March 31, 2012

Errr... I'm A Bad Title Giver...

Today's Been Okay So Far

You know, I'm surprisingly content with the day I've had so far. I expected to be like totally miserable after going to the dentist's, but it actually turns out that it didn't hurt that much, so I'm pretty satisfied today. No other big events are going on in my life (the dentist's was one of them, but now that's gone) besides a few school projects, but that's mostly it.

Got To Work On The Other Pages

Yeah, I guess I haven't updated my bio (my About page in other words) for a while and Cool Links and Top Favourites too. I think I can also add a few friends to my Friend List... so basically I'm just saying that I've got a little Spring blog cleaning to do. =P

Kind Of Still Looking For That Meaningful Song

I spent an hour or so scrutinizing the internet for some meaningful songs and I've narrowed it down to a few songs (and amazingly I was able to find some songs I've been looking for). Here they are.

Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
This Boy - James Morrison
One Thing - Finger Eleven
21 Guns - Green Day
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day
We Are Young - Fun

I'm probably going to go with 21 Guns, but I mentioned it to Angelo yesterday (I'll tell you why I was at his house later) and he said that he was also planning to use that song, so Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls or This Boy could also work.

Overall, I made friends with new songs and rediscovered some old friends. So I'm kind of pleased by this.

The Reason Why I Was At Angelo's

Yesterday I was at Angelo's place and the reason why was because I was going to a Vancouver Giants game (which turned out to be a mere side show to what really went on in the seats) with him and a bunch of pals.

So let's do a head count. The people that went were Angelo, Brian, Phillip, Cody, Raymond, Kandrew, Kristie, Kandrew's mom (who was responsible for getting the tickets) and I. So nine people in total.

Anyways, the Giants were 2 - 2 in the series going into the game and would ultimately lose 5 - 1 against the Spokane Chiefs making the series 3 - 2 in favour of the Chiefs (who were previously losing the series 2 - 0, so that's kind of ironic).

By the time the score was 3 - 1, I had lost interest and we were chatting with some new friends in the row above us.

It turned out to be a pretty wild chat.

I ended up eating about six packets of salt (tasted horrible) and in the end, we got into a popcorn fight (hey, who wants to watch their team lose?).

Hey, you know, it would be pretty awesome if the Giants won the Memorial Cup, but it would be really awesome if the Canucks won the Stanley Cup for the first time ever.

Yeah, I Was Planning To Write More

I was planning to write down a list of the worst computer habits I have, but I'll save that for next time (comment on my next post if I forget =P).

The day so far has graciously granted me a nice and happy 9, but I still have some homework to do you know. So I'm going to go now... thanks for reading, subscribe and keep on visiting (man I haven't said that in a while).

"What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

March 29, 2012

Hello =D

It's Been A While Since I've Been Carefree

Yeah. Since that not-getting-into-Burnaby-North thing, I've been in a kind of sulky mood. But I guess that I've finally got over that. First of all, even though I would have been in more contact with the specific friends that were also going to North, I can still keep in contact with all of my friends. Second, this doesn't mean I'm never going to Burnaby North. I'm allowed to apply again next year and next year I'll make sure to apply earlier.

I've gone out of that deep sulk and I've put down that ice cream scoop (random metaphor I'm trying out). Yeah, I know that I only have three more months at Begbie, but I guess I just have to make the best of those three months.

Okay. I was looking for a picture for this post, so I just searched up on Google Images carefree and I came up with some sort of tampon brand, so I'm going to try that again. XP

Found one!

What I Think About The Canuck's Playing These Days

Most Canucks fan probably know about the Canuck's failure to be able to produce as many goals as they used to be in the beginning of the season. Where are the powerhouse Canucks who managed to net in even seven goals in a few games? Where are the dominant Canucks who got revenge on the Bruins by beating them 4 - 3 earlier in the season?

I don't know what's going on with the Canucks and I don't think anybody except the Canucks themselves actually know. I just hope that when the playoffs end, Vancouver will be coming home with the cup.

Need To Start Looking For That Song

Mr. Rowland gave the class an assignment to find a song that's meaningful to ourselves (wouldn't Give Me Everything be perfect for us? XP) and I'm kind of having trouble with that. I think I'm probably going to go with One Thing by Finger Eleven. Probably that or an oldies song.

You know what? I wasn't really expecting this day to mean anything, but I think it has some importance to it. I think I'm an 8. I would be a 9, but you know, dentist's appointment on Saturday. So yeah, pain. Somebody should invent something to prevent us from having to go to the dentist's.

March 25, 2012

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas

Ideas Are The Foundations Of Things

Along with thinking that the world should be one giant happy swimming pool (I'll explain that later), I also think that ideas are also the foundations of many other things. But it's not always guaranteed that all ideas come together without friction to form one foundation of something.

Ideas can be many things. They can be alike. They can be different. They vary from ideas of very small importance to ideas that could change the world. When you put one idea with another idea, there are two possible outcomes. You either get one beautiful thing. Or you get two different ideas that are fighting each other constantly.

The second option is basically what's happening in my family.

My family thinks that I have a problem with overusing the comptuter too much, so my dad came up with the idea to give me three hours a day on the computer to do whatever I want. My mom seemed to agree with the idea, but after a short span of just a few days, she started going against my dad's idea.

And this has been going on for a while and the constant arguing puts everybody into a sulky mood.

So here is where I am. In a semi-sulky mood. Sitting in a chair. And talking to a computer.

I'm A Coward

This kind of ties into the first story because it involves a cousin of mine named Michael (I hope he doesn't read my blog). I'm a coward. A real coward. When you look at me on the outside, you probably think, "Kevin can stand up to most things.", but the truth is, there is only one thing that I seriously cannot stand up to.


Michael disagrees with my dad's idea (this is where it starts tying into the other story), but they dont't really make much contact, so it's more of a I-know-you-think-this-but-I-can't-yell-at-you battle. But Michael still plays a big role in how much computer time I get.

I personally think that Michael is too serious. I mean, he's an awesome cousin and all, but sometimes he can really tick me off.

Whenever I get into trouble or whenever I'm using the computer and he calls, I always get into a serious talk with him. He always uses, "Your mom and dad didn't buy that computer for you to play on." and othe phrases that start off, "Your mom and dad..."

The thing is, I KNOW all that stuff. I know that he's trying to burn that into my brain, but it's ALREADY BEEN.

He doesn't intimidate me with all that. He can't boss me around. I will get my three hours.

But the truth is, he does intimidate me. He does boss me around. And I usually don't get those three hours.

So I'm a coward for not standing up to him. But seriously, I've been trying to. Lately whenever he calls me to check on what I'm doing (and most of the time he calls when I'm using the computer), I've been saying, "Why?" and such and such and I think it's kind of having an impact. Hopefully I'll finally be able to stand up to him.

Done Another Post

I'm just thinking, "I'm done now!" and that I probably should go clean my fish's tank soon (and I will after I finish off this post). I want to seriously thank you if you've stuck through this story with me becuase it's comforting to know that people out there are reading this.

Still in that sulky mood, so you can't really expect a good number out of me. But I'd say I'm a 7 today. Went for a jog in the morning with my brother and mother and I'm feeling okay right now. Kind of nervous as to what my dad will do with my computer password (I had to give it to him).

"An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all." - Oscar Wild

March 20, 2012

Looks Like I'm Not Going To Burnaby North

I Just Got Home From The Dermatologist

Today I went to the dermatologist to check out this weird "rash like thing" (as my mom puts it) on the sides of my face. But I had to get there earlier because my mom and my grandma were also going to visit some other doctors. Overall the visit was kind of exciting, but when I got home, I received a shock.

No Burnaby North = No Friends At All

So when I got home, my dad told me that I had received a letter from Burnaby North saying that I was unable to go to their school because they "projected" they would not have enough room for me.

The reason why this really upsets me is because I kind of had a hope that at Burnaby North I would have SOME friends at least (a few of my friends were going), but at Alpha, I will have absolutely no friends.

To be truthful, I really believed that I had a good chance of getting into Burnaby North. I imagined taking classes with my friends there and also joining the awesome extracurricular courses they held there. I imagined that after school I would walk home with friends or even head over to their house. I had a lot of hope put into Burnaby North.

So it looks like I'm going to Alpha.

The reason why I'm not exactly the hugest fan of Alpha is because, well, Burnaby North had a lot more opportunities for me. They had more AP courses and their sports programs looked awesome. And Alpha hasn't exactly been the best school in Burnaby lately.

I was invited by the letter to register next year at Burnaby North, but I'm not exactly sure what will happen after one year at Alpha... will I make new friends and want to stay there? Will I still stay in contact with my other Burnaby friends?  I seriously don't know.

But I guess I just got to let the future be the future.

See You In The Next Post

I'm in a really sulky mood right now, so I'm going to go play some games to put my mind off things (sure that's why you're playing games Kevin =P).

Because of the letter, the day so far is probably a 6. Still not feeling that great about going to Alpha and I hope by some miracle I do end up in Burnaby North.

"We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness." - David Weatherford

March 15, 2012

My Brother Can Be A Pain

I Have Pity, I Have Love, I Have... Not So Much Of Love

There is one person I have pity, love and not so much of love for. Probably everybody in the world has this one person. Yeah. It's a relative. You can't help but sometimes feel different emotions for a one person and it's amazing how those emotions can vary from despising ones and loving ones. For me, I guess you could say that my relative that I cannot stand or live without is my brother.

My brother is one of the people in the world I pity the most and despise the most. I feel jealous for all those only child people.

I guess you could say that my brother is an okay guy. But these few days at home have really shown me how thankful I should be that a teacher takes care of him for five hours at school and that I don't really see him much for those five hours.

But as I have said, he is one of the most annoying people in the world.

First I will start off with why I pity Raymond.

I pity Raymond because he is much too dependant on his family. Every night he says good night to each member of our family and he won't go to sleep until he does it. And it isn't just a good night from the bed room to our dad in the other room. He will repeat the good night until he gets a "positive" reply. And my parents take advantage of that. If they're cross with Raymond, they'll ignore him. Sometimes he stays up until around 1:30 in the morning if he doesn't get a positive reply. I pity him when these times happen, but I despise him because he is unable to be independent.

One large issue I feel that Raymond has that will greatly affect how I treat him in the future and now is his lack for understanding my feelings. He does not respect my personal space. He has completely no respect for my personal space and will not leave whenever I ask him to. I have a lot of personal things in my blog that I would not like Raymond to read and I feel that he doesn't understand that I need him to leave when I am typing my posts.

Another problem Raymond has is that he will not stop even if he realizes that he is hurting somebody, offending somebody or annoying somebody. His lack for understanding these things will possibly greatly harm him in the future and because of this reason I pity him.

Then again, he is my brother. And I have to accept people for who they are. Especially if they are family. And I have to stick with him.

Because he is my brother.

I play with him everyday.

And you know what? I have to accept this.

I'd Love To Skip This, But I Can't

Just a little fun fact before I wrap up this post. Every post registered since December 6, 2011 has included a quote at the ending. Anyways, back to what I was originally talking about.

Even now my brother is doing what I have just described. I barely get times to post when Raymond is not watching. Anyways, here goes the usual routine.

Today I'm a 8. I'm in a seriously peeved off mood because of my brother always constantly nagging and bugging me. I really don't know how I'm going to handle this over the break.

"Mixed feelings, like mixed drinks, are a confusion to the soul." - George Carman

It's Only Been Five Minutes

It's only been five minutes after this post, but my day has already gone from an 8 to a 5. Today was absolutely one of the worst days of my life. I feel the worst. I feel horrible.

My dad just came home and if you've read some of my latest posts, then you'll know that I'm on some sort of program. I'm only supposed to use the computer for three hours a day and I used it for the whole day (hey, I basically NEED to socialize) and when my dad came home, he got quite angry at me and my brother just kept on cheerfully singing to the song I was playing.

Right beside me.

Completely no emotional respect either.

So now no computer for the next... I dunno, while? And I'll be seriously pissed at Raymond for the remainder of the Spring break.

March 13, 2012

Kony 2012 And More

Just Watched Kony 2012 Yesterday

So I finally got around to watching that Kony 2012 video on YouTube (I did not have like 30 minutes to spare for the last few days) and I'm seriously inspired by this thing.

It seems like the government has a knack for butting in when it's not their business and staying out when they should be butting in.

Anyways, I just wanted to spread out the word and help by doing my part. I've posted up the link on Twitter (though I'm sure all but a few of my followers already know of this thing) and now I'm posting a link on my blog. So if you have 30 minutes to spare, then just go ahead and check out the Kony 2012 video on YouTube.

Promotion For The Epicosity Guys

I was just checking out this really cool font site (I'll get it up on the Cool Links page after this) and I found this really awesome font. So I decided to just fiddle around with Photoshop and I've created a few... "promotional" photos for it. If you want to give them a check, then just go to this page.

Well, My Time's Up

I'm on a new "program" now and I'm spending only three hours a day (a lot less than the average kid I have to sadly admit) on the computer. My three hours actually expired two minutes ago, so I'm kind of in a rush.

The day isn't over yet, but I'm giving my day so far a 10. Nothing bad has happened and nothing good has happened. Let's see how the day carries on.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss

March 10, 2012

I REALLY Have Been Slacking Off

Hello, And Welcome To One Of My Very Few Latest Posts

I'm probably being really really lazy these days because, well, I guess it's because IT'S SPRING BREAK! But no. I haven't really been committed to this blog and like every of my other online projects, they have failed. So that's why I'm even MORE determined to make this blog a success. So here goes surprisingly the first post of March.

Relaxing By The... Errr... Computer

It's finally Spring Break and there have been a lot of thoughts I've been really wanting to tell all the people that read my blog (not sure if there are even any people). So now that the time of no homework and stress free days are here, let the thoughts flow out of my mind.

You Never Know

Here are some of the more thoughtful things that you will encounter in my blog. It was kind of stupid in the first place to have a label called Thoughtful Things or something like that. So that's why I quit all of my labels and decided to just let the viewers who want to look for something to go search it up in my Google search engine.

Anyways, the thoughtful things I have come across these past few weeks are quite amazing to myself because I've never actually taken the time to think deeply about these thoughts. Back to the main thing.

Have you ever thought when you see somebody across the room at some random cocktail party (or whatever the alternative for kids is) and thought, "Hey, maybe that person will turn out to be some famous guy."? Because that question has really popped into my head a lot, whether it's some kid sitting bored in the back of their car or somebody actually at a cocktail party (not that I go to such things...). It's probably one of the biggest reasons why I now mildly enjoy going to the swimming pool. But I'll save the swimming pool awesomeness for later in this post.

Just think about that question and ask yourself that once in a while whenever you see somebody that you know might just make it big time. And then, 20 years or so later down the road, you'll be regretting that you didn't talk to that person. So every once in a while, also talk to some random person and see if that'll lead to some random form of a friendship.

Swimming Pool Days

For the past two weeks I haven't gone swimming on Saturdays (as per usual). Last week because I finally convinced my mom to give me a break at a home and today because I went to the dentist (which wasn't that bad).

One of the hugest reasons why I like going to the swimming pool is because of the people there. As I said in the last topic, you never know if that person will be famous. And trust me, at the swimming pool, it feels like everybody there could be famous one day.

Let's just say that the people at the pool are really friendly and awesome. They treat you well, strike up that random conversation and I just wish life was like this. I wish life was one big swimming pool. Several times I've talked to the people there (ADULTS even too!) and the conversation is just awesome.

Little kids there are kind of my favourite pool people. They of all the people there show the most potential to be somebody when they grow up. I mean, sure, I'm still young and whatnot, but come on. These toddlers that splash the water at you and laugh (and I'm talking like BABIES =P) could have the potential to be that someone that can change our world for the better.

It's Like I NEED To Do Some Work

I've been thinking lately and I've decided to see if I can create another online project. I'm not really sure if I really want a team of helpers anymore after The Underworld fiasco, but it was mostly my fault for not having the right sense of direction towards development of the game. I think I WILL start another online project, whether it's an online browser game or just a simple site. But I think I do need to do some work over the Spring Break. And what better way than to steal popularity from Facebook (I'm just kidding by the way, but in the future, I'm out to get you Facebook).

Going To A Giants Game Tomorrow

Tomorrow I'm going to be heading out with my friends Kandrew and Angelo to watch the Vancouver Giants face off against the Victoria Royals. I can't wait to watch my first WHL game (haven't really watched any other games more serious than this one).

Well, I'm Going Go Now

I've got to get started on this whole project thing if it's going to work out and my friend is making that annoying Windows Live Messenger IM message has been sent sound to me like every five seconds, so I'll just be going.

Today I'm a 9 because the dentist's appointment actually wasn't that bad, but I just found out that the Canucks lost against the Canadiens 4 - 1.

"A play should give you something to think about. When I see a play and understand it the first time, then I know it can't be much good." - T.S. Eliot
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