February 24, 2015

Oh Hi There

Whoops Forgot to Blog x)

Let's go for a walk and catch up on a few things shall we?

Actually speaking of walks, I'm going to go on one right now.

Sorry to Cut this Post Short

Not much has been happening in my life actually ^^

Tonight had a series of unfortunate events (haha) and I feel down in the dumps. I'm a 6 right now, but I'll definitely be better after a walk and once I go to sleep.

"My life needs editing." - Mort Sahl

February 18, 2015


Hi and welcome to this kinda special post. It's a collection of stories from my time as a young'un, and what I've learned from each one. This is the 16th idea (and if you have no idea what I'm referring to, click here) and I decided to have a bit of fun writing about it.

So put your slippers on, go get some tea, and enjoy :)

I was a very young and impressionable boy, like many others my age. This one time my dad was putting away dishes and I was there helping. We keep our pots in the little compartment at the bottom of the stove and I attempted to put the pot in. However when I did, I had the lid on, and it wouldn't fit with it jutting out. My dad laughs and says, "Watch." He turns the lid upside down and voila! It fits! Pretty much one of my favourite memories, as it taught me a bit of problem solving.

As a 15 year old, I don't swear a lot. In grade three I swore a lot. Eventually a swear slipped out of my mouth at home and my cousin told me to stop swearing, and it had a pretty big effect on me. In grade five I got back into swearing again, but stopped near the start of grade six. Learning to restrict yourself from swearing teaches some form of self-control and goes a long way towards being a pleasant person to know and sounding mature.

In grade five I copied and got into a huge amount of trouble for it. Ever since I have always been careful to watch what I say and to think about how it sounds to the people around me. I actually put a lot of thought into what gets through the filter, and I find that it helps (once again, like not swearing) make you a better person.

And of course copying somebody's homework is never good.

Dude heaters are dangerous. My grade one class was drawing shapes this fateful day. There were a bunch of shape infographic thingies on the heater, and I went up to the heater to draw off the poster. At one point I leave my pencil on the grates of the heater aaaaaaaand it slips through. There's a huge roaring as the fans eat up the pencil and my teacher tells me off in front of the whole class for nearly starting a fire.

My cousin was playing around with my brother, but my brother didn't seem to be having that much fun, so I ended up trying to pull my brother away from my cousin. I must have put all my tiny weight and fell back because my brother let out a yelp and his arm hurt for a few weeks after that. So the moral of the story is to not pull anything with too much force, as it can either break (or in this case, hurt) or snap back at you.

This one was more recent. My mom had picked my brother and I up from our aunt's place, and we were going home. During one of the more sharp turns, I had my fingers on the volume knob and all of the sudden my ears were dying. I turned the music off pretty quickly, but it was still pretty bad.

I started my blog. It was bad. It was cringe worthy. When you start your blog, it might not be immediately nice, and there will be posts that you're not too proud of. But later on down the road, if you keep at it and persevere, you just might find something that you enjoy.

Thanks for sticking around :) Kevin's a reaaaaaaly high 8 tonight. He was actually going to put down 9, but then decided that those should be saved for special occasions. He's waving bye and hopes to see you in the next post.

"I buy expensive suits. They just look cheap on me." - Warren Buffeett

February 15, 2015

#15: The Most Difficult Decision I've Ever Made

AP Chemistry

Through various ways (summer school course, skipping a course) I somehow ended up as a ninth grader in an AP Chemistry class. Being honest here, I was psyched outta my mind. I felt special because I was taking a course at least a year earlier. I remember walking into the class and not recognizing many people.

Prompt: The most difficult decision you've ever made.Write from your heart.

It wasn't really a difficult decision, but the results of that decision were difficult. You might even go as far as to say that it wasn't a decision, because by the time I realized what I had gotten myself into, it was too late to do anything.

Mixed feelings. That comes to mind when I think about my experience of one year in AP Chemistry. I made plenty of friends that I'm still very close to today, and I think that it was worth it in the long run. However the time that I actually spent in that class... I think despair is a good word for it.


Night Guy/Gal

Valentine's Day was great (if you were curious and if you weren't, that's a shame ^^). Errrmmm, what else is there to say? Nothing really >.<

Kevin's a 9 for today (carry on from yesterday) and hopefully you're feeling good as well.

"The higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

February 11, 2015





On a "Serious" Note

Heeeeeeeey, I haven't been here in a while. There hasn't been a whole lot of images on this blog, so I decided to throw one in from my desktop (had this for a project that I'm doing), and one thing lead to another...

New classes are going swimmingly so far. Weight training is basically me jumping around from machine to machine doing various things and then spending the rest of my time resting or on the cycle-thingy. I'm not even relatively close with anybody in the class, but fortunately it's more of an individual thing. Biology is more or less the same kind of stuff, albeit new people. My socials class is a bit of an interesting one. Brand new teacher, and there are a lot of people in my grade who I haven't shared a class with until now. English gets to me because there are various stories and rumours about the teacher, but I'm trying my best to kinda "get past the beast".

*exhale* That was a lot of text wow. Here have a picture of a bunny.

Hopefully I'll Remember to Post >.<

Spent the majority of today at school and working (actually finishing) a project. The work load has been nice to me so far and I want to keep from drowning. Best of luck to you and your new courses (if you have any that is).

Gonna stop blogging and enjoy myself some osu! Have a nice rest of the night, and you will hear from me in the next post. Kevin's a high (if that matters) 8. Bye kids~

"Better three hours too soon than a minute late." - William Shakespeare

February 7, 2015

Winter 2014 Thoughts

Welcome c:

Quick thank you to Gordon for reminding me that "it's been four days" since I blogged.

This post won't be as fleshed out as I hoped it would have been, due to the fact that I haven't started some series that I planned to watch (those ones being Absolute Duo, Huuou Mujin no Fafnir, and Isuca) this season. Nevertheless I'm thoroughly enjoying this winter season. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's been a full year since I started this kind of thing. I feel like I've done a winter anime post before.

Let's not keep you waiting now. As usual, MaL for reference, and my currently-watching list:

Aldnoah.Zero 2
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Kantai Collection: KanColle
Koufuku Graffiti
Log Horizon 2
Saenai Herione no Sodate-kata
Tokyo Ghoul √A


Aldnoah.Zero 2

In one sentence: Wow everybody is alive and Slaine is still the worst.

I was incredibly excited for the second cour, after that ending from the first. While I'm not upset about everybody making it out alive, it feels very weird and convenient. You can argue that the princess is just a vegetable, but I'm sure that she'll play a larger role in episodes to come. Aldnoah.Zero 2 is looking good so far. Really hoping that they'll be able to top off the first cour.

Music has pretty much remained the same, still dramatic, but fitting. Inaho is getting more definition as a character and that only means good things (hopefully, fingers crossed guys). The whole rivalry between him and Slaine is interesting and I'm watching intently. Animation/art hasn't changed, and fight scenes are still glorious.

Best Girl Prize: Gotta be Asseylum

Ansatsu Kyoushitsu

In one sentence: Quirky, funny, and charming anime about a class of misfits trying to assassinate their teacher.

When it was still the fall 2014 season, I was introduced to Ansatsu Kyoushitsu by my friend. At the time, it didn't look that appealing.

Now that I'm actually watching it, I gotta say that I'm enjoying it a lot. The art is very bold and vibrant, which suits the show (in my opinion at least). The premise is also very catching. Everything is being done well, which gives Ansatsu Kyoushitsu a solid review. Definitely consider watching this if you've got nothing else to.

Best Girl Prize: None of the girls have really been the main spotlight, but it goes to Kaede Kayano

Kantai Collection: KanColle

In one sentence word: Moe.

Being completely unfamiliar with the series, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this show. I'm actually trying to catch up, as I started KanColle a bit later than everything else, so I can't say much on it.

Essentially 24ish minutes of moe service. The two things that I really like are 1) the art, and 2) the OP. Plot seems kinda interesting, but any seriousness is thrown off by the utter saturation of moe.

Best Girl Prize: Akagi


In one sentence: Really well thought out and done sci-fi/action show touching psychological aspects, all while staying true to the main story of a "parasyte" invasion.

Kiseijuu has been pretty much amazing since it first started, even more so with all the progression in the story. It's been a thrill seeing the transformation of Shinichi over the season and how he and Migi work together to get over each obstacle. Every episodes ends with me wanting more, which says something good about it.

Soundtrack fits extremely well, and animation is good. The way that characters are grown is great, and I can't wait to see the end.

Best Girl Prize: Ryouko Tamiya, she's playing a larger role as of late and it's interesting to see her trying to adopt human habits

Koufuku Graffiti

In one sentence: Girls doing cute things and eating yummy food together in Shaft-mannerism.

I still see you head tilt.

Koufuku Graffiti has me grinning like an idiot sometimes, not simply because I'm enjoying it, but more because of how absurd it is. Overall a pretty decent show, once you get past the weird parts. There are some awwww moments and I think that it's a good pickup for this season if you're looking for something to fill up your Saturday nights.

Music has nothing outstanding, and Shaft will be Shaft when it comes to animation. Good stuff.

Best Girl Prize: Shiina

Log Horizon 2

In one sentence: Do I really need to watch this?

The way the show is right now... the answer to that question is no. Excluding the studio change, there is nothing that has really popped out to me. A large chunk of the second season feels like it was already done from the first season.

But there is hope. I'm really banking on the direction that the show will go on in the next few episodes, as it has set itself up in a precarious position. With the right execution, Log Horizon 2 could become something definitely worth watching.

Best Girl Prize: Nureha (supporting characters ftw)

Saenai Herione no Sodate-kata

In one sentence: Great watch, involving an over-the-top otaku and his harem doujin circle trying to make a VN.

I actually love this show. My impression after episode 0 was that Saekano was a really really standard harem anime, but then I came to realize that I was wrong.

This anime is clever and witty, throwing in overly-used anime tropes and comedy to give watchers a great experience. Currently holds the place in my heart for favourite anime of this season. I'm digging the art style and I can't wait to see where this show goes.

Best Girl Prize: Everybody is basically tied for first (except for the kinpatsu, she's too tsun), but right now Utaha Kasumigaoka gets the spot

Tokyo Ghoul √A

In one sentence: You couldn't call it season 2?

Jokes aside, this season is much better in my eyes. With Kaneki joining Aogiri, things are definitely picking up, but the one thing that the second season of Tokyo Ghoul seems to be lacking is direction. While a whole bunch of action and stuff is happening, I don't really see where it is going. It might just be too early to tell however.

Songs are touching and provide the right mood. The art of Tokyo Ghoul has always struck me as odd, but it's not something that I mind. Very happy with the improvements that the show has made.

Best Girl Prize: Touko Kirishima, hopefully she gets some more screen time

Night to You

I started this post sometime around 11:30 p.m. and already an hour has passed. Shame that I couldn't finish writing by midnight, but I suppose that's what happens when you put things off. Hope that you've partially (or fully) enjoyed my take on the current anime season, and that you'll be here for my concluding thoughts.

Feeling like an 8 tonight. Super tired after writing and thinking so much, so I'm gonna go to bed right after this. Goodnight sweet prince/princess.

"Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs." - Charlotte Bronte

February 2, 2015

#14: The Day I Started Blogging (>.<)

When and Why did I Start Blogging?

The prompt for today is: "The day you started blogging. What were you thinking?"

If my memory serves me right, that day I was super bored and had nothing to do. The idea of blogging came from my cousin, because I had watched him start up his blog recently. I didn't know that it would turn into something like this, but I am glad that it did.

My thoughts probably went along the lines of, "I can't wait to show this to my friends!" When I first started up the blog, the only people who read it were close friends and people who clicked on my shameless self-advertising Facebook/Twitter (did I have Twitter around then...?) posts. Assuming those people still check in every now and then, they are really the core group of readers.

Of course we can't forgot the other readers ^^

February's Here!

Jeez the time's passed quick. Wait, I think that every year.

But yeah, it's halfway through the school year and in no time I'll be a grade 11. Here's to all of us getting through another semester (or not).

I haven't really blogged lately. Uhhh, bio "final" coming up on Wednesday, I hit Gold in League (impossible right?), and just finished binging season three of VGHS. For today I'm an 8 (again), and I hope to see you next time.

"Success is not forever and failure isn't fatal." - Don Shula
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