I've Got A Name
Well, I've finally got a name for the new online multiplayer browser game (even though I had it a few days ago already). The name is The UnderWorld! The name basically just came to me one day. The game has loads of races (demons being one of them) and one race (the demons of course) reminded me of the under world. So that's how I came up with the name. It's sticks and it seems like a decent (more than decent to me) name.
Making The Site And Actual Game
Now we've started making the site and the actual game. I've gathered up a group of three (all friends who have or have had past experience with coding) who can help me with the game. I'm working on the site itself, the layout and the design while the other coder is working on the PHP, Flash and Java parts of the game (he's currently working on the flash map) and the designer is working on, well, the design. I'll tell you more about that in the next post.
Kevin.... You don't know what your doing. As a kid you must know that you MAY BE sued for using the name UnderWorld. Google the name next time and see if any major company is using your name if not go ahead