August 31, 2015

The Post to (Re)Start it All

Hey! My name is Kevin Zou and I'll be guiding you through any information that I can provide you about the upcoming changes to this blog. At first everything might seem a bit different, and scary at that, but I can assure that by the end of it you should have a firm grasp of what is in hold for us in the near future. Let's start off with a much more refined version of what I have in mind.

My goal for this blog is to provide meaningful and creative content, on a more regular and consistent basis. While this means that I am removing some things, I am taking a much more serious approach to writing on this blog. I will no longer be writing as many posts about my daily life any more, instead I am aiming for more of an article sorta system.

I am a single person, and naturally I cannot push out all these changes at once. In fact, I can't even do much, due to work. Once the school year starts I will be not be working weekdays. I plan to do a large portion of the work during the first week of school, which should be relatively quiet and easy-going. So while this blog will continue to be inactive for a little longer, you will see some things slowly start being introduced and integrated.

So that's that. Now it's time to get into the "nitty-gritty" stuff. Actual dates (and not-so-actual dates) and the works. This is a rough outline in terms of time management, and should give you a bit of insight on when you can expect to see me start posting regularly again.

August 31 (that's today!) - Schedule Release
September 1st Week - Nothing (due to work)
September 2nd Week - First post-change post, planning to get two posts done
September 3rd Week - Three posts
September 4th Week - Four posts, regular schedule

You're probably wondering, What does Kevin have planned with this whole "schedule" thing?

After sitting on a bus for half an hour, I deviated a crude schedule. Initially the game plan was to have the schedule released in a visual sort of thing, but I never had the time to do it (I was hoping to not work full day today). So here's some sort of half-assed schedule (I'm joking, I actually did put quite a bit of thought into this).

Sunday - No posts/casual posts
Monday - Real Talk Mondays
Tuesday - No posts
Wednesday - Weeaboo Wednesdays
Thursday - No posts
Friday - Review Fridays
Saturday - Week in a Shot

Note: All names tentative (thank god).

Alright then. Now that we have this information, what do I do with it? Oh yeah. I explain it.

Sunday - I will use Sunday as my way of providing a bit of nostalgia. The posts will be the kind from pre-change and hopefully that'll tie in with me sticking close to my roots.
Monday - Some sort of a serious debate or discussion, about a recent/controversial event.
Tuesday - No posts because I'm lazy.
Wednesday - All seasonal First Impressions/Final Reviews will land on Wednesdays, and the other Wednesdays will be filled with an anime series analysis or anime culture.
Thursdays - See Tuesday.
Friday - Gonna review some piece of literature or online community or something dumb like that.
Saturday - Pretty excited for this one, since I think it's a good idea. Going to recap the week in a graphic.

I'll provide details whenever I can, but it's more likely than not that you won't be hearing from me any time soon. This is pretty much everything that I can tell you, since a) most of it isn't planned, and b) it'd ruin the surprise.

Once again, thanks for sticking around. I'll see you sometime soon.

August 21, 2015

An Announcement

I wrote this post on August 17, and I will wait until this Friday to post it, in order to make sure that it is not something impulsive and that it is something that I will seriously work towards achieving. I need to make sure that I am not making a mistake by writing this in the spur of the moment, and that's why you will either be seeing this on Friday or not at all.

Here's the announcement:

I am planning to overhaul the current state of the blog, and to introduce a new and regular schedule for posting. Various days of the week will be designated a topic, providing this blog with a variety of posts. By doing this, I hope to create content that will appeal to the many people. This will be a very long and tedious task, but it is with the intention of a better blog.

Let me provide a bit of context on this before I delve into the flesh of this post. As any person would know from looking at my blog, my posts are very irregular, random, and impulsive. It's not bad, not at all, hell, you could call it beautiful in a way. But I want to start moving away from that and start providing meaningful content for those that spend any of their time on this pitiful site. I don't want people to look at a post and think, "Oh it's going to be another terribly made post about matters in Kevin's life that don't affect me and never will."

My new goal is to give new insight on various topics, in an orderly and professional fashion. But I don't want to remove myself completely from the "personal blog" tag. I will still be occasionally uploading posts about my life, filling in any interested souls. By doing this, I hope that I can achieve a sort of equilibrium between having a homey-feel and writing with integrity on uncharted things.

There will still be the regular and seasonal anime posts, but over the next bit I'll be gradually adding new segments (for example: Ethical Wednesdays, Anime Fridays). By doing this, it guarantees that there will be a variety of content on my blog, appealing to different audiences. I don't want to make everything for a specific niche though, so I hope to interest the average reader with a sense of comedy and light-heartedness.

While anime posts will be sticking around with some other things, there are some details that will be leaving this blog. The two that come to mind immediately are rating my day and a quote at the end of every post. The rating will most likely appear in the occasional "all about Kevin's life" posts, seeing as it displays my current situation, and it is something I have regularly done. As for the quote, and I understand that it's sort of a trademark thing, but it has typically never been taken seriously, and provides little to no benefit. 

It sounds like a huge plan and a lot of work, and the reality is that it is a huge plan and it is a lot of work. But when I look at my latest posts, I can't help but feel a slight tinge of inadequacy and disappointment. I want to spend time making quality posts, instead of spewing out random nonsense a few times a week. The updates won't come all at once, and will be implemented one at a time, making the transition a bit smoother.

As of now I am going to put the blog on a temporary hiatus to collect myself and plan out the future. You can expect to see me return on August 31, the very day that I started this blog. To me, it's the most logical way of going about with this, seeing as making another "regular" post would ruin this intricately crafted announcement post. I also don't want to jump into producing new content without thinking beforehand.

I hope that any readers will accept this change with an open mind, and will continue to give me your support and motivation. It feels kind of sad, letting go of something that I've been doing for nearly three years. There's a part of my heart that's screaming at me to not let go, and to continue as tradition dictates, but I'm going to place everything on the new updates.

August 21 edit: Lately I've been bogged down with work, meaning that development of the blog might be delayed. However I really want to make efforts for a post on August 31, so you can expect at least some sort of a post. If I haven't had enough time to make something nice, then I'll at least give you the plans and a rough schedule for what I have in mind. And well, if I do make something nice, then you get something that I hope will be pretty cool.

Looks like it's time to send you off. This is now the captain speaking. My name is Kevin, and this will be the last post of its kind. I am feeling a bit melancholic, but at the same time optimistic for the future, putting me at an 8. Thanks for flying with Kevin's Blog, but for better or worse, it's time to transfer flights.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss

August 16, 2015

The Annual (Not Really) Cleaning

Cleansing my various (and useless) profiles

Finished going around and "tidying up" some of my online profiles. Contemplated removing some of my older Facebook photos and stuff, but figured that as long as there weren't any ones of me and alcohol I'd be in the clear (not to mention that they gain more cringe value as they age). It's kinda like the annual spring (is it spring?) cleaning that households do, except in my case it's a lot less regular and a lot less work.

What's up with me and my obsession with brackets this post?

#32: Something I lost

Sold my soul a few days ago in exchange for a bag of Doritos.

Naturally I'm kidding (I prefer other brands anyways). Without getting too personal or feelsy, I can safely say that the latest significant item that I have lost is my wallet. There wasn't any money in there (high-school-student-in-the-summer level broke), but my Go Cards from grade eight and nine and a debit card that I rarely used. Slightly bummed out over the Go Cards since they would've provided a lot of sentimental value, but there's no helping it. As for the debit card, I forgot my PIN, and I need to pay them a visit to fix up my whole banking situation.

Before I forget...

This picture pretty much sums up what type of content I published on Facebook. You can pretty much feel the cringe radiate off your screen.

Now's a good time, so I'll just slink back into those shadows over there, where I came from.

Until next post my sweet one (ew). I have today off work, so that puts me in a relatively better mood, landing me right at a medium well-done 8. Off to go mindlessly play games and listen to a disgusting electro playlist (32 songs and counting!) while sipping water (gotta stay hydrated kids).

"I divide all readers into two classes: those who read to remember and those who read to forget." - William Lyon Phelps

August 10, 2015

August is Here Again

Aaaand just like that we're almost back to school

It's been a nice and slow summer though, so once again I find myself somewhat looking forward towards the summer. Guess it's time to start putting off getting school supplies until the last week, where there's a mad scramble for everything. Not to mention the savouring of the last two weeks of summer vacation.

Haven't drawn anything for a while

Lately I've been thinking about making another attempt at drawing (this time aimed at Chelsea from Akame ga Kill!), but for some reason I keep on putting it off.

I don't even know why I'm talking about this it's kinda dumb.

I guess I just felt like I needed to write a post

There's practically nothing to write about anymore. Actually, I can fill you in on what I've been doing the past bit. I've actually been given an opportunity at a workplace and these past few days I've been hauling butt to and at North Van. Besides that, I started another project (that won't be finished), this time being an AMV. I'm going to make it mainly typography with some Nisekoi in the background. For a taste of what it might look like, click here and watch away. It doesn't feel like the more traditional AMVs, but I suppose it's kind of an acquired skill thing.

Sorry for anybody who was actually somewhat looking forward to a post from me. I've really racked my brains and there's nothing else I can write about. Therefore, it's time to end this post with a pathetic little number and some weird quote I'm going to rip off the front page of Quote of the Day. Lately I've been feeling a bit down, but not in a really bad way. In other words, a 7.

"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us." - Ashely Montagu
Images by Freepik