October 14, 2012

Somebody Worth Caring

In Life...

You will find one person that you will care for. You will love and cherish this person for however long your emotions for that one single person last. It may be for five minutes, a second, or forever. It's funny how love can last forever, a long time, or can flee within initial appearance.

I hate it when my mom/dad yells at me to turn off the computer when I'm talking to this type of person. I absolutely hate it. I'm in the middle of one of the highlights of my day and they come over and shout at me to turn it off. It just seriously ticks me off.

Not Going To Explain My Day

So I'm going to try to not explain about my day unless it's at the very end of the blog. It's just something I'm trying out since I figure more people appreciate it when I actually put some thought into my posts instead of random mumble jumble.

I just love listening to songs that explain my situation in life. It's so easy to relate to them and they easily get stuck in my head. Well. That little bit was quite random.


When people say, "Take a step in my shoes." or some variation of that, it kind of gets me mad. That's simply because they do not know that I do take a step in other pairs of shoes instead of my own. I almost put myself in everybody's shoes when I meet them or get to know them. I'm just that type of person.

I'm also very observant and understanding. I like listening to people's problems and "trouble shooting" them. I observe a person's character just by gestures and how they act towards others and by themselves.

So try that out. Either just think about being a completely different person or just observe somebody carefully. You'll find that it gets fun and now it's kind of like a weird habit that's automatic for me.

Getting Late Now

It's getting quite late now (kind of what is considered the time for a last ditch attempt post time), so I'm going to end this posting session. I hope you've enjoyed this post.

I'm a 9. I don't feel as proud for this post as I felt for the last post. It's like all of the sudden, when I've reached my best writing, I suddenly become very dumb. Oh well. I guess every up has its down.

"What light is to the eyes - what air is to the lungs - what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man." - Robert Green Ingersoll

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