Welcome To My Blog
This blog contains many of my ambitions, naive dreams and hopes, and just the musings of a far-from-average kid. Therefore, I invite you to openly read my blog. You will experience my weak points, my low points, my strong points, and my high points. I'm seriously really thankful that I still have motivation to continue on with this blog, even though it's been quite a bit over a year now.
Broke 10,000 And 200
So this post is EXTREMELY special because of two reasons. First of all, I have finally breached the 10,000 view point. Secondly, this is my 200th post, so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. I remember the last time I had the 100th post it was just wild. I led the 100th post with these posts called "Extravaganza Posts". I also remember one of those posts peaked up to over 2,000 views (it was in fact a very memorable post).
Anyways, I have to stop my rambling about milestones and get onto the real topic. I have a lot of planned things that have just been waiting to burst out of my thought bubbles over the past week or so that I have been absent from this blog.
High Points. Low Points.
I've met a lot of people who've talked about high school with me and about how great and fun it is and how when I graduate (pardon me, if I graduate) I'll be wishing I was back in grade eight again. But something I haven't heard much of when talking with people who have graduated from high school and know the whole story is about high points and low points.
Naturally there are always high points and low points in life, not only high school. I talk to a lot of friends about their troubles and sorrows and my one piece of solid advice that never seems to fall short is that it's always darkest before dawn.
What I mean by this saying is that when everything seems to be at it's worst, something good will rise up on the horizon. I know this is true, because this always happens to me and there is no reason at all why it should not happen to anybody else.
Sometimes when I'm chatting with a person that just seems very pessimistic and bleak, I feel kind of hopeless myself. Its one of my low points.
It's kind of weird how I believe I know things as if I had already passed through high school, but I'm pretty sure that we'll all be wishing we would go through high school again. I just know that there will be high points and low points in life.
I kind of don't feel like delving into the subject of how the human society works and all that, so I'm just simply going to talk about Alpha and the clubs and such.
I figured that running for grade eight rep (representative if you wish to be fancy) was a pretty good idea (and don't get me wrong, I still think it is), but I'm just waiting for something to actually happen. The same goes for all the other clubs in Alpha except for The Offence (we've had quite a few meetings and I've attended one session of The Spud Patrol). I'm sure there was only one Student Council meeting (which I did attend, mind you) and I'm pretty sure there were also quite a few Journalism meetings (which I missed all of, because I was unaware of them).
So far I have been fitting into Alpha pretty well and I just love the whole school. There are a lot of cool people there who I've met and I can't wait to experience the next five years or so of my high school life.
Bad Parenting
Today as I was walking to school, I saw an old man (guessing around his 80's?) who was yelling at this little girl to get into the car. I don't know if he was just having a bad day, or if the child was just having a bad day, but that kind of made me think of things.
It gave me something to think about as I continued my brief walk to school.
By the time I reached my first period class, I had personally swore to try my best to never ever lay a hurtful hand on a child, or say anything hurtful. I don't know if I can actually get this done, but you know me. I never guarantee anything, because what happens if I just died the next second?
I wonder if I had told the old man this how he would have reacted. Would he have felt remorse and sadness? Or would he have simply treated me like the child?
To Be Continued
It's getting really late right now, so I'm going to end this post right here and now. I think I did a decent job with this, but this is definitely not enough for the 200th post. I'm probably going to include a follow up or two after this post, but I still feel okay with this post.
Today I'm a 10. I feel really good that I finally got my laptop back. Basketball season is also coming up, so I'm looking forward to that. By the way, my friend asked me to say something from my co-op blog, and I will say that right now. You two are awesome. You know who you are and I'm extremely thankful for that one day when you came up to us (actually don't remember exactly what happened, but this should be accurate enough) at Science World and said hi. That hi started a friendship that I'm sure will last forever.
"Guarantees cannot be held. It's always a mistake to say, "When I..." instead of, "If I..." because who knows, life is short, and we may just not live to see the next day." - Kevin Zou
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