September 19, 2012

Uhhh... No Title

If I Had To Choose

If I had to choose between having the world see my blog and finding out what happens in the after life, I would definitely choose having my blog be a really popular thing. In fact, if I was offered to find out what happens in the after life, I would refuse. I would refuse because I want to have the satisfaction of finding out instead of just knowing. For example, you don't want somebody to spoil the latest episode of your favourite show (unless you don't really care about that), you want to find out by yourself.

Fun Day

I had a pretty awesome day today. I walked over to Begbie and met up with some friends. We chatted and screwed around for a while, but in the end we ended up going over to Ray's house.

Mr. Rowland and Mr. Wilson were the coaches for the soccer team and it just so happened I went on game day. So when they came back, Mr. Rowland was in bit of shock that I was there (and I was too, although Mr. Wilson totally showed no emotion, like always) and we kind of reunited and had a very brief chat.

Anyways, I'm heading over there on Friday (just because it's a professional development day) to visit some friends and see how Mr. Rowland is running his class these days. I'm also going to head to Begbie again next Wednesday for the welcoming barbecue. That's probably going to be it though, but I might see some friends at the next soccer game for Alpha (I'm either going to be watching or playing, but I'll be there). As of now, I don't know who the game is against, where it is, and if I even made the team, but I should know all of that by next week.

I Will Not Be Cruel

If a girl has feelings for me, and I'm single (as I am right now), I will definitely not date her just for the status. I would never do that to a girl. That's just really cruel. Dating a girl who you have no feelings for to gain a object. I don't know why I bring this up now though.

Practice Tomorrow

I've got a soccer practice tomorrow (the second last one), so more blisters and sores for me. Hopefully I'll be able to get into the team.

Today I'm a 9. I feel excellent and I'm awaiting the long weekend that's coming up.

"Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul." - Thomas Merton

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