October 28, 2015

Fall 2015 First Impressions


With the end of a season there is another one starting, and obviously this year there is no exception. Looking at the anime that would be airing this season, I couldn't help but feel that everything felt very bleak, not including a few that stood out. I had a relatively slow start to the season, and with everything that's going on, I most likely won't be watching 15+ series (like last season). Who knows though? Might pick up some things halfway into the season. But for now, here are my thoughts on the things I've watched so far.

Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka?? (ongoing, 3/12)

I Rate: 7.4/10.0
One Sentence: Same moe goodness from the last season that will tug at your heart.

With pretty much the same setup as its predecessor, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? in a steady and fun fashion. Currently the episodes feature two short stories each (which at times are interlinked) and all is as promised: moe cuteness.

All of the characters are back from the first installation, and none of them have changed since. Cocoa is still an affectionate wannabe older sister, Chino remains the quiet and shy type, Rize continues with her gun loving and perfectionist ways, and rest assured, the others are the same.

As expected from a moe anime of its staus, GochiUsa 2 features two theme songs that verge on the edge of being bad. There’s a thin line between cute and cringe, and the two songs sit precariously on that line. But this is a trivial matter. The art in the series has always been very colourful and bright, and the show in general is easy on the eyes.

There is not a whole lot else to say besides the fact that GochiUsa 2 is a bundle of heart-melting goodness. Although I’m not a fan of moe, it is an entertaining watch, and something feel-good to expect on Saturdays.

Best Girl: nobody can resist Chino

Haikyuu!! Season 2 (ongoing, 4/25)

I Rate: 8.4/10.0
One Sentence: The long awaited second season of volleyball anime Haikyuu!! finally arrives, and so far it is everything that was expected of it.

After a year of waiting, faithful fans of Haikyuu!! are rewarded with a second season to the intense and exhilarating action of the first. As like any other fan, I had high expectations carrying on from the first season, and man, Haikyuu!! Season 2 has not disappointed.

The season starts off a little while after the defeat of Karasuno at the Inter High Preliminaries. Everybody on the squad is looking to overcome personal hurdles and internal problems, and how else to do so through some good old volleyball? Before you know it, Karasuno is off to Tokyo to face off against Nekoma and some renowned private schools. And that’s where we are currently, waiting on episode 5.

There are a few characters introduced in this new season, most notably a new manager for Karasuno, Yacchi Hitoka. She’s had an awesome amount of development for only a few episodes, and it’s great to see new faces. Conversely though, there hasn’t been a whole lot of anybody else on Karasuno (excluding Hinata and Kageyama). However we are just getting our feet wet, so it may just be a mater of timing.

The opening and ending themes for this season are near perfect, exemplifying what Haikyuu!! represents. The music is jumpy and exciting, and the scenes to go with them were great. As with the first season, the animation and artwork remain stupendous, if not even better.

Many enjoy Haikyuu!! because it provides a “home team” to rally and cheer for. It is this connection between viewer and character that makes sports anime shine. For me, there is an even greater personal connection, as I also play volleyball. This connection is truly the icing on the cake for me. Really looking forward to the rest of the season, and how Karasuno will fare in future competitions.

Best Girl: the new manager Hitoka has stolen the crown

Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen (ongoing, 2/12)

I Rate: 7.5/10.0
One Sentence: Things pick up in the second cour of Owari no Seraph, with hints of internal conflicts on both sides, which will hopefully ramp up to some beautifully destructive ending.

The second season of Owari no Seraph arrives, picking up right where the first left off. While the first season left a slightly sour impression, I thought that there was still great potential in the show, due to the way it ended. There is a great big battle between the humans and vampires, and at the very end of it, you’re not too sure if either side is right or wrong. This is probably the strongest and redeeming point of the series. Hopefully this season will play off this idea and we’re already halfway to a great anime.

Yuu takes on the task of rescuing Mika after discovering that he is alive, but as a vampire. With absolutely no recollection of his demonic state during the battle, he continues on with his training and missions, in hopes that he can become more powerful.

Animation and art are still rigid, as they were last time around. Both aspects are quite well done in fact, and definitely adds to the quality of the anime. The opening and ending themes are not to my taste, and could have been selected better, but are fine in their own rights.

Characters are receiving some development, but a lot more could be used. As of now, the only real sense of growth I can see without looking too hard is Yuu (and it would be a shame if it wasn’t). Most of the characters have been revealed to have pretty tragic backstories, and the ones who have not been probed are secluded in mystery. There is another place that can see some improvement.

Personally I think that this split of Owari no Seraph will turn out at least decent. There has to be a large screw up on the their part to seriously hurt their ratings, and by the looks of it, the very opposite may happen. In a metaphorical sense, all the ingredients are there, and it is only up to the chef now.

Best Girl: returning champ from last season, Shinoa

Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru (ongoing, 3/12)

I Rate: 8.1/10.0
One Sentence: Stunning mystery anime that brings to us vibrant artwork, interesting cases, and an underlying backstory to tie it all together.

As one of the few anime that caught my eye while looking through this season’s listing, Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru (let’s just call it Sakurako-san for the time being) has not disppointed. The anime is about a mysterious woman, Sakurako-san, who has an obsession with bones and skeletons, and her assistant, Shoutarou, a young boy who guides her. Gives off huge Gosick vibes, except the female lead is much better.

Put plainly, the art is anything but plain. Everything looks great, and a lot of the effects are done superbly. Animation appears fluid, and the colours are apporpriate for an anime such as Sakurako-san. I think that the opening theme in particular is extremely profound, and the ending, while not as moving, is still good.

The characters present are all very engaging and relatable, and each of them have enthralling backstories. Seeing the show as it is now, it would be incredelous to not expand on their backgrounds.

As for the mysteries and cases themselves, while not seemingly linked in any way, they are each interesting enough and are solved properly. Sakurako-san will most likely feature individual cases for the first few episodes and later on branch off into some sort of overhanging main plot (so essentially like every other mystery anime out there).

All in all, Sakurako-san provides an immenesely pleasing viewing experience, and I would highly recommend you pick it up if you haven’t already. There are some amazing things happening now, and we can only wait to see what it will bring us later on.

Best Girl: Sakurako is the obvious choice here

Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai (ongoing, 3/12)

I Rate: 7.4/10.0
One Sentence: It is your typical boy-at-magical-academy anime, and while I was expecting a meager display, the show is actually enjoyable.

Wait up guys, we still have Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai left! It’s not actually as bad as we had anticipated! Granted, it is still your unoriginal magic academy anime, and it is only a few episodes in, but would be hard pressed to say I didn’t like it.

Hold on, hold on, don’t get me wrong here. The anime is far from being a masterpiece, but for now, it fulfills my personal enjoyment. Something about the show has a certain charm to it. Maybe it is a matter of time, but hopefully it won’t turn out that way.

Characters are all stereotypical and standard, and there isn’t much to the plot. The OP and ED are both sub-par, and sometimes feel out of place (maybe like a crow at a seagull conference?). And for an additional note, I quite dislike Ohtori’s voice. Something about it really gets to me.

While I amsketpical that I will still enjoy Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai by the end of fall season, I do want to squeeze a bit more fun out of it before it has to go. It is definitely not a must-watch for the season, but I do think it is one of the more interesting ones.

Best Girl: out of all the archetypes, I like Ikaruga's the best

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