June 29, 2014

New (Terrible) Wallpaper

Uhm... Spare Time

I was feeling bored last night so I spent a little less than an hour working on a wallpaper. All of my editing "skills" have easily diminished over the past month (that I have spent not touching a single one of my desktop publishing programs), so it turned into this thing...

I was trying to feature all the spring anime that I watched (and enjoyed) in this project. Really all this was just copying and pasting a bunch of renders (with the exception of myself rendering the Kawaisou image). In fact, I even made a "Behind The Scenes" for it (also somewhat amateurish).

Anyhow, that is free for you to take (I don't even like it too much to be frank with you).

Hopefully I'll try to make another one for the upcoming summer season and maybe that'll be better. The one positive thing I can draw out from this disastrous mess of lolis, volleyball kings, bookworms, and forgetful people is that I'm definitely going to try and sharpen my skills.

Sakurasou Season 2 (And Other Things)

Soooooo, according to what I've heard, there's going to be a Sakurasou season two. Now that this development has taken place, I can say a few things. Honestly I'm not going to expect a lot from a second season. What I'm hoping for is a bit more focus on the relationship between Sorata and Mashioro, buuuuuuuuuut there's a good chance that the plausible second installment would be about the new residents.

I don't know. I'm happy enough that there is a chance of a continuation of the world that I so dearly revered and longed for more of, but at the same time I don't want to hope for too much and have the anime fall short.

WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD (for the spring season anime)

That's it for today yo. Mekaku was confusing, but at least I finished it. Brynhildr also felt kind of rushed (at the very end) and left the viewer to assume a lot of things (hey but we did see the kissu scene, and I do not mind that at all).


I'm an 8. Until the next post (who knows when that'll be?). Planning 10 why you no send email?

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive." - Elbert Hubbard

June 24, 2014

What Have I Been Doing?

Not Much Happens

My excuse for why I haven't posted for the last two weeks was going to be something along the lines of:

"Nothing really happens during the summer, so in turn there isn't anything to blog about."

But what I realized was that nothing really does happen anyways, even when school is in session. Life is a dull, dull hammer slowly cracking down on me right now. Maybe "I don't have anything to do" is just a guise for my lack of motivation to actually do anything.

I really just don't know (god how many things do I not know?). As of now I just want to unwind over the summer. Over the past month or so I've convinced myself that I'm going to preform much better this following school year.

What's ironic is that I really longed for the year to be over and to just have summer break. Now that it's here, there's nothing to do. Yesterday I thought it was July (obviously it's only mid-June) and I was only a little sad that break was ending in roughly a month. My point is... there is no point really.

Later Alligators <3

After writing this post I feel a bit better. It's just the feeling of fulfilling an obligation. Anyhoo, spring season for anime (and everything else) is ending (nothing has had a really outstanding ending), I'm almost up for my Provisionals in League, aaaaaaaannndddd... that's about it?

Later later it is then. I'm a 7 for today.

"Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way." - Booker T. Washington

June 12, 2014

Last Day

It's The Last Day Tomorrow

Assuming that no deal is made between BCTF and the government over the weekend, tomorrow will be the last day of school. I'm glad that it is, and yet not glad. It feels like there were a bunch of things that I never finished. Things that I only did with half the effort I should have put into it. But there's really no point in thinking about these things right? ^^

Next year we'll be grade 10s. I don't even know.

I've Stopped Trying To Figure Out Life

Well, no. As I typed out that title, I was still trying to figure out something.

My initial thought was what you would think of the title. I've stopped trying to figure out life. Some people would boldly claim that I have simply given up on life and now I'm not the "exciting" person I used to be. I started thinking up a counter to that, and then that brought me to my not-too-long-ago "realization" that life is full of contradictions and conflicts. So yes, I was still trying to analyze and figure out life. Sad right?


Maybe I should take psychology.


A while ago I typed up a post with a little "my thoughts on this anime are..." for every anime I was going to watch for spring. My list had consisted of:

Black Bullet
Dantalian no Shoka
Date a Live II
Escha & Logy
Isshuukan Friends
Gokukoku no Brynhildr
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Mekakucity Actors
Nagi no Asukara
No Game No Life

But if you want to know how that's come along... well, it changed into this:

Black Bullet
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou
Gokukoku no Brynhildr
If Her Flag Breaks
Isshuukan Friends
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san
Mekakucity Actors
Nanana's Buried Treasure
No Game No Life

Little Busters!
Little Busters!: Refrain
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

By now you might be wondering why I have bolded some of the listed anime. Weeeeell, those are the ones I'll be sharing more involved thoughts on, and the italicized ones will be the ones I'm going to briefly mention. You may leave now if you wish to not endure my terrible opinions.

Black Bullet

More like Loli Bullet, am I right?

OP is pretty good. Wouldn't mind listening to it, but it's nothing spectacular. ED is slightly better (in my opinion), but still, meh.

You know, with the spring anime closing up (everything except for Mahouka, GG), I can start to expect stuff to start to hit the fan soon. And the latest episode of Black Bullet somewhat delivered, leaving a nice little cliff for me to jump off of.

The show is absolutely chock full with a large variety of lolis... but there's no reason to really hate that. I mean, I'm not saying I'm a lolicon or anything, but it's not like I'm going to purposefully look for a reason to hate these girls.

Putting lolis aside, the show is good, to blatantly put it. While I feel that it has kind of dropped in terms of story quality (compared to the beginning), I'm hoping that the last few episodes will be nice.

Do I want a second season? No. Would I watch if there was one? Yeah, sure, why not? I enjoyed Loli Bullet as much as the next guy.

Also, I would like 100% more Sumire.

Date A Live II

As a huge fan of the first season, I was seriously hyped up for this. But you know what. DO YOU KNOW WAHT?


*sigh* I-I mean... just like. Why?

Nevertheless I still somewhat looked forward to this season, because you know, I still have Kurumi to count on. But then you know what? SHE DOES NOT APPEAR FOR HALF THE SEASON. What happened to my beautiful generic harem/comedy that I dearly loved so much?

Seriously though, the second season is definitely not special. I'm honestly only watching out of loyalty to the first season (and to Yoshino) and do I want another season? Definitely not. In fact, I have already somewhat fallen behind on the episodes, so it's pretty close to being dropped.

Escha & Logy

Ew no. I couldn't handle the voice acting for Escha. Like, no. Please. Story wasn't engaging enough to get me through either. Blush marks were unreal.

Gokukoku no Brynhildr

Even now I feel like I spelt it wrong. Anyhowww...

Overall Brynhildr has been an enjoyable watch. It features magical witches (PLOT TWIST: THEY'RE NOT LOLIS) and at first, you know, I'm kind of skeptical.

When the show is not focusing on sexual jokes, the frequent blush on Kuroha's face, or Kotori's oppai (note: not affected by gravity), it is trying to tell a darker story. For me, it doesn't completely work out. Do you know what this reminds me of? An anime called Elfen Lied. I mean, both have girl MCs that have magical powers, and both contain nudity and blood.

Oh wait. ARMS.

Jokes aside, I do like the show. It's probably one of my most favourite this season, and I'm looking forward to seeing the end.

Why was the OP changed 10 EPISODES IN!?


Oh, a sports anime. I haven't watched one since I DROPPED KUROKO.

Might as well.

Wait, this isn't that bad.

Holy, I actually play volleyball.

No wonder this is heaven.

If Her Flag Breaks


I honestly don't know why I picked this up halfway through the spring season. I mean. What. Please.

Stereotypical characters. Stereotypical MC lead. Guy's a wimp too. Shame. It wouldn't be nearly as bad as I consider it to be if it wasn't trying to be SO GOD DAMN SERIOUS. I mean, MC is breaking down half the time and he literally NEVER SMILES. If If Her Flag Breaks (haha double ifs) was just your standard romcom, I probably wouldn't be flaming it as hard as I am now. By the way, voice acting is so moe I can't even.

And yes, there is a trap. I have no idea if it's a Haganai thing, or if it's actually a guy.

Isshuukan Friends

Originally I had bolded Isshuukan Friends because I genuinely enjoyed the anime. The voice acting is great (hell, anything is if it's not the flag anime), and the characters are interesting from the get go. The show focuses on the life of a girl who loses all memories of her friends every Monday. Of course MC will step in and do something, and eventually MC and girl become friends.

The two stand the test of time and overcome numerous problems while growing closer. The show just teases me because I'm waiting for my ship to sail, but then BOOOOOOOMMMMM! In comes episode nine. Everything hits the fan and I just can't stand to watch my ship slowly sink before it EVEN SETS SAIL.

Yes, Isshuukan Friends is fabulous. Sunday is a beautiful day.

Little Busters! Series

EAFKJAKDFJA. Anybody who has only watched the first season and says bad things about LB should just crawl into a corner and cry. I won't say anything if you bash after watching both seasons, but really, the two go together.

First season there seems to be a Clannad type of thing going on.

Oh wait. Key.

MC enters school. MC meets girls. Main love interest is shown. MC helps every girl in their respective arcs and there's a really happy ending where everybody gathers to lose their first baseball game (it only took them 26 episodes). Nothing too different from Clannad.

BLAM. ENTER HOLY GRAIL OF A SECOND SEASON. Yes, Little Busters!: Refrain is mind blowing. It's a great companion to the first season, but it takes a much much much darker look on things and you figure out what really went on behind that rosy highschool life. I started to hate the very person that I loved in the first season, and even the MC I started to dislike (even though I thought he was a girl in the first few minutes).

Hate flung. Minds blown. Tears shed. Sighs sighed. What a great series.

Kurugaya best girl. Rin second place. Komari so much moe.

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

Really good anime to just make you all-around happy (of course I can't say anything about the second season, because I have not watched it yet :/). Characters were really dynamic and interesting, and it had the option to go the really dark and deep route (which I wouldn't have minded), but it didn't.

MCs are all really likable and I have no problems with the OTC. Can't wait to start the second season.


I think a huge thing that needs to be stated before I continue with my Nisekoi thoughts is to CLEARLY STATE WHO BEST GIRL IS.


She is seriously best girl. Plain old Onodera just doesn't do the (Sakura) trick. I mean, how can you not enjoy the beautiful colours she proudly wears on display? Red. Blue. Golden yellow. EVERYTHING ABOUT HER IS GREAT.

So she got the ending right? Right?


I just... I just don't get it. Why-why would this happen? I mean... just, why?

Nisekoi was very enjoyable to the second last episode. Actually, no, I restate that. It was enjoyable to the the very second before Raku agreed to go up on the roof with Onoderpa ( yes, ONODERPA).

No Game No Life

Otaku brother and loli immouto go on an adventure in a world where everything is decided by games. Sounds wonderful. Looks amazing. And so far, it has been everything that I have ever hoped for.

While the 12-episode season is closing up, I can hope that there will be another, as seeing that it'd be a rush job to show Blank dominating every other race in a matter of two episodes.

I love No Game No Life with a passion. It has wit, comedy, and JIBRIL. It's hard to explain. Definitely one of the best anime in spring.

I Don't Know How You Managed To Stick Around

That was a really long post, and I really am not exaggerating. Sorry if I kept you, but I hope that you enjoyed my humble thoughts and opinions. Remember, that's all that they are. THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS. You have yours too <3

Later peeps. I'm off the Blogger world for now. Until the next post *tips imaginary hat* I'm an 8 for tonight.

"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcom X

EDIT: I have now come to the realization that this template does not support italics. Tsk tsk.

June 8, 2014

Beginning Of The End

It's June Already?

Another year of school has passed by. There were things that I enjoyed about this year and things that I simply hated. I found out a lot about myself and the type of people my friends were, and I've ultimately changed. My friends have changed too, and I can't tell if I was happier this year or last year (simply goes to show that you shouldn't try to measure something as dynamic and happiness).

Yeahhhhh, this year was absolutely full of change. I don't know if you could already tell through my writing and how it's become different, but if you haven't, there it is blatantly spelled out for you.

I Missed NaNoWriMo

I realize that this was a looonnnggg time ago, but for some reason it really hits me. It's weird because I've never actually completed and submitted a novel in, but for the past two years I've tried. This year I actually forgot to even do anything. I simply forgot. It's different than remembering and choosing not to do it. I just forgot.

However maybe I've taken up more of an interest in creative writing, thanks to my English class. I don't think I'm exactly cut out for it, but it seems like something I can do on the amateur level.

What Else Is There To Say?

Sorry I haven't been posting lately (or maybe you're thankful for that, I have no idea). I've been a bit lenient on myself and I've spent more time on the couch watching anime and YouTube than anything else the past few days. I really don't know. It feels like I'm about to die, so I'm just not trying anymore.

Don't sweat it though. I don't think that I'm going to have a major lifestyle change. Or maybe I already have. I actually started this post sometime last evening, but I ended up finishing it today in the morning. Last night I was probably around a 6. I had a fever coming on, a rude stomachache the whole day, and I felt lazy as hell. This morning I'm more of a 7. Sore throat, but that's just about it right now. Have a nice day future reader.

"The more things change, the more they are the same." - Alphonse Karr

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