waaaaaaaaaaay too complicated. I also got turned off by how the characters looked. Just blech. I think I gave it a 5 or something.

Best Girl: (Do I really have to pick? :/) Akane Mahougasawa

Mekakucity Actors

I didn't like it.

Before you flame on me, realize this. I have not read any of the manga or listened to any of the songs ever. I know LITERALLY 0 about the universe of Mekakucity Actors. I just watched the anime because it was airing and my friend recommended it to me.

Watching Mekakucity Actors was frankly confusing for me. I think back story would have helped me to understand what was going on, but even with the back story, I feel that the execution was somewhat poor. The art style was meh and I didn't particularly like it (thanks Shaft). Plot felt compressed and I had little to no time getting to know characters. Longer run might've helped? I don't know.

Best Girl: Marry Kozakura

No Game No Life

I loved No Game No Life. Realizing that there's a lot of hate on how much it is hyped up, it might be the wrong thing to say, but hey, I do love it. The show was witty and entertaining the whole way. You knew that Blank would undoubtedly win, but it was most definitely the way that they won that was something worth watching.

Art style is very different, bursting with colour, but not something that I didn't like. Execution was great, and always left me wanting more. Cliffhanger pls.

Best Girl: Jibril

Seikoku no Dragonar

Oppai, dragons, and fanservice. That's really all there is to Seikoku no Dragonar. Do I mind? Not really. I watched this just for the hell of it.

Oh yeah, that kiss at the end? Bestiality.

Best Girl: SEITO KAICHOU Rebecca Randall

That's It, Summer Thoughts Next Post?

I can't believe I actually thought that I could fit both my spring and summer thoughts into one post. Seeing this post as it is now, it's close to impossible. I doubt you'd be able to continue reading anyhow.

'Till the next post. I'm an 8 for today.

"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." - Winston Churchill

August 5, 2014

Another Party

Yes It's A Joke

No, not the party. The party happened and it was awesome (as expected).

The title is a joke. Cause you know, we watched like an episode and a half of Another. Haha.


Anyhow, yesterday there was another party, this time with the goal of watching a "horror" movie (just turned out to be more of a thriller, but hell it was fun) and having a more serious ultimate frisbee game. I had a great time once again. I think everybody else also had a really fun time there. Playing ultimate was also fun. We had separated ourselves into two teams, one consisting of seniors (grade 11 and up) and the other consisting of juniors (10 and down, which was my team). In the end it was a landslide victory (for us of course), so our plan to have a intense neck-to-neck game was shut down. Maybe next time Eric.

Oh Hi There

Made another anime wallpaper. I like this one much better than #3.

Probably going to make an anime centered post in the next bit. If I do I'll combine the spring concluding thoughts and the summer current thoughts together.

Oh yeah, I made a "Behind The Scenes" for the wallpaper if you're interested in how I do this kind of stuff.

Sorry For Keeping You

Uh, you can have another picture of me from the run.

And a picture of the rabbit we used to have.

No she didn't pass away or anything, we gave her away to a new family (tearing up now). Her name is Lucky. I miss her dearly. Photo stolen from my cousin's Facebook.

I'm an 8 for tonight. Until the next post valued reader.

"Hope is such a bait, it covers any hook." - Oliver Goldsmith

August 2, 2014

Color Me Rad

Hey Finally A Picture Of Me On My "Personal" Blog

It's never really occurred to me that I don't really put up any pictures of myself on this blog. Kinda stupid because it's a "personal" blog. BUT WAIT. The day for change is today.

Long story short, I ended up filling somebody's spot for the Color Me Rad event and had a blast.

Anyhow, here's a picture of me.

Erm, that's all.

I would put up more, but there are some derpier looking ones and I also feel like they would take up a lot of room for this one single post. Maybe I'll simply spread them out across the next few posts or so.

I don't know anything about taking photos okay.



That's really all I have to put up on this post today. And yes, I am a 9 today. It's been a while since I've had this much fun. Thanks to everybody who put up with me and my silly antics today. Hope that maybe next year I can join you guys again as a part of the "starting lineup" as opposed to being a sub.

"You make mistakes. Mistakes don't make you." - Maxwell Maltz
Images by Freepik