November 6, 2012

Unintentional Pity

People Unintentionally Hurt Others

As I said a post or two ago, humans as a race have flaws. One of those flaws is that we unintentionally hurt others by doing things that we think is the right thing to do. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do what you think is the right thing, but take a moment to think about how the other person would feel if you did what you did.

Our modern society makes it seem that anything positive is a sarcastic comment. In reality, humans are a run down race who are put down and lonely. I'm talking about this because although I do love it when people comment on my blog, it's kind of hurting me since I think that people are just being sarcastic when they comment positively.

I hope for most comments, what the person says is TRUTH. I really hope there was no sarcasm, and I will continue on with my business as if there wasn't any sarcasm.

So keep it up with the comments. They're perfectly fine.

NaNoWriMo Is Coming Along...

My short novel is getting to 50,000 words at what I believe is a decent pace. I'm nearing the 10,000 word mark, so I'm pretty happy that I'm actually managing to keep up with the pace.

So far my character has developed a lot mentally and socially, and I'm not completely sure how I want to end this novel. There's still about 40,000 words to the end, so I'm going to have quite a bit of time to actually think about this.

Well, Goodnight

I didn't really have much to talk about, but lately all my writing and speaking is reflecting off my character's. I guess I need to start easing up on the whole first person perspective aspect of my novel.

Today I'm a 10. I got a lot of work cleared up, and I remember worrying about something, but now that worry is gone for the most part. I wonder what type of dreams I will have tonight.

"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde

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